

07 May


Once at a festival when chilling on the grass I moved my arm to pick up my rifle to shoot down a UAV, which turned out to be a bird.

I played too much BFBC2 back then...


This is amazing! Reminds me of the space programs back in bf2.

06 May


Originally posted by GlintSteel

u/lytlb1t sorry to mention you but what i've seen you are the most aware and the one always giving response with this matter

I forwarded the post to the anti-cheat people.

05 May

03 May


Originally posted by qlimaxmito

I've ran into this bug as a bystander watching an enemy being unable to damage a teammate. I doubt the teammate was actually crouched since they had just spawned in, and they were also firing at the enemy; they even got a kill a moment later:

Probably more interesting, here is a video another user posted a few months ago:

Assuming it's the same bug at play here, notice how shots start registering only once the tank drives forward, moving the gunner just past the line of fire. It seems like the player hit-capsules were misaligned.

That's a great observation you made at the end, I'll see if the ticket is still open and attach this information. I might have to fix this issue myself, in which case I will reply to your message with my findings.


Originally posted by CanaryRich

Yes, I was in a tank that I abandoned and was killed a few moments later, so it must’ve been empty when it was destroyed since it was fully intact after I departed.

I think the plane bombed it. I haven't seen a ticket on this so I believe its fixed already. Will check on Monday.


Originally posted by GoodTaxiYeah

Thanks for the heads up.Do you have a date(-ish) when that'll be?

We patch roughly every two weeks, so .... Soon™


Originally posted by The_Rathour

Preface: This is all my opinion.

I'd almost want to try it in reverse: press once to slide (only if you're sprinting) then press again to stop sliding. So a double tap while sprinting would quickly put you into a crouch run, while just hitting it once would put you into a slide which leads into a crouch run if still holding forward at the end.

Hold to slide would interrupt the hold to prone feature, which I personally use exclusively to initiate prone.

Sliding does feel more inconsistent than BF1 currently, but I feel like that's because a single button tap let you slide, while in BFV it feels like it could either be contextual (sometimes I slide from hitting the button once, other times it just throws me into crouch sprint) or initiated via button presses that can often feel too clunky to do when you need it.

Sliding is a quick maneuver, it needs a reliable way to activate that can be done quickly and relatively. Crouch run is a conscious decision, ...

Read more

I agree that sliding should be a quick maneuver and that it's currently not easy enough to use it. We'd like to improve that, using all these feedback when we get back to this feature. Thanks :)


Supply and heal your squad mates and get familiar with the levels


Were you in a vehicle before? There is a bug that when a vehicle gets blown up, past passengers *might* be killed.


Ingevuld, succes met alles :)


Originally posted by football_rpg

My ping is generally in the 30s at the high end. When it does work, I like the ability to double tap quickly, but that could be just because I’m used to it by now. Also, I like the ability to long hold B to panic drop into prone, it just feels natural for me. Like, when I’m sliding around, if I start getting shot at, I can just long press the 2nd tap of B and I’ll transition to prone, which has been a thing going as far back as I can remember in most shooters I’ve played on Xbox. I feel like changing the panic prone could frustrate people.

Good to know, I'll investigate soon why it doesn't trigger 100%


Originally posted by football_rpg

I’d like to jump in and offer some feedback. I’ve been playing since BFV released, and I love sliding. I play on Xbox and it doesn’t seem to always trigger. It used to be really consistent when I quickly double tapped B, but then when firestorm dropped it seemed like I had to make two quick and distinct hard button presses to trigger it, I even remember asking my regular squad mates if sliding got broken. Playing last night, it seems like it has gotten better, but it doesn’t quite feel like it used to, though at least it triggers on double tap again, so that’s cool.

Thanks for your feedback. Do you experience high ping when playing firestorm? The sliding functionality not working 100% might have something to do with high latency, something I should investigate.

When it does work, do you feel like the double tap is a convenient way to trigger it?


Originally posted by Yeboi696969nice

Currently, the sliding mechanics are perfect. But I can’t speak for everyone and I play on Xbox with a controller.

Alright good to hear, I think the key bindings might be more on a problem on pc but I'll gladly hear from other console players who think triggering sliding on a gamepad is problematic.


Originally posted by CharTheFatcat

I have some examples I can send you links to on different maps with different guns, if that will help. Net graph wasn't enabled sadly but I hope I can help in reproducing it. It'll be next week when I'm back at home.

Video links are always welcome, they will help QA pinpoint what's going on exactly.


Originally posted by needfx

Any idea who can say anything about this topic? We don't necessarily need an answer like "Yep, levels 150 are gonna be unlocked n the next update".

At this point, I think I'd be fine with any answer (this topic hasn't been officially dressed in 5 months except that wr'd get some news soon). Just tell us if the team is actually planning on increasing the levels, or not.

It's becoming a little bit frustrating, because we have absolutely no idea why BFV level cap is 50, while almost every previous BF game level cap was at least 100, and then got increased with DLC.

And most importantly, whatever your decision is, explain us why. It'll be much easier for us to accept your choices.

I understand your feelings, I have been lvl 50 since forever too. I can't tell you any more since I'm not working on these systems and it's not my role to share information about that topic.


Originally posted by Neeme

If it helps, I've had the same issue several times in situations it would be unreasonable for the gunner to crouch (for over 10s straight, in the back of the game). 3:47 to 4:02.

Awesome, I'll attach the video to the ticket.


Originally posted by Moxxface

I'm honestly not sure, but I feel like it was easier in battlefield 1? It's all too mixed up for me.

It's also a struggle for us to find the best approach, since there are already so many button mappings. More key bindings means more freedom but also a more complex options screen and code. It will always be a trade off.