

24 Nov


Yeah we will fix this.


Originally posted by CA_Orange

Because in BWL, if you kill the bosses in reverse order, instead of using Shadowflame, he'll use "Barrel Toss." It's called Nefarious Fire, but he basically drops a huge barrel on the field.

It's a little know Easter egg nod to Donkey Kong.

Surprised anyone knew this, thanks for letting everyone in on it.

23 Nov


Originally posted by wapz

I mean you can’t play him without a cleaver. That’s the only strat. I’ve found him better than a lot of the other bottom tier heroes even though he’s rated nearly at the bottom of everyone’s list. I’m at 58xx or so right now.

He can also be ok with Divine Shield because you get the value twice, or even better a Cobalt Guardian with a bunch of ways to renew the divine shield.

Overall though, he will be happy to get a buff.

21 Nov


Dec 5th will be the first client patch where we can address balance. We will continue to adjust balance as we get more data too of course.

20 Nov


Everything on Dec 3rd, but mainly the first one.


Originally posted by maledin

I wonder if Floating Watcher will still scale even if you have a Mal'Ganis on your board. If not, it definitely has a ceiling, since you can't really just keep hurting yourself.

I could see it snowballing quickly with Lich Bal'zial when she's eventually rotated back in, but they may just change her hero power outright anyway.

We are testing her at 2 damage internally and she is a bit better with Floating watcher, and of course stronger in general.


Originally posted by Alittlebunyrabit

Elise seems very busted. Very comparable to AFKay. The rest seem okay. Floating Watcher should scale very, very well for demons but that wasn't a huge problem for them to begin with. Really would've liked to see amalgam move to T3 or T4 =/.

Demons were a bit low on actual demons in the shop, so adding a mid range demon seemed like a good idea.


Originally posted by Tardius-Maximus

That struck me too. I thought all this time that variations in MMR gain/loss at each place finish (in addition to, early on, how many games you've played) depended on the MMRs of the people you played against — as Donais himself seemed to confirm in this comment:

If the average MMR of the game is lower than yours (you got relatively easy opponents) then 4th place can cause an MMR loss. In these games you need top 3 to gain MMR.

/u/mdonais, could you please clarify?

Yes your opponent's MMR matters too, I just wanted the example in the patch notes to be simple. We are going to post a much more in depth blog written by Tian (data scientist) later this week with some more details.


Originally posted by __Hello_my_name_is__

We’ve made adjustments to the number of points given for first place. In the original system, you got 240 points for a first place on your first game, and 24 pts for a first place on your 150th (or later) game. Now, you will get 190 pts for a first place on your first game and 95 pts for a first place on your 150th (or later) game.

Wait wait wait wait.. Doesn't that imply that the points gained/lost are completely independent of your opponent's MMR? You just flat out get X amount of points per win and that's it? The one and only thing that matters is how many games you've played so far?

Am I missing something here?

Your opponent's MMR affects the point gain also, my examples are assuming all opponents are the same rank as you.

I do think that the multiplier for playing people far below you or far above you is a bit off right now, so we are gathering some data and adjusting it in the future.

19 Nov


Originally posted by scalebirds

Aww, I loved Lich. Hope she’s back at some point! Though clearly she was hard for a lot of players to figure out

We are considering bringing Lich back at some point with 2 damage instead of 3.


Originally posted by endtime

We’ve made adjustments to the number of points given for first place. In the original system, you got 240 points for a first place on your first game, and 24 pts for a first place on your 150th (or later) game. Now, you will get 190 pts for a first place on your first game and 95 pts for a first place on your 150th (or later) game.

I've played about 40 games, just got 1st place (in a game with 3 of the new heroes), and only got 67 points. /u/mdonais are the MMR changes rolled out yet?

The way it is set up is the first game uses the old system then sets you to the new numbers.


The MMR change takes 1 full game to take effect so the first game it will use the old numbers.


We are discussing and working on a bunch of ideas to improve performance on low end phones/GPUs etc.


The reason placement matches exist in most games is to get people to the correct MMR quickly.


Right around now.


There is a desynch bug of some kind that we are looking into still.


Originally posted by SirBuckeye

The openness and straight-forward answers by /u/mdonais are absolutely blowing my mind right now. Most devs, and especially Blizzard, are always super vague when talking about upcoming changes. Mike lays out specific planned changes and when they'll be changing. It's so refreshing and very much appreciated. I played HS from closed beta up through Un'Goro, but haven't played in two years. Battlegrounds got me to reinstall the game. I can't wait to see how it evolves over the next few months.

Thanks! I have been trying to be super transparent and give you guys as much info as I can!

18 Nov


Originally posted by bmmarti3

What's actually going to happen is that the top of the leader boards will go from 6-7K to 9-10K, the average player's rank will remain generally the same, and people will complain that they broke the system instead of realizing they aren't as good as they thought.

This is very insightful.