

05 Nov


Originally posted by Aloil

Hey Mike, can I preorder after the patch drops and then access early access battlegrounds or do I have to order before the patch drops? Thanks in advance

Before or after is fine.


Originally posted by AceAxos

No, Patches’s power costs 1 while Rag costs 2. Refreshing the tavern is 1 gold so it’s decently valuable.

Yep, and in the late game patches can break 2 divine shields sometimes.


Originally posted by Kooswithak

Kel'thuzad technically isn't a playable hero. He just assumes the guise of a defeated player when there is an odd man out.

Yeah the flavor is that KT is resurrecting the most recently defeated player to fight the odd man out.


Originally posted by maledin

Agreed, thanks for posting! I actually went through each card/hero earlier today, but it’s good see this getting more visibility. I’m really excited to try this out tomorrow!

/u/mdonais, can we expect any balance changes before it goes live tomorrow? I recall Trump saying that his OP warband with a few Momma Bears was directly responsible for it getting nerfed in the future. I think he said that you in particular said it would be nerfed, but this may all just be hearsay.

Yes we have a small balance patch scheduled for about a week after launch. It is based on internal playtesting.

We also have some updates to performance of phones with very low memory, both at launch and a week or so later.


Originally posted by pjvm2000z

Who is in your opinion the most fun hero? I can't wait to try A. F. Kay.

AFK is fun, Yogg is fun.

I like Dancin Daryl the most though because he is incredibly skill testing and goes from worst to best hero depending on how well you understand him and how much experience you have with him.


Originally posted by AceAxos

Does the minion that Yogg hires have any relevance to Tavern Tier? If not then that’s sounds fun af even if it’s bad

Yogg is excellent in the early game where the +1/+1 makes more of a difference because the minions are all fairly similar. Turn 1 for example.

Also when you have 5 gold you can yogg once for 2 gold, then buy the best remaining minion for 3 gold. Pretty strong turn 3.

Yogg is pretty fun but in the late game you don't really use it because you want synergies and the strongest choices.


I love that you made this, and even though its a bit early to get it right in the first try it will start lots of good discussion.

I am looking at the tier list based on the thousands of games played at Blizzcon to see how it matches up to your list and how it matches up to the list I had in my head. Fun stuff.


Thanks for posting this Mr Koos.

04 Nov


This is a sweet write-up, good job!

If anyone wants to see all the minoins, golden versions and heroes and hero powers you can go to:

Very excited about tomorrow, see you in the Battlegrounds.


Glad some people are excited about this, we put a lot of love into to.

So far most people that play a few games of it have really liked it. So I am hoping people people have some good times.

02 Nov


We are still planning on giving it away free this year.


Hey non golden Sathrovar will be given to everyone.

01 Nov


Originally posted by Stuck1nARutt

Looks really neat. Will there be a cost/prize structure similar to arena? I also saw "points" being awarded to the player, will it have it's own ladder format?

No cost but there is an MMR and matchmaking.


Originally posted by Amaurotica

Is it locked behind a paywall?

It's free. More details at the panel in 3 hours and 25 mins.


Originally posted by Ceefyra




Galakrond has a different battlecry and hero power in each of the evil classes.

The panel in 3.5 hours has more details.

26 Sep


Originally posted by deshinf

There is nothing to suggest they are cutting the 100g quest. They said most of the quests are in 50g or 60g buckets, which is true.

The quests for more than 60 gold are unchanged, like win 6 games in any mode, spectate a friend, etc.

The new question system does not lower your value.


Originally posted by KappaDoom

Many of these are from the WoW tcg, where they reused some of the art, sometimes just cropped portions

My favorite card in this category is the 1/1 squirrel token.

14 Sep


We will continue to action people doing this. Apologies for their behavior in the mean time.

02 Sep


If you are new and not sure what cards to put into a deck, press the button to let the computer finish your deck for you. It will help pick your best cards and give you a mana curve. Feel free to tune it from there after playing some games and learning what you like.

Lots of other good advice is already here, but this seems worth mentioning.