

09 Aug


Originally posted by -Vertex-

Ummm they've given me the platinum ranked badge even though I got to Diamond...

Does restarting fixes the issue?

If you are getting all the other rewards, and the badge is displaying the wrong thing, might be a loading problem on season reset.

05 Aug


Originally posted by LegacyForging21

Anybody else game crashing when you grab banners?

04 Aug


Just dropping by and acknowledging that I read this every week.

02 Aug

27 Jul


F12 , Inspect, Edit.

31 May


Originally posted by Blumerd

A bit late but to confirm; highest RP or highest rank? Because if I make it to Predator and I get pushed out of the top 750, will I still Pred rewards or just Masters?

Preds needs to stay in pred

15 May

11 May


Came here to say it's probably a bug. Back to investigating this.

Edit: I think it's just a End of Game display error...

Edit 2: Can't reproduce...

10 May


Originally posted by pcswan96

Is there any plans to release the math behind it? It’s killing me not knowing😂

It's easy to reverse engineer the math :)


Originally posted by F1AQ7

Ah I see.. so there's an additional +125 for the win, so total RP would be 309? Then minus whatever the entry cost is



Originally posted by pcswan96

Thanks for clarifying. Although I’m pretty sure that in the Ranked Reloaded notes, it specifically said they’d made the rp calculation “simpler” lol

Na, we just represented the multiplier in a more simpler way.

The whole RP calculation math is more complicated to introduce more flexibility and reward edge cases.


Originally posted by F1AQ7

That's unfortunate.

11k for Diamond while still getting around the same RP for wins as last season? Seems unnecessarily difficult. Might not have the time commitment for this seasons grind :(

He's got an 184 for only kills, as oppose to 125 from last season.


Originally posted by F1AQ7

Could you please explain the math to us?

No. Don't got time, it's complicated.


Originally posted by efitz11

That's interesting. Here's nokos gold 2 12 kp win for +262.

Can't figure out the formula though lol

It's not a direct formula. Checked the math 184 looks accurate.

05 May


Pretty sure, this doesn't have the diminishing kill return...


You are going to need to do some updating because your diminishing return rate is probably not right. :P

30 Apr


Originally posted by hv_razero_15

Can you please explain how THIS is possible? I am in a platinum ranked game, while both of my teammates are bronze 4. One of them, seems to have just unlocked ranked. There does not seem to be a gold in the party, and we are all randoms, no parties either way.

I am also fairly certain I saw a Diamond 4 in the champion screen. I have been having such games recently, but they're usually with silvers and not the absolute bottom rank against the third highest rank in the game.

EDIT: Also, this wasn't during off time. The ranked queue was 203 people long.

Can't look it up with no info. I also need to ask some one else to look it up for me.

Could easily be a display error.


Just going to correct Bob here.

Bronze player COULD get matched with a platinum player in some intended edge cases. However, Bronze player should NEVER be matched with a Diamond+ player.

We investigated this, and in all the cases we checked, it is a Gold Player in a premade with a Bronze player that gets placed into a Gold + Plat lobby.

This is intended BECAUSE:

Gold players can duo queue with bronze and silver players. When you are in a premade, you play at the highest player's tier. In this case; The Gold Lobby.

Sometimes when queue time is sufficiently high, lobbies starts merging to kick off games. This is a compromise in the design because we don't want these players to wait forever. So sometimes during off-peak hours, this starts happening. This is fully intended.

With that said, this feels like a bug, and I'll look into adjusting this specific edge case in the future.

13 Apr


If I am reading the error message properly, for the time being to work around this issue, whichever gun that has your 'S03 Platinum Gun Charm', don't put a gun charm on that gun while using your reactive skin.

05 Apr


You did your math wrong... 125/25 = 5 . You only need 5 kills at 1st place to max out RP.