

28 Feb

Is this in beta?

Originally posted by dwarfcomic

This game was amazing when it first hit. Now I don’t understand… no new races, what we could do is hidden behind learning tree. Trading limited behind trade learning/room. If citizen knows how to train animals but you’ve not learned that tome then they citizen can’t. Was expecting much more in 2yrs instead of limits. Check in again in another 2yrs… see if it’s even close to DF or RimWorld. With Steam release of DFsure this game will get buried further. Songs of Syx is already leaps and bounds past OddRealms. Honest shame… game had huge! potential for me. :-(

Don't you think you're being a little over dramatic? Somehow the game is ruined because it has a progression tree?

The real shame is that people like you don't help games get made at all. All you do is try to make developers feel bad because they aren't making your game as fast as possible. At this point I have to laugh when I read messages like this because no matter what I do, there's at least one person that acts like the world is ending when I make one change to the game. The game you described as amazing, others described as absolute garbage. That's the biggest challenge of making a game, you can't make everyone happy. I see so many games with potential not get made because developers get put down by people like you and they get disheartened and quit. It's sad because we miss out on lots of games that could have been great. Most of these games are made by small teams. Odd Realm is made by just me. So, ya, it takes time to add races when I have to create world generati...

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18 Feb

Hi everyone!


Phew! This one took me a bit longer to get out the door because I had to get my hands dirty with a bunch of pathfinding stuff. Thanks for waiting patiently for me to put this one out. :) Also, thank you to those of you that were sending me builds and helping me find issues. Your help is so appreciated!


You should notice some improvements to the pathfinding speed. I went through and optimized several things, but I also worked on how paths are prioritized. Entities with the shortest paths or the most urgent paths (i.e., given a move order) should be calculated first. Also, NPC's are prioritized last, giving th...

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12 Feb

The merchants sometimes sell them.

10 Feb

Originally posted by DWLlama

Nice updates! Still haven't had time to play but I am looking forward to the changes when I do.

I think you'll like the additions! :)

Hello! has been uploaded to the BETA branch!


There are lots of goodies in this one!


First off, there's a new tutorial. I think it needs a bit of trimming, and some better timing, but it's mostly there. I want to add one or two more tips, but let me know if there's anything you think is missing. I'm also going to make a video tutorial on YouTube because I know some people prefer that. I'll keep you posted on its status.

Entity Tuning

Another big change is the tuning for entity attribute update intervals. Previously, I was updating attributes every 1 minute of game time, ...

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09 Feb

Super cool! I think this is an interesting idea that could be applied to a few other things as well. Off the top of my head, things like, cheese, pickling, and drying meats.

I'll for sure keep this in mind for future updates. Thanks for the suggestion!

01 Feb


This is a smaller update to fix up some issues that were reported over the weekend.

-Fixed a bug that would cause loading a game to get hung up on, 'Generating World.'
-Fixed a bug where entities weren't starting jobs.
-Ancients now start with Arcane Dust.
-Fixed a bug where Void Crystals required the conjuring skill to build.
-Entities will now eat/drink at 50% (if they can). Additionally, entities will not take damage if they are on their way to eat/drink and are starving/dehydrating.
-Fixed a bug where the wood gate wouldn't open/close.
-Fixed a bug where removing a blueprint would leave ambient shadows on textures.
-Cutting grass should drop at least 1 plant fiber now.
-Holding alt will now place a new room instead of holding control. This is to avoid conflicts with the border select only hotkey.
-Added min/max temp and min skylight to plant tooltips.
-Fixed a bug where plants could grow underground. M...

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Originally posted by fl4rk

Very cool. As I am new to the game: Is this feature already in there and is it possible to get the seed number?

This feature is in beta, and, yes, you can find the seed number in the overworld map. :)

29 Jan



Today's patch focuses on some performance issues. Hopefully you see an improvement when playing this new build. That said, I still have a few more things I need to improve before this is running at the level I want. I know there are GPU bound issues and next week I'm going to finish those up. Anyone running on a machine with a weak GPU will be running into this one. I noticed that some save times are a bit long. Will take a look at this too!

A few people have mentioned how overpowered cages and traps are. You *should* notice a difference in this build because the trigger will now take into account the target's evasion rating. The higher the evasion o...

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28 Jan

Does it not show up in your libarary and when you search, 'odd realm,' in the store? Can you go to the store page and see the 'play now' button? You might need to contact steam directly if it continues. Or try finding the game in your games folder and delete it, then restart steam to get it to re-download.

27 Jan

Originally posted by kairon156

I was thinking the same thing. some windows could benefit having a search button built in.

it'll be cool if such a search function could be normal and remove items that don't match, or have an option to type "stone" to get all things made of stone or "food" to get all food things.

Many windows do have search functionality, though, I agree it's not obvious. I'll add some icon to a window that has it to help indicate that it's there. Currently, at the bottom of the screen is the search bar. It shows a label for the focused UI element that can be searched. You can click it or hold shift to enter text to filter things or find settlers. I will be adding this search feature to most UI windows, but it does take time to get through them all.

Originally posted by kairon156

Having a magnifying glass there would feel more natural or intuitive though.

Ya, that's true.

Thanks! I agree that their current generation method isn’t great but I don’t think they need to generate at game start. Even if they did you’d still come across them while digging. Instead I just need to give a big buffer between the cave and your mine. Plus I need to keep them from spawning so frequently.

26 Jan

Originally posted by e4mxGZ

Looks amazing, will this be the best way to farm or regular farming will be as efective as cenotes with the future water mechanics?

Right now, it's about the same no matter where you plant your crops.

25 Jan

You can type to search in that second screenshot. Just hold shift and type in the name.

22 Jan

Happy Friday/Saturday everyone!


This patch was initially just going to be some tuning and bug fixes, but, last night, I spent an hour adding in two new rooms, the Vault, and the Market. Like you, I get frustrated by where the merchant items spawn, so I thought I would remedy that with these rooms.


This room is needed for merchants to visit your settlement. Any items bought from the merchant will be spawned here, unless there's no room, in which case the items will spawn at the merchant. In the future, I am going to have merchants stick around in the settlement and hang out at the market, instead of leave immediately after a trade. That way, p...

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21 Jan

Originally posted by E-Coli-

Is it possible to get a settler into a cave like this without flooding it?

You could get in there without flooding the cave by either digging in from below, or by building a tunnel structure from the surface.

Originally posted by brad_edmondson

You should be proud -- this looks amazing!

Thank you! :)