

02 Oct

Originally posted by minami26

congrats sleipnir!! cant wait to play it!

Thanks minami!

Originally posted by DiegoRaist

i have been waiting for this beta for so long im going to enjoy this

Yay! Thank you!

Originally posted by irantu

Thx, a library room sounds nice. Was the techtree present before? I just thought blueprints appear if all needed itema for them exist

Ya, before, a blueprint would appear as soon as you found all the required materials. I added a tech tree so players can see all the blueprints that exist in the game, and have a better progression.

Originally posted by theGoatgod_

Thank you my guy ima jump straight in and find some bugs for ya

You're the best! Thanks!

Originally posted by Dathide

Thanks for your work on this!

Hey, thank you!

I've never heard of those terms. Can you explain the meaning? Cathedral and Bazaar development? Beta is LIVE

Hello, dear testers.

I've uploaded Windows, OSX, and Linux versions of the game to the beta branch. The GoG builds aren't live just yet as I've run into some issue, but I will try to get those up tomorrow!

Please Read
Ok, so, this beta version is coming out in a very unstable state. I wanted to get this out there to get help finding bugs. Please, please don't play it if you're not looking to help report bugs. It's not going to be much fun until I can put out a few patches. I still have a huge amount of polish to put into the game to get ready for production. Over the next few weeks I will be periodically uploading patches to the beta branch to fix things.

Also, currently, the world is using way more RAM than it should and isn't properly unloading it in between world loads. Depending on how beefy your machine is, the game might crash as it's trying to load into a tile. I am working on t...

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21 Sep

I've wanted to make this change for a while. Namely, having Ren just be a stat felt too gamey. If it's in the world with the player, they'll need to protect it, and it'll be so much more fun to find this in dungeons and so on.

16 Sep

Originally posted by b3nj03

Thanks for the reply! Though, sorry, but this raises another question in me: If the people dig straight down in the water, wouldn't that just flood the whole... hole? :D

Great question! You'll have to dig a tunnel that forms a sort of hook shape. Water doesn't fill upwards, so, you can make pockets of air by digging upwards.

Originally posted by StripesOverSolids

Action text looks great!

Thank you for saying so!

Originally posted by b3nj03

Just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work you put into this game! I've bought it recently and been loving it to bits and pieces! :)

Curious about the water tile starting thing tho: If you pick a water tile to start and start on a raft, how will they be able to build anything in the middle of the water? How will they be able to survive there? Will you be able to dig somehow? Can't really wrap my head around it currently, but really intrigued by the concept. :)

Thank you. I'm so happy to hear that!

Regarding settling a water tile, it'll be tough, but not impossible to survive. Players will need to either build a base on the water with farm plots or mine out an underground base at the sea floor. Because settlers can swim, they're able to swim down to the bottom and mine.

15 Sep

Originally posted by brad_edmondson

What a great bunch of features. Can't wait to see them in action!


Originally posted by lastchansen

I'm really surprised how much this game is moving forward :D You are doing a great job! I hope you had a pleasent time with your familie on the mini vacation.

Thank you, my friend. I really appreciate that. :)

Originally posted by irantu

Just a few hours in, but love it already, thx.

This makes me very happy! Thank you for the support!

Originally posted by quohogsdad

Oh yes, oh god yes

Thanks for the award!

Hi friends!

I'm back from my mini vacation to see family and am feeling good about the beta build. I was able to get a tiny bit done in the mornings during the vacation, but, even so, I have a bit more work to do to get this build out into the beta branch for Steam, Itch, and GoG. That said, I'm going to push for

October 1st

as the date that I upload the build. I'm very excited and nervous to start getting players to see the new changes.

Aside from that announcement, let's take a look at some things I've been working on since our last post.



I want players to be able to settle any til...

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14 Sep

“Much like the Angler Leviathan uses its bioluminescent tongue to attract prey, the Kelp Witch uses luminous treasure to attract wandering travellers. A fortune could be made off these items, if only one were to survive the encounter.”

24 Aug

Originally posted by EmilAFN

Had the game on my wishlist for a veeery long time and finally decided to pick it up! Only managed to put in about 30 min before I had to head to work this morning but I like what I've seen so far!

And reading your Dev logs and this subreddit I am quite impressed with you direct communication with the players and community! My favourite kind of Devs!


Thank you for trying out the game! And for the kind words.

I take a lot of pride in the Odd Realm community and it's important to me to be honest with you all. Plus, as a solo dev, it's a pleasure to be able to chat with players and make friends through the game's development to keep loneliness at bay.

Anywho, thanks again!