

31 May

Originally posted by mathologies

Thanks for taking the time to reply!

I'm sorry if you've answered this elsewhere, but what is your overall vision for the game? How do you want it to stand out from similar games like Dwarf Fortress or RimWorld?

Also, why is there so much taiga??

I haven't played a ton of Rimworld so I can't accurately say how I want to stand out from them. I guess having more than the one Z level is the main thing off the top of my head. I know they go down the route of leaning into more of the psychologic aspects of settlers and, although I want settlers to feel unique, I don't want players to micro manage to that degree.

As for DF, when I started making Odd Realm, I had intended to make a DF-lite. Mainly I just wanted to make a game with the same 3D tile world they have in order to develop my programming skills further. I like survival games, so it was important to make something along that vein to keep me interested. I wasn't too serious about making a competitor with DF or Rimworld. However, after releasing the first version of Odd Realm, I got a lot of positive feedback and it motivated me to continue working on the game as a much more serious endeavor. Before, I just wanted to quickly put out a game and jump onto the next thi...

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Thank you very much for this feedback. I agree with many of these suggestions, and am working on adding/fixing most of them. :)

And, as for the game getting boring by the second year, that makes sense. I've avoided working on too much mid-late game stuff because I want to finish all the core systems. Which will be mostly done with this next update that's coming out soon. Otherwise, I end up breaking and/or having to remake a lot of content which really slows me down. That said, I'm hoping to focus more on the content and progression side of things in the following updates after this next one.

Thanks again!

28 May

Getting a farm up and running is key for long term survival, but foraging/hunting/fishing will help you out for the early game.

27 May

Originally posted by txivotv

I confirm that UI scaling works for 1024x768 resolution, all panels are visible!

Thanks for the fast response, I looked around the menus, but didnt find that option.

Glad to hear that worked for you!

26 May

1200x768 is the lowest supported resolution for windows to fit but you can try changing the scale of UI to be lower. This is done from the general settings menu.

17 May

Originally posted by DWLlama

Awesome, so exciting!

That save stuff sounds so complicated. And trying to make it efficient, too 😬 Better you than me, lol.

It's not so bad. Just time consuming. xD

16 May

Originally posted by YoungArtifact

Awesome, can't wait for it! (But seriously take your time tho)

Thanks! :)

Originally posted by YoungArtifact

So, this means we don't loose our settlement when we send someone out? Can we have a caravan traveling on the over world and keep playing in the settlement? That was something I missed when I first played this game, it felt so constraining only being able to play in one small location. I don't know why, maybe because I'm used to the way Rimworld is handling it

Later in development I’ll add you the ability to send out caravans, scouts, raiding parties, etc.

Originally posted by Acedrew89

Love this! Take your time, the update will arrive when it’s ready, just like all wizards.

Thanks my friend!

15 May


Today I'm going to show off some stuff related to migrating and saving. I get quite a few comments regarding these two systems and how they can be improved. Especially the migrating system which is pretty much just a prototype in the game. The save system also needed an upgrade, not only because it didn't have that many features, but because I literally had to upgrade all the tech for it to make it so players are able to go back to settlements they've abandoned or been killed at.

Before I get into that stuff, a quick note on where this sisyphean update is at. I'm getting closer each day to being able to put this out into beta. This save system stuff slowed me down a bit because it's so complicated to save out a player's session based on information that spans the game, and individual tiles you settle. So, I still don't have any hard date to provide as for when the update can go into beta. Thank you for waiting so patiently.

Alright, first up, mi...

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05 May

Yep! It's planned for after 1.0 is out. Check out the road map here:


26 Apr

Start planting crops ASAP. If you can, get your hands on some wheat or potato. You can make flour from these and flour does not decay.

The economy is currently way too generous, so you can sell a lot of the things you don't need for Ren when merchants stop by. Then use that to buy anything you need.

Castles are indeed fantastic (as stated by Stornwald), but keep in mind that making a fortress underground is usually quicker and easier to lockdown when attacked.

Each biome provides specific challenges, but keep in mind that Taiga and Tundra have cold seasons which can kill crops. Again, flour is nice to have because it can last you into the winter. Tropical biomes are quite easy with their seasons, but they tend to have more difficult pirate encounters.

Good luck and have fun!

21 Apr

Originally posted by wadwal

The ol restart worked😁. Thanks for being such a responsive developer

Oh good! Unfortunate that you have to do that, but glad it helped.

Hmm, I've seen a few issues with stuck settlers but this is the first time I've seen those incorrect skill values. I'm guessing the ol', 'turn it off and on again,' doesn't change anything?

The live version has a few stuck settler bugs which have been fixed in the next version. Though, these are severe bugs and have no in-game solutions outside re-loading the save file which sometimes works.

Sorry I'm not any more help. Sucks when players have to encounter bugs like this. :(

19 Apr

Originally posted by apljee

Not sure if this is me being stupid or if this is a bug, but it looks like whenever food rots in my storage building (stone roofed building above the farm), the rotted food spawns on the roof instead of on the floor of the building/in any of the storage containers I have in there. I think this might be because I've completely filled the room with clay pots? I'm not 100% sure but regardless I noticed and figured I would share.

This should be fixed for the next update. Thanks for reporting! :)

16 Apr

Originally posted by ShasquatchFace2

This looks really great, I’ll have to give the game another try some time soon

Awesome! Thank you!

Originally posted by SmurkyBot

nice work guys

Thanks! :)

Originally posted by The_Quial

Looking really good!

Cant wait for it to drop


Originally posted by nicocote

exciting update, can't wait to see the bigger maps, keep up the good work!

Thank you!