

23 Jun

Originally posted by Dark__Thoughts

My general rule for strategy and simulation games, and anything in between, is bigger = better.

Ya! Same here.

Originally posted by userInvadil

ooooh this will look really nice on my ultrawide monitor.

just scrolling in one direction will be fun to organize and play. I imagine a castle on a lake with only a bridge to the west

It is! I've been playing on my ultra-wide and it has been great to utilize the space.

Originally posted by lolxian

Having a waterfront or something else blocking both long sides would be an interesting map :D

Ah yes! If you picked a tile with two ocean neighbors, you could probably find that.

Originally posted by quohogsdad

Give up the update, sloop πŸ˜ŽπŸ”«

Soon, my friend, soon.

22 Jun

The next update lets players choose map sizes. I kind of like the ultra wide, thin map. What do you guys think? What size would you play? My guess is that most folks will go with 256x256x64.

The new dimension options are:
X: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256
Y: 16, 32, 64, 128, 256
z: 16, 32, 64

19 Jun

I've changed how they work for the next update so that they don't build up like that anymore. Sorry for the inconvenience!

16 Jun

Originally posted by DWLlama

Don't mind the naysayers. Sounds like some great improvements you have coming. Looking forward to trying them out.

Thank you. People like you keep me going :)

Originally posted by Dark__Thoughts

Also, any entities that have been given a 'Hold Position' command, will never leave the designated point.

Is that new / fixed behavior? Because I thought I had an archer sitting on a wall on hold before, which made him wait there, but as soon as the enemy was in range he took one shot before he jumped down the wall to get close to the enemy.

The live version of the game has some terrible bugs. My guess is that you encountered one of them. That sort of thing doesn't happen in this next update.

Originally posted by YoungArtifact

I'm honest here! Am gamedev myself (even though I haven't released a "good" game yet) and I know how tough it can be :D

But another question: Do the workrooms still exist in this update? I mean those rooms which need certain structures in them. I am somewhat confused with the new room templates, or at least how you described them.

Essentially, they work the same. You'll still need to provide specific props for them to be used. The difference is that you're providing the props for the 'function' of the room.

Before: Workshop Room [Needs props xyz]

Now: Workshop Room - Wood Mill Function [Needs props xyz] and Fireplace Function [Needs props xyz]

The workshop is now just a default template which groups together the wood mill and fireplace for ease of use and progression. Another example is the forge template with its foundry and smithy functions.

There are about 25 functions for players to mix and match. You could just create one big room with them all if that was your wish.

15 Jun

Originally posted by Dark__Thoughts

So if a wall would be too high to climb, there would be no arrow? What's the actual height for that?
Can we expect the AI to not jump down castle walls or towers and instead shoot arrows from there too?

If you had a wall two blocks high, the entities wouldn't be able to climb it.

The AI will only try to get to the enemy if they are out of range for attacks. So, Archers will hang out on the top of the wall as long as they are in range to their target. Also, any entities that have been given a 'Hold Position' command, will never leave the designated point.

Originally posted by DiegoRaist

i need this update!! this game is just so awesome

So happy to hear you like it. Thanks!

Originally posted by Suspicious_Can2468

Can’t wait to test the new update once it is ready for beta! Keep up the fantastic work, and thank you for such a wonderful game!

Hey cheers! Means a lot :)

Originally posted by YoungArtifact

I'm actually really hyped for the update!

It you need help with anything, hit me up!

I appreciate that. Thanks!

Originally posted by userInvadil

Thanks for the update and for all the progress you make with the game!

Thanks friend!

Hey everyone!

Today's dev log will be rather dull because I don't have a whole lot of new content to show off. I'm at the stage where I'm working on bugs, polish, and finishing implementation for previously shown features. That's good, though, as that means the date for putting this update into beta is drawing near. I hate not being able to tell you guys a specific date for when that will be. I want this to be my last dev log before then, but due to the scope and complexity of the update, there's a lot of hidden tasks that arise as I go. This update is more like a sequel than it is a general update and as a result is an absolute ton of work for me. Thank you for understanding that, and for being patient with me. :)

Now, I've seen a few comments recently about how long this update is taking and some have even expressed that there is nothing in this next update so I wanted to recap some of the things that have been added:

-Tech tree. Allows for Humans to...

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01 Jun

You can make sand from stone at the work shop.

Edit: I neglected to answer the title's question. No, you cannot get resources from other tiles.

Originally posted by mathologies

Recommend you give it a shot, for research purposes.

Things in common: mining, making stuff, controlling individuals or groups of people, skills that can be improved through practice, needing to eat to survive, building things, trading, random raids and merchants come by
Differences: can't dig / modify terrain in Kenshi; map is not randomly generated; free to move around the world; Kenshi is 3D and not so tile-y; Kenshi has no magic but does have stuff like bionic limbs -- it's like.. post-post-post-post-apocalyptic quasi-medieval world; Kenshi has a lot of named NPCs all over the continent (some of whom have personalities); there are some quests you can find/make; Kenshi has damage to specific body parts; Kenshi abstracts thirst and temperature comfort and only tracks hunger

Kenshi definitely does the deep lore thing well; I would say the biggest essential difference is that Kenshi plays like an open world RPG whereas Odd Realm plays like a colony simulat...

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Thanks for explaining the game!

As for the narrative stuff, I wouldn't think of it as one linear story I want to tell. There is no beginning, middle, and end, or hero's journey. Rather, the player is creating their own story (with their settlement) and the world is around them to discover. It's perfectly acceptable for players to simply build their settlement with no intention of learning Odd's secrets. But for those that like to piece together bits of lore, and see how it's all connected as they go, there's a vast history, and robust cast of characters to learn about.

31 May

Originally posted by mathologies

oh, so like more of a Kenshi vibe is where you're aiming for the finished game?

Sorry I haven't played that one

You can settle on peaceful tiles to avoid hostilities.

Also, try making an underground fort. It's easier to get up and running and defend.

Settle close to another Human settlement to increase the merchant visits. (Within two tiles.) They'll show up and you'll likely be able to buy some weapons and food.