

17 Dec

Originally posted by Justhe3guy

Congrats on the move! The UI improvements sound good

Thank you :)

Hey everyone!

Now that I'm moved and all that is out of the way, I've been working hard to wrap up the rest of this next update. It's coming along super well. As per usual, I don't want to promise any dates, but I'm feeling great about almost being done.

Currently, I'm rounding out the tech tree which is new in this update. I'm adding in a bunch of new weapons, tools, and gear which you can unlock. Plus some you'd find from events.


You can look forward to some new projectiles like spears, bolas, rocks, and so on. I never had these before because I had no '...

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08 Dec

Originally posted by hazzor

I figured I needed a rod, at least.

Is there supposed to be actual game sound?

...Yes. Haha. Did the game boot up with 0 audio? There's SFX and a soundtrack which should play by default...

Very cool! I wasn't able to watch the whole thing but did you manage to figure out fishing? If not, you will need to equip a fishing rod, enable the fishing skill, and then assign a fishing job by the water.

I like the music you had playing in the background! Good fit!

02 Dec

For those of you that prefer GOG over Steam or Itch, you can now find it there! :)


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25 Nov

Hey friends!

Quick post to let you know I've put out a hotfix to the game. I noticed some load issues and wanted to put out a small update to address these. Here are the notes for it:

  • Enabled additional error printing in the Player.log file.
  • Fixed a bug where loading the game could sometimes get stuck in winter.
  • Fixed a bug where the resolutions list wasn't showing options lower than 800 width. 768 should now be the lowest option to support the game's lowest resolution of 1200x768.
  • Fixed a bug where players weren't able to mine upwards.
  • Fixed a bug where certain blocks weren't being deconstructed by the clear/remove job and would then cause the block to not be assigned any clear/remove job again.
  • Added additional text for the initial game boot to indicate loading. Some expressed that they thought the game was stuck here because it shows just a black screen.

Thanks and have a nice remainder o...

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18 Nov

Original Post:


Hey folks!

Hope you are all doing spectacularly!

I'm still trucking along on this update and I'm starting to get close to a beta build candidate.

This month I ...

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10 Nov

Originally posted by ptite_crotte

Looking forward for this update.

I'm more and more impressed by your work, your game is a real pleasure. Congrats and keep the good work !

Thank you my friend! Your support is very much appreciated. :)

09 Nov

Originally posted by 13rice_

Ok thank you, I saw "Completed" on trello, I thought it was the version that was completed, it just the tasks inside the column.

I'll be patient :)

No worries! Thanks for the support an interest in the game!

Originally posted by 13rice_

I don't see the 0.10.0 version on itch.io, when will it be available please ?


The version isn't out yet! I always release versions to both Steam and Itch at the same time. I'll post an announcement when this version is out. It's not quite ready and I can't give you an exact date. Thanks for your patience!

Originally posted by kynin

loving the game so far btw^

Amazing! I'm stoked to hear that. :D

08 Nov

Ya, I'd say there's a 25% chance for this to happen while playing as the bone brigade.

29 Oct

Originally posted by Ammutse

i'll take 5


15 Oct

Originally posted by edgingblade

Looking forward to your progress

Thanks for your support :)

Originally posted by DWLlama

Writing software is hard, and every step always involves 20 more steps you didn't know about until you started. Getting your tools set up is a great idea. Good luck with it and take the time to do it right, don't stress :)

good luck with the move, too!

I really appreciate that! Thanks ^.^

14 Oct

Originally posted by Wormcowb0y

Don’t worry about how long updates take! Moving is very time consuming too

Cheers my friend!

Originally posted by StripesOverSolids

Great to hear from you! I’ve really been enjoying playing, nice to know more content is coming down the pipe. Good luck with the move!

Thanks so much! :)

Hey Odd Realm crew!

This will be a VERY short dev log as I don't have a ton of new things to show off but I wanted to touch base so you know I'm still working away.

Let me take a sec to thank you all for your patience and trust in me. I know this update is taking a long time to put out there. I'm working on things which are complicated and difficult to wrap up and it feels like cutting one's lawn with scissors. However, I am getting closer each day. Also, I'm in the middle looking for somewhere else to live and that takes up a lot of my attention. But thanks so much for supporting me and the game and being a wonderful community.

As for what I'm working on, I'm still closing out the tasks which I mentioned in the last dev log but I also overhauled a lot of the job systems and world rendering engine. I did this because of some serious behaviour bugs that would appear but also because there was a pretty serious lag when changing layers, panning around the...

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08 Oct

Originally posted by rafaelbelo

Why debuffing? There are some cultures in real life where it is ok to eat animals that other cultures consider pets. If you consider that, then why not also consider cultures where butchering and eating a cow is worse than a dog or cat. I'd say just leave it be, and let players make their choices.

I wouldn't worry too much. It won't be something that affects all settlers. The idea is that traits would be unique making some individuals stand out. Whereas, in the current build, they're more like pawns and are rather boring.

In this specific example, *maybe* you have a settler that likes animals a ton and loses some happiness. I'm not saying your whole town goes into meltdown mode because you had to butcher your dog to survive.