

15 Apr

Hey gang!

For today's update, I won't have a lot of new stuff to show off as I'm currently focused on cleaning up things from the recent world size changes. However, I do want to show off some things which I'm excited about and I've touched on in the past. Before I do, let me give you an update on where I'm at with the... update.

Hokay. So. The change to the world sizes (making them variable)--as shown in last month's post--was a huge amount of work. The 128x128x64 map size you're used to was ingrained so deeply in all the systems, that it was like trying to remove a pack of wild hyenas from a butcher shop. I don't even know what that means, but it was frightening and difficult and I might have cried. Needless to say, I've spent the month since last month's post working on that and I've still got a lot of work to do. I think by the end of April, I'll be back to where I was before I made that change but with that added world size variability. The not great news i...

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21 Mar

Originally posted by 555Cats555

Like what?

Im honestly ready excited for story additions to the game! But I'm patient and can wait for the epicness that is this game!

Glad you like the game! :)

I'm excited to show you some more lore stuff. I have a lot of history for the world established and it's ready to get added soon! I won't spoil anything for what will happen to these characters, though!

17 Mar

The game is coded with C# and made in Unity. All of the game's data sets (names, items, blocks, etc.) are imported from a giant google doc spreadsheet as JSON strings which then get turned into C# data classes.

You should check out the Unity store asset (which I use) called Game Data Editor if you're curious about that process.

16 Mar

Originally posted by [deleted]


I'm thinking that each day I'll simulate a bunch of actions for each entity on the map. As well, when the player has a game over, I'll have one year pass and iterate each day of simulations for that time period.

I think we're on the same page as far as events are concerned. Like you mention with the war party idea, I'd love to have situations like this.

15 Mar

Originally posted by Acedrew89

Thanks for these dev logs! They are awesome and keep the excitement going for this next update. Can’t wait!

Thank you! I'm so excited for you to play the new version. I appreciate the patience. :)

Originally posted by [deleted]


In my perfect vision for Odd Realm, the overworld map will have a persisting and evolving ecosystem. By this I mean that nations will grow, die, merge, and start new. There will be consistent factions that you'll interact with, but the map will constantly be changing.

Now, players will still only actively play one tile at a time, but I do want them to build their factions so that multiple tiles can work together. If you decide to leave your tile, and also leave some settlers, they'll continue to live their and develop. You'll be able to trade and get information from them, and they'll be allied to you. Perhaps, if you come back later, they'll have been wiped out by a band of roaming Nequhtli. Or, maybe, they'll have built up the town. Maybe they don't even want you back and start their own faction.

This plan is pretty ambitious so it's definitely something for post 1.0.

As for the tile sizing, changing the size changes how many blocks are in the game at once...

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Hey everyone!

I have some news for today's dev log that I'm so excited to share with you all.

A lot of people have requested that they be able to change two settings for the game:
-Overworld map size.
-In-game map size.
I had held off changing the game to allow this because the defined map size was deeply tied to so many integral systems. This means that changing anything even remotely tied to this would result in adding a lot of work to my plate and further pushing out the update release. As well, increasing the map size introduced problems with the cost of pathfinding which, at the time, I didn't have a solution for.
I had planned on tackling this change in the next update because I've made you poor souls wait almost a year for this update and you've all been so patient with me. However, one issue with me changing the map size is that I can't easily maintain backwards compatibility for your save files. Players would have to start a new game...

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07 Mar

Originally posted by quohogsdad

So, the game is in early access, meaning it is unfinished. The other races are unfinished so you can’t play with them yet. Also, what you’re describing is planned. You will be able to capture ancients and all the other races and add them to your settlement if they choose to join you. Having them join you will unlock their tech. I think humans getting some magic is also planned, but I’m less sure about that. The game is in early access so there’s a lot planned, but not everything is implemented.

Humans will have access to magic in the next update through a new tech tree system. :) It's just harder for Humans to unlock it, whereas Ancients have it from the start.

There are plans to let players have multiple races in one settlement. :)

I still need to fully implement the other race mechanics, but once I've done that I'm going to let players have the ability to utilize them all in one settlement through a couple different methods:

-They ask to join you. This will be rare and likely dependent on your relationship with the race. But if you're on good terms with another race, it will be possible.

-You capture the other race and convince them to join your settlement.

The only reason you can't do this sort of thing yet is because I'm finishing off lots of other cool things. But it's definitely planned! :)

01 Mar

Originally posted by HEADLESSNURSE

i had basically told my villagers to convert everything made out of wood in the entire village to stone, roofs, floors, walls, etc., about 10 or 11 buildings, i think that's what may have been causing it, now that ~90% of it is done it's running very smooth and fast again.

Having a lot of blueprints placed is another thing which, in the live version, may cause lag. So, that makes sense.

28 Feb

Here's my answer from the Steam forums:

The two most common causes of lag are:
1) You have thousands of items that are being checked for zoning or blueprints.
-You can easily fix this be deleting the items you don't need from the inventory (I) panel.
2) There's some error occurring under the hood.
-As it is an early access game, this has happened for a few people. Not much that can be done, unfortunately as you wait for the next patch to fix these issues.

Pathfinding isn't usually the cause of the problem because I have a pathfinding queue. 30 entities should be fine.

Sometimes simply reloading your save can fix the problem if it's some internal error. Worth a shot.

Anyway, sorry you're experiencing this lag. The next update has maaaaany fixes for lag but it's not quite ready to be released.

17 Feb

Originally posted by [deleted]


Agreed! And that's what I intended but I'll need to dedicate more time towards it once I've finished up this current update.

Originally posted by Acedrew89

Thanks for making an awesome game! This is clearly a labor of love and it's incredible already. Looking forward to seeing it progress, as well as when it reaches its final state!

Thanks Ace! Glad to have you following the game. :)

16 Feb

Hey there! Sorry to hear you had this experience. I’ll take this feedback and try to improve the game. I used to have water with finite amounts but it ended up being super hard on the average CPU. Because I ran out of time to continue working on water ‘physics,’ I decided to go with making it infinite as a temporary solution. I do have plans to revisit the water stuff and also add some fun contraptions to let you manage it (pumps, sluice gates, etc), so I’ll try and make it better. Thanks again for letting me know about this issue!

15 Feb

Hello friends!

Now that I'm well into the bug fixing, polish, tuning phase and don't have too many new things to show you, I thought I'd showcase the new room editing window and all the changes to the rooms system. I've built a lot of systems from the ground up in this new update, but the rooms system is one which has seen a large amount of re-design and UI work. This is easily one of the most complicated systems in the game, because it gives players so much flexibility and agency. Let's take a look at the differences and walk through the new process of making rooms to fully understand how it works.

Firstly, the name for the system, 'rooms', is no longer that accurate. In the current live version, you're placing down individual rooms, so that makes perfect sense. In the new version, it's more like you're placing down 'buildings' or 'shops', so, I'll likely be changing the room name to something more fitting soon. However, for this post, let's just keep calling t...

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10 Feb

The total amount is determined by each settler's (including animals you take) carrying skill.

The exact formula is:


The migration feature is just a prototype and so this formula is rather arbitrary and will likely change in the future, along with many aspects of migrating.

02 Feb

Originally posted by tertang

Always makes me happy to see posts here and such quick responses from the dev! Haven't played in awhile but I'm waiting for the next race to be released. Keep it up Unknown origin!

I've been lucky to have an amazing community supporting the game. I'm happy to answer questions, especially when folks are so patient with my development progress.

Thank you for the kind words and encouragement. :)

Originally posted by ptite_crotte

I see that you're still as responsive here that's nice!

I already read that yes, your last dev log is actually the one that caught my eye and made me wanting to put my hands on this update ;)

But I will wait patiently then.

Thanks for the answer, and I wish you the best.

Thanks! I appreciate that! :)

Hey there!

Thanks for showing interest in the game. :)

Version is being worked on now and there is no official release date. I am working through a pretty big list of tasks, so it'll take a bit.

Check out the news page on steam or the various dev log posts here for more info on that work. Here's the last one:


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