

29 Jan

Show us your pouch of jewels, Gaiyus

25 Jan

Originally posted by quohogsdad

Temperature, as of now, only really effects crops and human settlers. Crops will be unable to grow when it’s too cold/without a heat source. Humans will freeze to death if they go too long without some heat in the freezing winter.

Ancient’s spell books are for attacking. The cleaving one is a melee spell and the other one (forget the name) is ranged.

Also, ice will form on water when it's cold enough.

24 Jan

This is not a bug. Peaceful regions don't have hostile attacks.

As well, I'm currently implementing a better encounter system because the current one in the game doesn't do a great job of providing consistent encounters, even on harder difficulties. So, even in ferocious regions, the encounters can become less frequent or stop altogether. Something I'm improving.

18 Jan

Originally posted by winter_woods

Keep up the good work !! Happy to see the progress:)

Thanks winter! Much appreciated. :)

Originally posted by DWLlama

Looking forward to it!

Awesome! :)

15 Jan

Originally posted by Acedrew89

Love this update and looking forward to the encounter improvements as well!

Thanks my friend!

Originally posted by Justhe3guy

UI improvements are always a great yet time consuming and endless sink ha

Looking forward to some exciting and/or terrifying encounters and events especially on the challenging side. Life should be difficult at times on non-peaceful tiles but peaceful also shouldn’t have nothing happen. Have fun balancing ;)

Oh, agreed! The plan is to have a two elements to the tile ferocity rating:

  1. Determine attacks from bandits and other baddies.
  2. Determine the types of events which occur.

So, even though peaceful might not have any bandit/baddie encounters, they'll still have their own unique events.

Hello, dear friends!

Today's dev log will focus on items and item system changes. I get a lot of requests for more content to play with and most of my updates tend to focus on making features and/or improving previous features based on feedback because I think it's important to do that stuff first. The update I'm working on has SO many new features and improvements but I wanted to ensure there's lots of new content for players to discover as well.

During the month since my last post, I spent a bunch of time making about 60 new tools and weapons for the game. A lot of these new items can be unlocked in the new tech tree and some are only discovered by exploring the world. I've also created two new projectile types--rocks and spears--to support new items such as, bolas, slings, darts, and spears. I've even added some new spellbooks too!


Read more External link →

11 Jan

Originally posted by RSGTHennessy

he mentioned being a disgrace to his kind, any back story there?

Ah, yes! Ancients that achieved immortality without the permission of the High Council were labelled, 'Unworthy' thousands of years ago. The Ancients had an extremely caste based society when they were developing the technology to achieve immortality and only the highest ranks were allowed to use it. However, nowadays, they are so few in numbers, they tend to overlook these past crimes in order to work together and survive.

So, it sounds like Jalex was one of these Unworthy and is trying to join you.

Originally posted by RSGTHennessy

I thought it would be really cool to spawn on a pirate island, I found out that anything that spawns on land creates its own little land mass, was mostly rats so I left them, but then Jalex came so I made a land bridge, luckily ancients spawn with full energy so he was safely rescued.

Good! Ancients are a rare bunch, so you'll need them all.

Hey there! Thanks for supporting the game and giving feedback. It means a lot. :)

I 100% agree with you. I've got plans to automate butchering with room job queues. However, that will be in the update after the one I'm finishing up. Also, I've added a new diet system to this next update which should improve animal care quite a bit because you'll be able to specify diets for each race.

It's a slow development, but I'm hoping to fix up things like this as we go. Thanks again for the feedback!

Haha! Oh, Jalex, what has my spawning code done to you...

09 Jan

That's great that you are enjoying the game!

I've got some changes for combat in this next update and I agree with your points of feedback. Hoping to improve the combat even more as we go, so look forward to it getting better with feedback from players like you. :)


02 Jan

That's a bug. I completely re-wrote the job systems for version (the next update) so stuff like this is fixed.

23 Dec

This is a good introduction to the game:


It sounds like you're settling in areas that are not peaceful. That's why you get attacked so early on. When choosing your settlement location, try to pick one that has peaceful as the threat rating.

22 Dec

19 Dec

Originally posted by DWLlama

Nice, glad your move was successful and excited to see the update!

Thanks friend! Moves are such a time sink. Nice to focus on Odd Realm some more

Originally posted by seawiiitch

Clicking on the top stats bar is something I never new I needed. Thanks!!

Ya it’s handy!

17 Dec

Originally posted by Acedrew89

This is great! Glad you finished the move safe and sound and thanks for taking the time to write this update!

My pleasure and thanks!

Originally posted by The_Quial

Looking really good!!
