

07 Oct

Originally posted by vanpik

Perhaps a much steeper debuff if there was a pet-master relation going on? I'd feel bad about butchering the communal dog, but I'd feel worse about butchering my own dog.

Later, when I've added settler personality traits, this could absolutely be something to consider. 'Animal Lover' trait which makes them unhappy to have their pets killed, or something.

Originally posted by WankeyKang

It was actually a very difficult choice between the dog and 2 of my last breeding chickens. I was pretty heartbroken when I found out I killed the poor dog for no reason lmao. I understand how it's kind of controversial but I think we all know those settlers would have no problem eating a cat or a dog when their hunger bar is depleted lol

I've come to the conclusion that it's better to let players make their own moral decisions rather than me try and handhold based on what I would do as the player.

You're right. I initially didn't want to let players butcher cats, dogs, and humanoids, but the next update will allow it.

28 Sep

Unfortunately, there's no way to release them. I'll add this to my list of features, though!

21 Sep

Originally posted by Grimdakka

This game is clearly well on its way to being something truly special. It's very obvious to me that it'll be counted among the greats of the genre one day. Keep it up, and thank you!

Ah, that's so kind of you to say! Thank you!

Originally posted by WankeyKang

Love this game. Really looking forward to seeing the final product but honestly been playing it non stop as it is. There's so much potential here.

Thanks for the support! :)

12 Sep

I haven't changed any of the encounters or combat progression yet. It's something I'm focusing on for these next couple updates. If that's what you're mostly interested in, I'd hold off until they are out. Which might be a couple months away.

05 Sep

That's how it's done! Nice work!

04 Sep

Hi friends!

This post will not be that interesting as I'm in the middle of a huuuuuuuge systems overhaul/upgrade and will mostly be about that. Before I get into it, I do want to say thanks for all your patience. Unfortunately, this update has been one which has had a million cascading tasks and is taking me a very long time to complete. I do appreciate all the support, feedback, and kind words. Keeps me going! Ok, enough sap from me. xD

Overhaul and improvements! Essentially, I'm extracting a very old system for entities called, 'behaviours'. It's a system which tries to dictate entity actions whilst also being a sort of status effect tracker and it's incredibly ugly. It causes a ton of weird--heh--behaviours in the game which often conflict with the entity state machine and so on. I won't get into too much of the tech details here because it just won't make sense without me walking through the code. However, the solution I'm putting in place is much cleaner an...

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26 Aug

Originally posted by GardenOfArdyn

That's crazy cool.

It seems really ambitious and the passion and work that's gone into it is really apparent.

What made you want to make it to begin with?

Well, I had quit my job at the end of 2016 and didn’t really have a game in mind but I knew I wanted to take on something challenging. At the time, I was playing Dwarf Fortress and it became obvious that that game doesn’t have too many contemporaries. Other than Rimworld and Gnomoria, the genre is kind of thin. I had been prototyping terrain generation with blocks since before I’d heard about DF, so it seemed like something I’d be passionate about building. I also really liked the idea of differentiating myself from DF by writing the history for a world, rather than generate all of it. Not to say that the latter is worse. Just seemed like a fantastic way for me to be creative and build my own IP. Anyway, three years later and here we are haha ^ . ^

Wow! What a wonderful thing to read. I really appreciate it. :)

My plan is to keep adding to the realm of Odd as long as I can, so, hopefully, we can both keep on exploring it for a long time.

19 Aug

Originally posted by leo_vidotti

Hope someday I get like you!!

As an aspiring game dev as well

Well, I'm very honored. I'm rooting for you and am sure you'll make some awesome games. :)

17 Aug

Originally posted by leo_vidotti

Just got it through steam Keep up the good work!!!

Thanks leo!

Originally posted by quohogsdad

Oh I know, sleipdaddy. Thanks for the info. His arts really nice. Reminds me of adventure time, kinda. Good choice :)

Ya! I love his art. He has the same character style that I do in my pixel art, so it felt like a great fit.

Originally posted by DWLlama

I already had through some itch.io bundle but way more convenient on steam, purchased.

Thanks for the support!

Originally posted by quohogsdad

Who created the odd realm art?

Chris Lewis Lee did the cover art. I did the in-game art.


16 Aug

Haha. You should have more migrate into the map soon enough!

15 Aug

Originally posted by Ihatetobaghansleighs

Awesome! I look forward to the next one so keep up the good work, your game is really great

Thank you for the support! :)

14 Aug

Originally posted by Ihatetobaghansleighs

That's awesome! You're so great at replying to these. Do you have an ETA for the update? If you don't that's completely understandable, I don't know what it takes to make a video game lol

I don't like to promise release dates these days just because I'm not great at keeping them. Also, this update is proving to be a lot of work as I'm--on top of adding a lot of content--fixing up the room management system. So, it'll probably be a while for this one.