

14 Aug

No, but there will be in the next update!

07 Aug

Hey cool cats

Just uploaded a little post with info about the game's development. Check it out!




External link →

03 Aug

Yes! You're correct. They're not finished and are more of a prototype to help me develop the game with two races in play so the systems are properly rounded out.

That being said, there are three new summons planned. They should be added relatively soon. Plus, Ancients, as well as Humans, will constantly get more and more things to build, including void-based objects. I try to add more blueprints each update. The update I'm currently working on has a ton. The next update will also let Humans use the void via the new tech tree.

One thing--which you may or may not care about--is the addition of more story elements for each race as development progresses. That's an area I've left completely untouched as I work on the core game. But I do want to have more scenarios, artifacts, and historical figures appear which are based on the race you select. These would give lots of backstory to them and the world and make them feel even more unique.

29 Jul

Originally posted by rubenrudolf

Hey again! You are not gonna believe me, but i just booted up my pc to send you the save file and just checked the save to make sure it was still dealing with the issue, aaaand... it's all back to normal for some reason, pausing and unpausing is working properly again!

Thanks anyway, cheers!

Glad to hear you can play again. :) I'll keep my eyes open for the bug. Hope to get a fix in for the next version.


27 Jul

Sounds like an error which would need a patch fix. You can send the save file to me and I'll take a look. If you're interested in doing this, you can send it by following these instructions:


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25 Jul

Hmmm, tough for me to say without seeing the save myself.

You can send me the save using these instructions: https://steamcommunity.com/app/688060/discussions/0/1741106440033049878/

As well, make sure you have...

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21 Jul

Originally posted by PabloNeirotti

Hijacking this thread to tell you I found another item duplication bug. I told my shepherd to tame some dogs. Every time he did (and failed) he dropped the wood logs he was carrying. So for 4 dogs, he dropped 4 wood logs total. He still kept a 5th wood long on his inventory when he left.

Bizarre! I'll take a look. Thank you!

20 Jul

Thanks for the feedback!

13 Jul

Mixed race settlements are planned but not quite implemented yet.

12 Jul

Originally posted by DWLlama

nice! Looking forward to the updated contrast, lol.

Question, if players can make their own diets and that affects the happiness of the creatures selected for that diet...why would a player ever have a diet with undesirable foods in it?

I suppose if you were about to starve, you’d let your settlers eat some animal fodder or human meat.

10 Jul

Originally posted by ABaadPun

pretty great

Glad you like it!

Originally posted by lastchansen

You rock, sir! :D

Thanks! :)

Here's a new post about the game's development and what's being worked on:



External link →

06 Jul

Originally posted by Croce11

I think the best solution is to just let the players decide how many days it takes to age people up by a year. 1 day being the default setting, maybe going as high as 10-15 days or higher.

Right now people live so short that I don't feel like investing in their skills is worth it. I can rename people but I don't feel bothered to do so since they just die after a year or two anyways. If someone dies in combat it doesn't feel like that big of a deal they were going to die soon anyways.

There's pros and cons to each type of setting. Which is why it should be player choice in some options menu.

If I want to do a hermit playthrough I'd like my character to last a very long time. So a 15 day per year setting would help here. But if you're trying to play some grand civilization you'll probably want them to age as they do now. So they can make babies and have the children age up into adults ASAP. Most people would probably want something in the middle, a modest amou...

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Ya, once I add modding support, this will likely be something players will edit as it's a very easy value to change in the game data.

Originally posted by Mokmokmik

Odd Question: for those that got the game through the bundle for racial equality, how do we access updates?

The itch app has a little gear beside the install button. You just have to install the latest version from there.

Originally posted by DWLlama

I'm looking through your Trello now so sorry if it's in there and I haven't seen it yet. But a mixed race settlement would be awesome. Maybe nomads etc of other races could potentially randomly join at a low possibility, unlocking race-specific options?

Would also be great to have some in-game clue as to whether randomly found plants are actually useful or not. Should I farm bur clover, lady's harp, etc, or are they a waste of settler time, and space? who knows? :/

Mixed race settlements are planned but I didn't have that card in the trello list. I've added it now! Thanks.

I will be adding more info for all items. It has just been more of a polish task that I haven't gotten to.

Thanks for the feedback!

Originally posted by Ransackery

I don't know what beta branch is. Help me help you!

Alright. Here are the instructions to get into the beta builds:


Alternatively, you can wait a bit for the beta version to go to production. Probably at the end of the week. Up to you.

The beta branch has a fix for this you can try out!

03 Jul

Here's the game's trello page which details the roadmap for the 1.0 version of the game, some suggestions I've noted, as well as full bug/task tracking for each version I put out:


The main features I want to have done for the 1.0 version of the game are:

-3 more playable races, each having their own unique playstyles (Gwdir, Ardyn, Tomek).

-Trading, scouting, attacking neighbors, and more overworld map actions.

-Town Hall - Used as a gathering place when the bell is r...

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Originally posted by Vivid_evasion0

Haha I had the winter grass bug in my last game and I was so confused. I wondered if it was a biome thing. Thanks for fixing that!

Haha ya not good! Winter provides lots of fun bugs. :S