

02 Jul


Just uploaded a build to the beta branch which should fix these issues:

-Fixed a bug where entities weren't updating their age status (child/adult/elder) after migrating.
-Fixed a bug where the settler permissions screen wasn't updating skills when settlers became adults.
-Fixed a bug where skills could get locked permanently.
-Fixed a bug where grass from previous seasons could get carried over after Winter.
-Fixed a bug where entities could get stuck inside blocks after building them.
-Fixed a bug where one gender would only spawn for animals.
-Fixed a bug where plant data for goose grass wasn't being found and could cause saves to corrupt.
-Fixed a bug where hatches couldn't be built over ladders.

If this build turns out to be stable enough I'll move the changes to the main production branch.



External link →

Originally posted by seawiiitch

Wait for Winter then "mine" the ice/snow walls that keeps on building up due to snow. You'll then have thousand of snowballs to creat Ice Chunks via workshop. Recipe will show up once you acquire your first snowball.

You can also use the clear/remove job on ice that forms on water which will spawn the ice chunks directly.

29 Jun

This is a bug! I'm hoping to get a fix out soon. Sorry!

25 Jun

Originally posted by Hypocritical_Oath

Also you may want to look into children being able to equip armour and weapons.

It makes a child army a tantalizing idea.

They should be able to currently. Unless there is a bug...

Hey cool! We're in the process of applying for a gamepedia wiki. Would be great to get your help over there when it's up. Otherwise, this is awesome and thanks for taking the time to write it. :)

Originally posted by thelostsockdrawer27

Hello! Thank you for your response, I’m sorry for the bother! I’ve just restarted my PC— currently nothing is open except Odd Realm, but the text still isn’t showing up. I’ve also deleted the game files and redownloaded them a couple of times. I haven’t done much in my save yet but thank you for the offer, how do you I send you the save file? Thank you so much for your time!!!

24 Jun

Hmmm, it's hard for me to say what could be causing this. This isn't something I've personally experienced. It could be some other software interfering with Odd Realm app too. Have you tried restarting your PC? Maybe a recording software is interfering and a restart closes it and lets Odd Realm do its thing. There are no hotkeys that hide tooltips in the game, so, I'm scratching my head as to why you'd experience this. Feel free to send me your save file and I can boot it up and see if it also happens to me. This could potentially show some bug.

Originally posted by quohogsdad

If you settled on an actual island with no land surrounding, you’re probably in a peaceful area with peaceful surroundings so there’s likely to be a lot less going on. Also the game has no ending so there’s no real progression. Think of it like Minecraft, there are milestones and a lot to do creatively, but there is no set progression and no ending. Ya know?

This is a great answer and along the lines of what I'd say too. I'll add that we really haven't added that much of our planned content either. You're playing what is essentially a vertical slice of game systems. It's only now that we're working on depth and content. Introducing more things to build and discover but also more events and narrative elements such as artifacts that describe some of Odd's history.

23 Jun

  1. Press 'x' with a settler selected and right-click the target animal you want to kill.
  2. You will see '____ remains' when the critter is killed. You can open the jobs menu and select the butcher job. Then click the remains. Someone with the butcher skill should come along and turn the remains into meat, bone, and hide (if applicable).

There is one issue where you cannot butcher anything that's stored, so try to keep animal remains out in the open so you can still apply the job. This is something I'm going to fix by adding a room to let you auto-butcher animals.

You can use the meat, bone, and hides for various blueprints. Hides can be turned into different leathers which are then, in turn, used for creating things like leather armor.

Also, not all entities have remains which you can butcher. For example, Ancients.

Hope that helps!

Originally posted by Potatis85

It does regrow now but not all of it, is that intentional?

I would prefer if all grass grew back after it rained as it looks kind of messy with the brown patches.

It will all grow back. It just takes time to grow.

You could sell them! As long as a merchant shows up....

22 Jun

Originally posted by cidadabro

Oh, Good to know! I thought if i went there and back my stuff would still be there but no?

You can't go back to previous settlements yet. I still have some work to do to make this happen. My intention is to have the old settlement change during the time you're gone. Things like degradation of structures if it was abandoned.

Yaaaa. I'm working on a fix for this. Apologies!

35 is pretty good. The game is designed for a fun experience with 30-50.

Also, keep in mind, raiding isn't implemented yet (on the to-do list). You can migrate to the neighboring settlement and attack them. You should have a decent fight with that setup. Just be aware that you can't migrate back to the previous tile just yet. That's another thing that's planned.

21 Jun

Originally posted by Mox_Fox

Thanks! I'm really enjoying the game, btw. I'm coming from rimworld, and I'm really excited to see how this one will grow.

Hey, that means a lot! Glad you like it so far. :)

Originally posted by enderslayer911

Thanks! I’m really enjoying the game, just wish it had some better documentation. You’re doing great and I can’t wait for the next update <3

Thanks! We're currently organizing a new wiki. Hopefully that will help new players.

It should say under their behavior tab in the settler's window (T). It will say something like, "Tev is the companion of Pudwyn."

Ya, I wouldn't really worry about quality for items and rooms. It's still in development.

If you take a look at the settler window, there's a tab for attributes. In there you can see their Metabolism and Hydration attributes. These indicate the amount of hunger and thirst drained each hour. Food and drink will mainly focus on buffing these values and make them positive. This means you'll refill the hunger and thirst values each hour. Foods differ by having higher refill values as well as longer durations. Some foods and drink provide other special bonuses if they're unique. For example, some drinks provide an energy boost too.

You should be able to see the buffs of the different foods and drinks from the blueprints window under production.

My next update will introduce a bunch more unique recipes for cooking and drink production. Look forward to it! :)

18 Jun

Originally posted by Wraith000

Dude nice, also this kind of game is a first for me and it feels a bit overwhelming right now - is there a tutorial that takes you over a couple of days get the basic rooms and production set up ?