

03 Aug

Originally posted by DobbieP

But what if my void imps want to relax? :(

No relaxing for Void Imps! Only work! Muahahaha

02 Aug

Happy Friday!


I know you folks are waiting for the production build but I'm going to keep these changes in beta until I'm happy with stability. It's not quite there yet. I'd like to move these changes to production tomorrow but I'll need to see if it still has major bugs to fix. Thanks for the patience. :)

There is one new feature which I've added to the game and that's Room Actions. This is a new menu found on the toolbar. It's where you'll find special abilities related to rooms. We're very light on these at the moment with the Farsight Beacon being the only room with an action currently. We have big plans for more actions though! Some that come to mind ar...

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01 Aug

Ok! Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into adding something like this. :)

31 Jul

From the settler menu (L) or select the one you want to edit and hit (T).

27 Jul

Originally posted by SmurkyBot

When i migrate to a new place does my old base gets destroyed or can i come back to it

Currently, you cannot go back. That’s a future feature we have planned

26 Jul



Just uploaded the latest build which focuses on fixing a bunch of issues players were having. I'm still looking into some bugs regarding game load hang. I did also add a new event for the wilds which happens after a few seasons. I'm currently in the process of adding many more events and tuning previous ones. A lot of this week was focused on adding internal tools to do this more efficiently.

Here are the patch notes:

-Fixed a bug where Ancients, Void Woken and Void Imps could starve when migrating.-Added better warning that migrating abandons settlement.-Fixed a bug where entities weren't attacking with tools.-Made a change where pathfinding is...

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25 Jul

Ok. I'll take a look at this in the morning and try to get a fix out for Friday. Thank you for mentioning this. :)

24 Jul

Originally posted by Eddie_gaming

But will there be pumps? I’m really interested in making some cool 😎 traps like people make in dwarf fortress

That's the plan!

Originally posted by blockpixel

Currently, Water will flow into empty spaces on the same level, and, as far as I can tell, cannot be removed once it has flown into the space.

That's correct. Water will fill caves and has a pseudo pressure system where it will fill upwards as well. Though, this 'physics' system is not necessarily our final version of it. We're going to play around with making it simpler and less cpu heavy.

22 Jul

Hello. I submitted a hotfix for an issue where unpurified water was no providing enough of a hydration buff to deter dying of thirst. This will resolve that. As for the starving issue, can you send me your save folder the next time this occurs? That would really help me get a fix in quickly.

If so, here are the instructions:


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20 Jul

Originally posted by sayntfuu

Some nice changes in here. The notification for spotting enemies will be very helpful. I lost a blacksmith today that made me sad. He was deep inside the mountain home and someone must have spotted him on the way in, but I was clueless.

Glad you like them! Hope you don't lose too many more settlers to assassins.

Hey friends!

Just uploaded the latest build to the Beta branch. This one was mostly focused around improving combat but I did also add a new summon for the Ancients. This one is called the Void Imp. Void Imps are really good at mining and Ancients have used them as pets for hundreds of years. Ancients definitely look down on imps (moreso than any other races) and you'll often find them naming their imps absurd names as a way to degrade these little clawed beasts.


Void Imps don't eat or drink but they have very short lifespans. Around 20 days. You can summon Void Imps with Arcane Dust, a new item which you can craft with Void Shards and Bones.

Here ...

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16 Jul

Originally posted by sayntfuu

I'm having a lot of fun with it. I am glad to hear development is active and robust. I was just curious about any sort of planning docs.

Thanks for the entertainment!

Thanks for the support! :)

Originally posted by PlsCrit

Sure, it fixed itself once the night passed and now they are all back to work. If it happens again ill save immediately and send you all the data

Ok. Sounds good! The only thing I can think of is that they might have been relaxing, but you said they didn't appear to be?

Originally posted by sayntfuu

Do you have a road map for the future.

I have a rough outline of big features to tackle before hitting 1.0 but no official roadmap. I like to work on things that the community suggestions or requests and I find roadmaps to be too constricting. The main features that will go in before 1.0 are the Tundra biome and the three remaining races of Ardyn, Gwdir, and Tomek. I'm always adding more content and features to the game outside of those main things. More rooms, events, items, props and new overworld map functionality are some that come to mind.

Originally posted by PlsCrit

Thanks for the clarification settler! The 18yo thing definitely clears up a few things.

The permission thing with the work orders I understand, but in my situation even my miner, forester, and carpenter were not doing their related job tasks. They were not low on energy , food, or water nor were they resting / relaxing. Just idle, according to their tooltips. I have noticed productivity changes throughout the day, are my settlers dependent on the time of day for when they feel like doing the most work?

Lastly, a level 10 warrior came to my village to offer protection, and I thought she was going to join my settlers. After her dialogue introduction, she was nowhere to be found. Has this encounter ever happened to you?

Hi there! If this issue persists, can you send me your save file so I can try to diagnose the issue?

Send your saved game folder to: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])

Save folder locations:
Location on Windows: C:\users\you\appdata\locallow\Unknown Origin Games\Odd Realm
Location on Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Unknown Origin Games/Odd Realm
Location on Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Unknown Origin Games/Odd Realm

You can just zip up and send me the entire odd realm folder.

If not, I understand. Would also help if you can take a...

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Thanks for the kind words! It's lovely to come across stuff like this when starting the day.

I'm always on the lookout for cool settlements to better represent the game. I would be honored if you would let me use your settlement for screenshots to put on Steam and itch.io (similar to the ones there now by Gnomaggedon and Beanie). Fans are always much better at building huge amazing settlements than me. If not, totally understand but I had to ask because this one looks fantastic. :)

We also have a discord community if you ever feel like sharing pictures of your settlement or...

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14 Jul

Originally posted by DevaKitty

Oh yeah do I need a container to store the water in? Or do they bottle it without my command?

You don’t need a container

Originally posted by DevaKitty

Hopefully should, thank you.

K. Let me know!

Hey! To collect water, you have two options: use the collect water job and designate a tile by some water, or use the well house room to create collect water jobs there.

Once you have water, you have to purify it at the campfire room which requires coal and someone with the survival skill as a room owner. Then you can just create jobs from the workstation window (h).

Hope that helps a bit!