

24 Aug

Originally posted by edgingblade

Great job. Thanks for update! Enjoying your game so far.

Thanks! :D

I'm still alive! I just wanted to give you a quick update so you don't feel like I've abandoned you.

I've been super busy fixing and re-writing a lot of world and rendering tech I wrote early in development. Since the beginning of early access a lot of bugs and minor issues or roadblocks popup from these systems, so it was passed time for me to clean it up. Unfortunately, this means nothing in terms of new content or features. However, with these systems written properly, I'll be able to implement things much easier and with fewer bugs going forward.

One example of rendering improvements is how I treat blueprints. Before, a blueprint would completely replace a previous block but create a facsimile of what was there. With the newer rendering system, I'm able to display two blocks occupying the same space. i.e., A dirt wall blueprint placed over a stack of wood logs.


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20 Aug

Thank you so much for the kind words. :)

I will add mod support but I wanted to get some other features completed first. Hopefully sooner than later. :D

18 Aug

Hahaha, ya, I've known about this one for a while. I haven't fixed it because it's pretty interesting. I may make a change so they join your settlement or, at least, ask.

17 Aug

Originally posted by DrKusachki

It's pretty hard to run out of ideas in this project, but if you'll manage to do it - I'm always here) Also, thank you for such a great game)

Thanks my friend. Ideas are always welcome. Really happy to hear you're enjoying the game too. :)

Originally posted by Dranwolf

Take your time man! This is a great game and really love it so much already! I know it’s going to be great once it’s totally complete! Keep it up we are totally supportive!

(I bought the game as soon as I saw the first five mins of gameplay on Nookrium!)

Thanks Dranwolf! Means a lot. :)

16 Aug

Hey fam!

Hope all is well with you amazing folks.

Just wanted to let everyone know that I won't be putting out any updates today. I'm currently working on a ton of stuff still and am nowhere near having a ready build.

This brings me to the topic of release schedules for builds and such. Up until now, I've generally tried to put out a new build each week with the alternating cadence of one week production, one week beta. I'm going to switch this to monthly themed production builds. Why the switch? Well, I'm finding it very difficult to complete bigger tasks within the two week window. I find I hurriedly put a feature in and push to the beta branch only to break things or to find out the feature was poorly designed. As well, I tend to lean towards working on smaller features out of fear of not being able to finish it within that time-frame. Aside from just being stressful, this often results in me having to scrap my weekend to put out hotfixes and, frank...

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14 Aug

Originally posted by entrandir

Cool thanks! If you ever need some help or want to know more feel free to ask!


Originally posted by entrandir

It's awesome! Currently developing something like it on my own, your community work is quite inspiring :)

Last question. I did have a migrant wave once on easy, is this coded in than to happen once?

If you aren't near any towns, it should happen once. If you are near a human town, there might be more.

  1. Make sure you have bedrooms. Settlers won't have children without their companion living in the same room (which they will auto join as long as the room is big enough).
  2. Not yet. We are about to improve a lot of room quality stuff soon.
  3. Currently, it only decreases the time it takes to build things in workshops. Very soon it will do more.
  4. Settlers are supposed to go there and relax and eat. I believe it's not super popular with settlers right now. I'll be taking a look at it when I do the quality update.
  5. For the Humans, no. The Ancients have several.
  6. Great suggestion!
  7. Oh, they're actually supposed to. Sounds like a bug. I'll take a look. :)
  8. Not yet but planned!
  9. You could put a zone down there.
  10. There is not. :(

Regarding vein mining, I am about to change ore to spawn like that, but I'd also hold off until the beta branch changes are merged into the production branch. The beta branch ...

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12 Aug

Originally posted by DrKusachki

can we have saved storage loadouts (Like, no stone chunks if I store them in other building) and/or stone/sable bricks?

Great idea!

Originally posted by DragonEmperor92

QoL stuff you say? I'd like it if you make it so if I click on the idle villager count (top center hud) it cycles through my idlers? I do know there's a hotkey, but I kept trying to click it.

Also I've had some trouble with info text boxes going off screen in larger GUI size.

Also can all walls be climbed? I'd like that to be reconsidered. Or if there could be a '(wood/stone) fortress wall' that isn't climbable, maybe stronger and a little more expensive?

All walls can be climbed. Building an overhang (like an upside down L) will keep settlers from climbing. Or you can build a fence around the top of the wall.

Thanks for the suggestions!

10 Aug

For sure! We're very early in content development right now so it's not just the Ancients that are lacking. We're only now focusing more on content over features.

09 Aug

Thanks for the suggestion!


Q: How long does each season last in the current build? The wiki seems to be outdated.

A: Variable. Spring = 15 days, Summer = 18 days, Fall = 14 days, Winter = 10.

Q: When winter comes, do you lose the seeds for any planted crops?

A: You do.

Q: How are wild crops assigned? Is it a certain # for the whole map, each z-level, or does ever exposed dirt block have a chance to spawn them?

A: Do you mean, how I generate the plants on the surface? It's just random noise.

Q: Deconstruction has its own skill, are any associated with construction?

A: Wood work, stone work, metal work, and void work are.

Q: What level farmer do I need to get new seeds at least 20% of the time?

A: There are two perks for the farmer which increase plant quality. Quality affects the growth time. Each plant has individual drop %'s and humans have a slight racial buff to this. Harvest drop rates are around 90% to ...

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Originally posted by brokenwifi

Thank you so much for making this wonderful game.

Thank you! :)


Hey all!

Just uploaded the most recent changes to the steam Beta branch.

This update is likely to be pretty buggy, so, only get it at your own risk.

Why is it a risky build? I've made a significant change to how light acts underground. Before, lights produced by torches and other similar devices would not penetrate the ground. Now it does. This may or may not cause problems because visibility was a huge part of determining whether your settlers could do something. Is that mining job visible? No? Ok, we won't do it. Now, you can see much further into the earth. So this might have issues where settlers think they can do something when they really can...

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Hello! Here are my answers:

Q: Can i prioritize food going to the animal troughs somehow? I have 99+ raw food but keep having issues with my animals going thirsty. I even had a bunch of cows dying to starvation. Troughs are definitely set to accept raw foods and I definitely have tons, its just that the laborers shuffle all the food into cabinets far away from the animals. The only solution I've found is to keep the total amount of storage inside my base lower than the total amount I have to get them to overflow storage to the animals.

A:I need to implement zone priorities (like job priorities). It's high on my to-do list.

Q: Are there any foods that can be grown inside? I've looked for mushrooms and even tried to do some underground irrigation ( bad mistake ). I've attempted to build an indoor growing thing underneath glass but somehow that doesn't seem to let enough light in either. Basically - is there any way to grow food in the winter?

A: Mushro...

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08 Aug

Originally posted by greasy-jester9

nice work, love the game so far. i have an idea tho if it has not been requested or suggested, id love to see backpacks or wheelbarrows for the labors as a tool?

We're definitely looking into the idea of backpacks, wheelbarrows and pack animals. :)

03 Aug


Just a quick update to let you know that the production branch is now up-to-date with all the beta changes.

This update includes changes from:


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