

19 Dec

Hey friends!

This week's build,, is live on the beta branch. I'm hoping to move this update onto the production branch as early as tomorrow. This will depend on whether or not the build has any major bugs. If it does, I probably won't be able to get the update to production until after xmas as I will be away visiting family. Here's hoping this one is good to go. :)

This update fixes a large amount of bugs and adds some fun things to our good ol' Ancient friends. Namely, the Aeternum which is a new headgear item for them to wear which provides energy and magic skill boosts. There are seven for you to make. Four of which require newly added gems which can be found deep underground.

As well, I've added some voices and new portraits for them to slowly bring them up to the same level as Humans in terms of content. Oh, and I also added in three events for 'Unworthy' Ancients to appear and ask to join you. This is similar to the Human settler wave ev...

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13 Dec

Hey all!

I'm running behind on today's update so I'm going to push it out until Sunday or maybe just hold onto it for another week. I'm currently in the process of adding some new things and they're taking a bit longer than usual. Plus, a few people have brought up bugs that I still haven't been able to look at and I wanted to get fixes for them into this build.

Here's a brief on some new things that I've added to the next update:
-4 new 'lodes' which can be mined for: Amber Opals, Sunrise Opals, Forest Emeralds, and Seabreeze Sapphires. These are found pretty far under ground.
-7 new 'Aeternum' items. Aeternums are a headband item that Ancients use to increase their energy as well as improve their magic skills. The new gems will be used as regents for the making of these. Ancients will start with the Fledgling Aeternum which is the second worst one. In lore, Aeternums were only given to Ancients that were permitted to perform the passage of immortalit...

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12 Dec

You butcher the corpse of the animals you kill. You kill animals by hitting ‘x’ and right clicking the animal you want to corpsify.

07 Dec

Originally posted by natallard

I just bought this game a few days ago and I've played it almost every free moment. I love the frequent updates and communication.

Glad you are enjoying it! :)

Originally posted by Stornwald

Great stuff! Thanks


06 Dec

Friends! Hello!

Just uploaded this week's update, u/. This one has quite a few changes/additions to screens. Ok, I know I really need to add some more content to the game but I HAD to fix up some UI as it was buggin' the heck out of me.

Here are the main changes:
Entity screen - This one didn't need to be updated necessarily but I figured why not as I was already working on UI. I've rearranged a lot of the elements to be more compartmentalized and clearer than before.


Workstations screen - Now fits on a 1200x800 (the...

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04 Dec

You are correct! It needs to be addressed. I have a family tree/town history screen planned which will detail this but haven't started that yet. :)

02 Dec

There are a couple pathing bugs I'm going to fix soon related to trap doors and spike pits. One of the last two updates broke them unfortunately. Sorry for the issue!

29 Nov

Hey folks!

Just wanted to let you know that I won't be uploading an update tomorrow because I'll be away visiting some family. That means that next week's update will be twice as cool. ;)

I'm currently focused on updating the priority system so that you can set priorities for skills via the settlers overlay as well as the priorities for work station blueprint jobs. In addition to that, I've revamped a bunch of UI to hopefully be clearer and provide extra info. The entity overlay has received a huge update in this regard.



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27 Nov

Are you equipping any weapons and armor to your settlers? Should help you defeat the earlier waves. You can also try putting some archers up above to pick them off while locking your weaker people inside.

Also, try settling a peaceful area that's farther away from towns to avoid getting raids at all. That is, if you just wanna take it easy.

25 Nov

Originally posted by The_Quial

Accidentally stumbled across this game - genuinely one of my favourite surprises of this year!

Thanks for the support. Glad you are enjoying it. :)

23 Nov

Hey everyone!

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend. I've uploaded the latest Odd Realm build,, to the beta branch just now. This update includes additions/changes to the fire and water physics in-game. I've also touched up the notifications a bit and added some new ones. There are also some fixes for a pathing lag bug related to issuing a attack or move order as well as a fix for not being able to assign a profession from 'none' in some places.

Here are the patch notes:
-Fixed an issue where item tracking numbers get cut off after three digits.
-Fires can now be started from props involving fire. This will only happen if adjacent tiles have flammable materials. If they're surrounded by stone, a fire won't start.
-Fires can now be started from lightning strikes when it rains.
-Settlers will now put out fires with water and purified water.
-Added 'Fire!' notification.
-Fixed a bug where notifications didn't snap to the same...

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15 Nov

Originally posted by QuillFly

Awesome. Keep up the good work.


Good day!

Really cool update for you today in version on the beta branch. I know I'm uploading another beta build but the last build had some nasty issues. I wanted to submit this as a beta again so I could get some help testing it out before pushing to production. This time around I'm only going to focus on making sure this build is stable so I can move it on over to production in the next day or so.

NOW, what's in this build? I've essentially done a huge pass on the art of the terrain. You'll notice that there's an added tilt perspective to blocks. This is to make the world fit in with the rest of the game art.

Also, there are several new blocks for you to build as well as three new brick types to build with.

OH, and if you ever had trouble understanding what is on the layer your camera is on, I've added a button and hotkey to only render the stuff on the same layer. You can hold ALT or press the little toggle button on the bottom ...

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08 Nov

Hello all!

I've just uploaded to the beta branch. This fixes a bunch of issues related to combat but also adds a new UI feature, health bars. The default has health bars display when in combat, below full health, or when SHIFT is held. There are some handy settings in the settings menu for you to change how and when health bars are displayed. Check it out.

As well, enemies will try to get to your settlers if there's no immediate open path by digging or breaking down obstacles such as doors and walls. Should make things a bit more interesting!

OH, and before I forget, dehydration/starving will now not immediately kill your settler but degrade their health. It's only when they reach 0 hp that they will die.

Here are the notes:
-Fixed a bug where entities may not attack when given an attack order.
-Fixed a bug where hold position orders could only be applied on the same z level as the camera.
-Fixed a bug where issuing a ...

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04 Nov

Thanks! The best way to support the game is to recommend/leave a review on steam. That helps me out with getting more people interested in the game.

I’d also like to say how much I appreciate the kind words and support. :)

Originally posted by TheFanne

it doesn't let you put regular lake water into the troughs for whatever reason

what you need to do is build a campfire and purify the water, then set a custom stockpile with just purified water on the water trough, and make sure you have a shepherd assigned to the animal pen. Then the shepherd will put purified water in the water trough

You can change the food and water options from the room edit window. The latest (beta) build also has a change so that unpurified water is the default for animal enclosures.

02 Nov

Originally posted by RushVoidStaff

I’m sorry grandma, I have to do this. The patch notes told me to.


01 Nov


I've just uploaded today's new update featuring some cool critters. The build also contains a ton of extra items in addition to a handy entity highlighting tool which outlines all entities and shows their profession icon above them.

Entities should now appear on the map every few days whereas before you'd only get a few early on in the game. Keep in mind they will also leave after a certain amount of time if you don't tame them.

Speaking of taming, you can now tame every animal in the game and all entities can now fight. Want a Crab army? Sounds good to me. Want Rats to be your legion? Rad.

Here are some quick notes on the behaviours/benefits of the five new animals:
Dogs - Will seek out stealthed baddies in your settlement.
Sheep - Produce Wool daily.
Rats - If not tamed, will eat food and seeds in the settlement.
Snoots - Haven't given them anything special yet, but they will apply a poison once I add alchemy as a pr...

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25 Oct

Hello! Happy Friday.

Just a quick announcement that I've moved the changes from the beta branch to production. Again, this update is not backwards compatible. Apologies for that! Working on mitigating the amount of times I have to push a non-backwards compatible build out.

The changes for this new build include:

Patch Beta - Search Feature, Tailoring, Butchery, and Leatherworking

Patch Beta - Fixes



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