

20 May

Happy to see people are having fun. I have lots of things to add so I'll continue to update it for a long time. Thanks for the kind words. :)

19 May

Originally posted by tertang

Keep up the great work. We really appreciate it!

Thanks friend!

18 May

17 May

My thoughts exactly. I'm going to be adding a bunch of new rock block types soon. I'll touch up sable when I do. :)

13 May

Hey folks!

Sorry for such a long period without putting up announcements. I had my nose against the grindstone trying to fix things in the game.

This patch has quite a lot in it. Take a look at the notes, check out the build, let me know what you think! :)

-Fixed a bug where palm trees were not maintaining the same position as their sapling.
-Changed entity name colors to represent their gender.
-Fixed a food/beverage reservation bug which caused multiple entities to go and try to drink/eat the same item. Fools.
-Cleaned up the top hud stats to be a bit clearer.
-Fixed a bug where populations could exceed the player set amount.
-Actually fixed right-side climbing for human children.
-Fixed a bug where death notifications weren't showing the cause of death.
-Tuned the Collect Water job to produce 3 water items and Wells to produce 5.
-Tuned daily item spawn for trees to... you know... actually have a chance to spa...

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17 Apr

Hey all!

Here are today's patch notes:
-Fixed a bug where beverages would show 99+ on the HUD but food would not.
-Fixed a bug where plants weren't being cut when building on them.
-Tuned night to be a bit darker.
-Fixed a bug where climbing anims weren't playing for male children.
-Players now start the game with a random set of crates and barrels containing their starting items.
-Humans now start off with a bit more food and beverages.
-Fixed a bug where tutorials weren't properly restarting.
-Fixed a bug where the tutorial for building would disallow placing blueprints.
-Fixed a bug where weeds would drop seeds even when not mature.
-Added a setting for changing night brightness.
-Fixed a bug where props could lose their light property if worked on. i.e., the fire pit losing light when someone builds coal there.
-Fixed a pathing bug where entities could path upwards but not downards in certain situations.

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16 Apr

I've been thinking about adding this functionality so it's a 'maybe' from me. :)

The Arboretum has not been added yet. Soon!

Void Woken can't actually use items. For the Ancients, however, they will equip the items you designate in uniforms as long as the uniform is assigned to their respective profession OR group selection.

Originally posted by Justhe3guy

It’s probably so that you can’t wall off the border so nothing can enter, many games do similar things with the border

This is the correct answer. :)

10 Apr

Hey folks! Hope you're all having a great week. Here are the notes for last two patches.
-Fixed a bug where blueprints could be placed on blocks that are the same as the blueprint creation.
-Fixed a bug where gates weren't rotatable.
-Fixed a bug where blueprints weren't resetting ambient shadows for props.
-Fixed a bug where you could build over a light/heat source and keep the light/heat properties.
-Fixed a bug where points weren't being unreserved after item pickup, causing entities to have to wait for the point to be unreserved after the reserving entity had finished their task.
-Fixed a bug where rain would SNEAK past glass surfaces like some sort of Baggins.
-Fixed a bug where plants were using the correct data for cold tolerance thresholds.
-Fixed a bug where latitude temperature offsets weren't saving and loading correctly.
-Fixed a bug where entities could get stuck in combat, flailing about like idiots as the...

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04 Apr

Originally posted by Cryp71c

This works but won't it bury any human there? Such as bandits who die?

It will. I have plans to make burial more personal and clear as to whom is being buried. Right now, you'll have to put up with burying everyone. Not like it really matters seeing as you can't distinguish remains outside their race.

You should be able to build a tomb or coffin and then assign a custom zone for human remains there.

30 Mar

Originally posted by Freiling

I'm bout to get hooked again. Congrats, and thanks for all you do <3

P.S.: The Icebox note is listed twice

So it is! Thx

Hey friends!

The time is here! This update has been quite the challenge for me. What started out as a rendering systems optimization re-write at Christmas turned into implementing the Tundra biome. Both were huge tasks for me, the former taking well over a month, and the latter another two! Thanks so much for patiently waiting for me to get this one out into the beta branch.

Before I explain the new temperature system, I just want to put out some warnings. First, this build is NOT backwards compatible with old saves. Second, the first few days of this will likely be fairly buggy. So, if you don't want to find bugs and report them, I'd strongly suggest waiting for this build to be tested and fixed up. I'll probably be putting it onto the production branch in a week or two. I already have a nice list of bugs which I wasn't able to get to, so I'll try to put out a hotfix patch this week for those and any that are reported.

Temperature. How does it work? W...

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29 Mar

This is really awesome! Thanks for making this. :)

PS., Gwdir is pronounced like, GWIH-DEER.


I've mostly held off on adding too much content to the game while I work on the core systems and flesh them out. It's only now that I'm getting more freedom to focus on the challenges of the game. This is the main reason the game currently feels like it has a foundation but not a lot of depth.

Here are some things which I want to add that will help the world feel more lively:

-Overworld map actions: trading, scouting, raiding, migration, etc. So, as an example, sending out a raiding party of settlers, having some event occur based on this, then have a conclusion. Very similar to how it plays out in DF.

-More events and underground discoveries. I have tried my best to avoid adding anything here because these types of things are the first to break when you work on the game at all and they generally just get in the way of development. I'm feeling much more confident about working on these now that I've got the game further in development.


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27 Mar

This is just a quick update to let you know the beta update for the new Tundra biome is pretty much ready to go. I'm going to push it live this Monday, March 30th. The only things it will not have are the new events/underground discoveries. I didn't have time to add those and will be doing so while the new update is in beta. So, those will go in to version

Other than that, it has loooots of new goodies. My Monday post will have a more detailed breakdown of everything that has been added.

There will be a week or two of fixing beta issues and adding some new events for Tundra following this update. I anticipate this update having a lot of strange bugs/issues because it introduces a lot of new systems. After that, I'll move everything to the production branch.

Once this Tundra update is out of the way, I'm going to begin work on a big content/tuning update. By content, I'm referring to, events, items, props, blueprints. I'm going to avoid adding any ne...

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25 Mar

You can place zones on the containers.