

22 Oct

Hey everyone!

This is a quick announcement that I've uploaded version to the beta branch which fixes a few bugs that have been found from last week's update.

Note: This update has not been uploaded for OSX users yet. Apple has a new notarizing process that I'm currently figuring out. Hopefully this won't permanently slow down OSX builds but this is my first experience with this added step. Will try to upload that build as soon as I can.

Here are the notes:
-Fixed a bug where the loom, spinning wheel, and tanning rack could be rotated.
-Fixed a bug where props weren't being tagged properly. This caused certain scenarios to not replace names in dialogue.
-Only archers and warriors will train at the barracks now.
-Fixed a bug where destroyed training dummies weren't rebuilt.
-Fixed a bug where tiles were appearing as not visible black squares.
-Fixed a bug where the stone carpenter's table wasn't working as a require...

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Originally posted by lastchansen

Wow! There seems to be so much new stuff each update :D Can't wait to try out the search-function. However, I think it's each to get a good overview of the blueprints, but I'm often looking for quite some time in the build menu to find stuff I need. Would it be possible to add the same search function there?

That’s where it is :)

Originally posted by Azmodeun

Awesome work Waylon! Keep it up my man!

Love your game so much!

Thank you! I appreciate it :)

18 Oct

Hello fam!

I've uploaded the latest beta build which has a bunch of cool new additions. Sadly, I goofed and made a coding mistake which makes it so this build isn't backwards compatible AGAIN. Ugh. Apologies. I know losing your settlements sucks. Next time I'll be more careful about backwards compatibility.

As for what's new, I've added Tailoring and Leathworking as professions/skills. And you can also now build the Clothier and Tannery rooms which open up some jobs related to those. As well, you can now butcher animals using the Survival skill. This will collect meat, bone, and hide (if the animal has a hide) from the corpses of entities. I'm going to work on migrating animal herds for the next patch to help make butchering/leatherworking more of a viable resource.

Also, I've added in a new function to the build/plant menus which lets you filter blueprints by name/room. To use it, hold SHIFT and type out either the name of the blueprint you'd like to see or...

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13 Oct

It should but I'll test this out a bunch to make sure it's working. I've noticed settlers can get so busy that they just never end up going to it. I might have to set up a system for player to designate parts of the day reserved for recreation so this room serves more of a purpose.

11 Oct


Content is definitely light at the moment. I've put adding more content on the backburner while I finish up many of the features and gameplay mechanics on my list of to-do's. I try to sneak in content here and there as much as possible. The reason I don't go hog wild on adding content is because it's really tough for me to test the game after I add new mechanics/features when there's a ton of content.

The good news is that I'm starting to focus on content now that I've recently finished a lot of features I had yet to add. Namely, more events, stuff to build, and underground things to find will be a priority. :)


This was a really nice message to read. :) Makes me super happy to see people enjoying the game.

As for feeding/hydrating animals, you'll need to make sure there is water and food in the Animal Enclosure room. The latest version of the game, fixes a bug where settlers would not bring water and food to these rooms sometimes. Though, the new version isn't backwards compatible with old versions (I swear this doesn't happen with every update). You can also designate specific items to feed and water animals with. You do so via the room editing window. Hope that helps. :)

Hello from the frozen northern wasteland of Canada.

Version has been pushed to the production branch and you can get all the goodies from the last several beta updates. Warning that, unfortunately, the new version is NOT backwards compatible. So you will lose saved progress. There was no way for me to avoid this as I had to re-write some core systems for the game to make improvements. I'm hoping this is a rare case and apologize for the loss of your progress.

Here is a list of all the stuff that's in this build since - New Props and New Lighting - Zone Priorities and Tons of Bug Fixes

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07 Oct

Originally posted by Azmodeun

Awesome work! Keep it up!

Looking forward to the new content you have in store for us.


Thanks, friend!

Originally posted by RushVoidStaff

Awesome to hear new content is coming, thanks for all the fixes first 👍

Thanks! :>

02 Oct

Hey fam!

I've uploaded version to the beta branch. This is for sure the build that will be moved onto the production branch. I'm going to let it soak until Friday to see if there are any major issues before moving it to production.

Tons of fixes and polish went into this build. Namely, a big update to the 'New Settlement' overlay. I've added the ability to spend money there to choose custom loadouts. As well, you can now take in some companions like chickens or cows. Additionally, the list of items will show all the items in the game that aren't unique event items. You'll probably see quite a few new items because, in the past, they weren't accessible naturally. You'll notice a currency on each loadout option. This is the starting currency and I still need to do a bit of work to make it clearer that that's what it is, rather than looking like it costs that amount to be selected.


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25 Sep

Originally posted by k7755

Im really excited to actually be able to read text in this game! It used to take at least 3 tries stumbling over each dialog prompt!

Haha yep! That was the case for many xD

Glad tidings to you and yours!

I've uploaded a new beta build. I'm really excited about this one because it has two huge changes which have haunted me for ages.

The first is a new font which, is not only easier to read, but is a higher resolution meaning it can support localization in the future. I'm still a ways out from any localization changes but with the old font localization was a never-going-to-happen situation. You will notice that your old font selection is no longer in effect. I had to remove all those older fonts because they don't all support localization and, I think, aren't that easy to read. I did, however, forget to remove the font selection from the settings because I'm silly. This will be gone in the next patch.

The second big change is how builds are made. I won't get into too many technical details because it's probably not that interesting but you should notice a significant performance increase for the game in general because of t...

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19 Sep

Originally posted by vpxq

Nice! Appreciate the bug fixes. It was funny when they never wanted to stop mating... When they got thirsty I solved it by issuing a “stop” order :-)

Gotta do what ya gotta do. xD

Originally posted by colonelkovac

Awesome work, thanks for all the effort you put into this superb game!

Thanks my friend! :)

18 Sep

Hey there! Just wanted to let you folks know I've uploaded a new beta build.

Unfortunately, this update is not backwards compatible because I re-wrote a lot of the core code, making it impossible to do so. Sorry if you lose saved progress!

It has these changes:

-Fixed a bug where fishing and water collect jobs were not being started.-Fixed some tooltip bugs related to jobs and visible blocks.-Fixed a bug where training dummies weren't being attacked.-Added z level to random texture generation to help distinguish the change of layers.-Fixed a bug where Void Woken weren't dying from running out of energy.-Added an expired death notification.-Fixed a bug where void imps were allowed to do skills other than mine, carry, and melee attack.-Fixed a bug where grass and other platform textures could show graphical artifacts.-Fixed a bug where plants weren't showing their proper stage when a floor blueprint was placed on them.-Fixed a bug where incorrectly zoned items...

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07 Sep

Originally posted by Dranwolf

Awesome! Happy cake day!

Thanks! :3

Hey folks!

Real quick update today. I'm still working on zone priorities. I'm adding two options for editing the priority of zones:
-Zone fill priority - Determines which zones gets filled first
-Zone withdraw priority - Determines which zones get used first for picking up items

This functionality works exactly the same way as job priority settings:


Hoping to finish that up early next week. Thanks and have a fantastic weekend! :)


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31 Aug

Happy Friday all!

I've been working hard on finishing up a lot of the world/core system improvements. The rendering stuff I had been updating last week is pretty much good to go. When I had finished up the last of the main changes for that and seeing as I was already neck-deep in core code, I was inspired to jump onto some other things which I had been putting off in that realm. I figure that since I've been making my bed, I might as well clean the whole damn room. ;) These are largely QoL improvements related to blueprints and building and I think they reduce player headaches.

Here are some examples:

-Blueprints now act as holograms on top of a block. This means that they won't clear out previous blocks until they are built and IF the thing which was built needs to replace the previous block. For example, a floor blueprint won't clear out a zone which had been there.
-You can now mix floor and prop blueprints. Before, you had to place the floor b...

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24 Aug

Originally posted by Dranwolf

Awesome! Keep up the good work!! Very grateful!

Thanks, my friend!