
Valorant Dev Tracker

05 Oct

I hope the last patch was enough excitement for one patch cycle. Patch 3.07 is all about fixing a number of common crashes some of you may have experienced in the past.

Slight changes to Deathmatch will remove penalties for leaving Deathmatch early, and Agents who frequently get high can no longer escape the upper most portion of Viper’s wall decay.

Read it below!




  • Passing through the highest portion of Viper’s wall now correctly applies instant decay to high-flying Agents
  • Updated the visuals for the dissolving effect seen while inside Viper’s smoke to better match the visuals seen from the outside, in an attempt to remove any type of peeker’s advantage when playing from within ...
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03 Oct


Originally posted by Eleven918

I saw that too but I don't remember clutching being on the list. I might be wrong though. That's why I asked.

I don't think there is anything that calls out "clutching" specifically, but the way the math works you win a round, don't die, and kill multiple people so it's a good increase in MMR anyways.


Originally posted by Spacechicken27

I’m wondering how does the communication structure work within the company? For example, if you had a question to ask those that worked in 2FA, or a suggestion, would you be able to give your input, or are are teams separated more, like an “each an expert in their own field so don’t disturb” type deal? Thank you for your in depth response earlier and the work you do to make this my favorite game currently!

oh we can talk to whoever we want, you just have to track the group down or message them on slack.

I just haven't had a huge reason to go over the fence or talk about these things, plus I am superrrrr busy (My google insights has me in almost 5 hours of meetings everyday ahhhhhhhhh).

I think the big thing, when it comes to sharing this information, is that I'm not sure what that team is comfortable with sharing and it's not my job to be a speaker for them. So even if I did do the research and found out about something, I would want them or one of our community mangers to talk on topics that I don't work on directly. I often do let other teams know when topics come up and share links to see if they want to comment on these things! I just don't know that team at all or anyone on it.


Originally posted by caelan03

I wonder, how closely correlated are ACS and "Encounter MMR"?

Not correlated at all unfortunately :(

They are calculated using different rules/weights/algorithms.


Originally posted by rpkarma

Would the biggest difference be that in OPs proposed system, one can still gain RR despite losing while in Iron, compared to now where the positive or negative multiplier is based on win/loss?

TECHNICALLY you can gain MMR on a loss but not RR.

The is actually a good reason for this, and it's because we always want players to play to win. If we pushed a system that gave RR solely based on performance it would lead to players trying to slay, instead of win.

You could always argue that fragging is a strong indicator of winning, but there are definitely people who get high kills but aren't helping win rounds. So while I love the idea of performance based RR, we still want winning to be the way to climb. So we get the best of both worlds in our system. You can increase your MMR on a loss, if you perform well enough, but you have to win in order to get that increased RR multiplier you would get from the increased MMR.

02 Oct


Originally posted by TimeJustHappens

Hi EvrMoar! Thanks for dropping in and explaining things in way more depth than I could initially.

On a side note, is Riot only looking at 2FA from a perspective of combatting Smurfing, or are they considering adding it just for security?

I know Riot accounts have email 2FA via browser, but the client does not have login SMS or software based 2FA. Most other gaming companies have this, and it is odd that Riot doesn't have login 2FA for their client.

Unfortunately that's a team that I have no connection with or talk to on the regular. I don't have any clue about account 2FA :(

Sorry :(


Originally posted by EvrMoar

This is a really interesting solution, and I love that you came to this conclusion/idea!

So actuallyyyyyyyyyy we are already doing this! Our MMR system is split between your "Encounter" MMR and your "Win/Loss" MMR. Then, depending on your rank, we combine a % of each one to make your individual MMR! Then your MMR is used to determine your RR gains/losses.

Encounter MMR is essentially performance based MMR. It looks at every duel and how you had an impact on that duel/round. Did you use an ability to help take a site, get the bomb down, help a friend win a duel etc. Encounter MMR rates you directly to your opponents in every single interaction you have in the game.

In lower ranks encounter is weighted extremely heavily, and if you are a smurf the system is pretty good at detecting this(we've seen accounts get detected and moved in less then 5-10 games). Some people may remember TenZ getting into Radiant MMR in 16 games. As you get higher in ranks win/loss MMR...

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This is a really interesting solution, and I love that you came to this conclusion/idea!

So actuallyyyyyyyyyy we are already doing this! Our MMR system is split between your "Encounter" MMR and your "Win/Loss" MMR. Then, depending on your rank, we combine a % of each one to make your individual MMR! Then your MMR is used to determine your RR gains/losses.

Encounter MMR is essentially performance based MMR. It looks at every duel and how you had an impact on that duel/round. Did you use an ability to help take a site, get the bomb down, help a friend win a duel etc. Encounter MMR rates you directly to your opponents in every single interaction you have in the game.

In lower ranks encounter is weighted extremely heavily, and if you are a smurf the system is pretty good at detecting this(we've seen accounts get detected and moved in less then 5-10 games). Some people may remember TenZ getting into Radiant MMR in 16 games. As you get higher in ranks win/loss MMR...

Read more

01 Oct


Originally posted by kokkelzz

Oh, ok. That explains a lot. Thanks a bunch my friend :) Have a good weekend.

This should be fixed up as of about 6-7 hours ago.


Originally posted by RiotKorensky

Thanks. They're sending this to RETN in Warsaw towards us. I'll see what we can do.

I spoke with some engineers at RETN and they've got an equipment failure between Stockholm and Helsinki causing some traffic to be routed on another path. They're going to see what they can do for this specific case while they are waiting on replacement parts for the larger issue. I'm also reaching out to Elisa to see if they can carry this over to Stockholm on their own capacity as we connect there with their parent company and we send the traffic back to them on this path which is why you're seeing such a high ping value at the moment.


Originally posted by kokkelzz

Hey. Still cant dm you "User doesn't accept direct messages. Try sending a chat request instead."

Cant open chat either since the account is new. I'll just post the info here then.

ISP: Elisa

Location: Finland

Traceroute results

Thanks. They're sending this to RETN in Warsaw towards us. I'll see what we can do.

30 Sep

TL;DR: Sophia “Slaze'' Ramirez was found to have repeatedly queued together into Competitive with cheaters. In multiple instances, the cheater would be banned mid-game, log into a new account, and proceed to requeue with Slaze, even after she had received a notification of cheater detection. Slaze is banned from any association or affiliation with a team in a Riot-sanctioned competition for 3 months.


All VALORANT players must abide by the Riot Games Terms of Use (“ToS”). Section 7 of the ToS highlights any activity intended to “boost” an account’s status or rank as an activity that may warrant disciplinary measures. The Riot Anti-Cheat team published a Winter Update (... Read more

Originally posted by Kam192

If you want more detailed answers or troubleshooting feel free to reach out to me. I can do some cmd pings or tracerts or give you other details if you want. This is a common experience for me in valorant specifically it seems. Years of CS and other FPS- none of which have had as many issues like this.

Thanks - I'll just take a poke around the stats and make sure we're not missing something that we can fix.