Yes! Makes me happy!
Yes! Makes me happy!
Hi, I can give more context on this setting. There's multiple API for fetching Raw Input. This setting does 2 things, it changes the API that is used by default in Unreal for Raw Input and coalesces input on click and frame boundaries when the input is read before sending it to application code.
With 8k hz mice, this has a very large performance impact and needs to be used with those mice for a playable experience. This was the largest motivation behind this setting.
With 1k mice, there is a modest performance gain, but not something that would be particularly noticeable to players given the variance in frame times throughout a round.
Functionally, there's not a difference from a player's perspective when using the setting, and if you are not using an 8k hz mouse, you should not be able to tell if the setting is on or not. That being said, the aggregate gains are enough that we believe there is value in making this the default for all players in the future ...
Read moreThanks for this video. I really love to read about why players purchase certain skins and this was a really thoughtful explanation of your thinking.
Read moreIn general, the rank experience is better in Valorant vs League. Since you've been around league just as long you probably could attest to that. It boils down to a players impact and the feeling of being able to carry or help carry games based of your effective contributions vs the feeling of losing games where you played amazing, but still lose just because 'kek team game'. There's too many variables in League while you can climb and win the entire process is not fun. I'm saying that as someone who climbed up relatively high (high diamond). You can have mega feeders in League, or just generally people who give up or tilt so run it down, the list goes on.
Valorant is a shooter though I was mostly comparing rank system and how a players impact feels in game. In Valorant, your impact feels much higher the better you become and it feels more easier to carry games, especially if you're smurfing.
Because you use an elo system, the rank system can for sure feel yoyo bally...
I'm super busy, I love the feedback and you bring up some awesome points. I just wanted you to know I saw your response and thinking about some of the things you brought up.
have a good one, and hopefully I'll see you around!
Read moreRiot Game titles are the only games that seem to have the most lamest rank system. I'm saying this as a person who played league back when Guinsoo was talking on irc chat and pendragon was monitoring the boards. Also someone who played valorant from beta key drops.
Valorant is a bit easier since your impact can be much higher. However, there is so much emphasis on being 'good' and pro play pushed by riot games (for sales) that the majority of players just autolock rank before they learn the game. There is so much catering to pro play that it just seems like there is not much room for casual play.
The mmr / rank matchmaking doesn't account for anything when it comes to new players. The assumption it makes on players skill is trash. I hit plat 2 in valorant almost immediately in early episodes without even knowing how to play the game. I was pretty new to shooters and it has taken me a long time to learn fundamentals.
One thing you have said that is absolutely...
Glad you've been a fan for so long, I've only been at Riot for a year. I also have played league since beta, and have an original copy of league sitting behind me!(I actually met pendragon at a pub crawl in pax 2011!)
I think it's difficult to argue what a "good ranked" system is by opinion. What games have systems that aren't lame? I don't think I've seen a community not complain about ranked, not that it should be an excuse for the problems players in Valorant face. In terms of comparing us to league, I didn't even talk to league when we reworked the rank system. Our match making, MMR system, and point gains/losses are completely different than leagues. Of course we have a 1-100 rank up system, but we went that route because it's easy to understand(we can make the number be whatever we want).
In terms of pushing pro play, ranked also has no say or impact on that. We didn't design anything for pro play, or to push sales. How we design in the competitive space is to...
Read morecongrats!!!!!!!
Read moreWhile I dont agree with your post because the point I believe you tried to make is imho incorrect I can agree with MMR and ranking up system being broken.
I am Immortal player that recently started playing on Iron smurf. I am now Immortal on that smurf as well, took me around 150-200 games with being around 80-90% winrate all the way to platinum, about 70% winrate from plat to diamond and about 60% winrate from diamond to Immortal. My KD fluctuated from 2 at lower ranks to 1.35 now while hitting Immortal.
I am literally match MVP STILL at Immotal rank most of the games ( right now my match history is only 2 games which I was not MVP). Which is not that much of a suprise to me since even though I am only Immortal 40RR points on my main account its because I havnt really played actively lately and didnt try. Used to be Radiant in Season1Episode2...
My main point right now is this - for someone who skyrockets from Iron to Immortal while hard carrying most ...
The lower ranks have heavier "Encounter" MMR and the higher ranks have heavier "Win/Loss" MMR.
Encounter = Performance based MMR
Win/Loss = Win/Loss based MMR
Honestly playing 200 games probably helped push you to just be better, I would not be surprised if you went back on your main and put in that much effort if you didn't climb. That being said, if you get hard stuck in immortal+ it's a combo of you not winning more than those above you, as well as your performance not being as high as theirs. The leaderboard is built to try and force your point values to match your MMR, so you can't out grind the leaderboard and earn a position you don't deserve.
This is an interesting theory! I'm not going to say it isn't possible, but it's very unlikely and that's because of what other people pointed out "Convergence". We multiply your gains/losses by your MMR/Rank difference and it pushes you to your MMR.
The system is technically putting their MMR at the level they are playing at. If the chill player is truly "playing relaxed" the system will put his MMR where he belongs when he's playing relaxed. That means he may be a high plat player, but the system puts him in low plat MMR. He isn't winning more often because he's a high plat player in low mmr, he's winning the same amount as the high plat player because of how MMR works. Yes he may be able to "Turn On" and may be able to climb after essentially tanking his MMR, but it just moves his MMR to high plat and he would be in the same spot as the try hard player.
No matter what convergence will make it so your rank matches your MMR. Some players take 10 games to get their r...
Read moreThing is, my alt was playing against silver and gold. My main was playing against gold while I was bronze and plat when I was silver. The MMR in my alt was completely different. My real rank at that time was low gold. I could not reach plat back then. But I was playing against plats in order to reach gold. I was truly not a plat player. I could not win against a plat player. But there were no plat players in my alt even when I reached gold2.
I see the comment "Reroll/Make an Alt and you will rank up" - fun fact we actually researched this!
In a sense, you have to end up somewhere when you make an account. You will either end up below, at the same, or above the rank you were on your main. That being said you have less than a 40% chance to end up above the rank of your main if you roll a new account. Even when we tried to validate if this was a real issue the math just didn't add up. We even went as far as removing anything in the MMR system that would give the perception or feeling of being hardstuck, at the beginning of episode 3.
So yes, if you make an alt account there is a chance you will end up above your main in rank; this is because you rank will fall somewhere. BUT you have much higher chance ending up below your current rank then you do above your current rank.
The only stat that I've seen in terms of "Do this to rank up!" is play more Valorant. In every game I've ever worked on the peop...
Read moreif you done mind me asking, is there a specific reason as to why the lan client isnt public?
Not my place to speak unfortunately
Riot doesn’t even use a LAN client for their own tourneys lol the players just have sub-10 ping
This is incorrect.
Poor Shorty.
I knew you meant all, but it's just that the text mainly referred to devs.
On the team, we call everyone a dev regardless of what their job is. "Dev" just means "developer," and we're all game developers for this game. I like to say that the highest compliment we can pay each other is saying someone is a developer, rather than referring to their actual job title on paper.
If missing shots in practice range is worth karma I'm about to be king of this sub.
I have a question. My karambit is not glowing even though I top frag and yes I have the upgrades. Is there something I'm not doing right?
Are you tied with anyone? You need to be top frag between both teams and not tied with anyone.