
Valorant Dev Tracker

17 Feb


Originally posted by tbone603727

Looks like so much fun. There's a new gun I've never seen called the "guardian." Guess people can only play it in this mode

Do we need more Guardian skins now? ;)


Originally posted by barlasa

wait so your gunbuddy stock never refreshes or?

No idea actually. The first time we got them was in December or whatever. The cosmetics team made the buddy but we didn’t decide how it would be given out or how many Rioters would get. We made it for a special program that another team at Riot created.


Originally posted by clobyark

I had a neopet

I was entering commands into DOS


Originally posted by Steakisfriend

Do other riot employees have them? If so can you still get one and how do you get one?

We do but most of us are probably run out since we only got a limited amount and tons and tons of players asked us for them (I still get 2-3 DMs per day).


Originally posted by tbone603727

Me too, but there's a reason for that. They didn't want people playing Jett to think they popped ult by accident, so the pullout animation is similar but identifiable enough

This! We did a lot of gameplay testing too.


Originally posted by SupaSnipaX

Hi - I know his username (of course) and his tag is: Foopa#8039. Not sure what the GunBuddy is, but I do get him pretty much every skin he likes (pretty much all of them, lol)

Gave him my last one! It should be in his Collections page!


Originally posted by OG-BREAD

appreciate the reply! thanks for all the work yall do, buying the set now!

Wasn't me who fixed it! Thank u/Riot_R4kiya :D


Originally posted by IKapwnedI

Out of curiosity, do you think the Singularity set will get more skins, similar to how the Glitchpop set just did? I’m really holding out for a Singularity Vandal and Operator haha. Either way, keep up the good work!

We haven't planned on more Singularity, but I agree a Vandal would be nice! Maybe one day. A lot will depend on what else we have planned and if players actually want more 2.0 sets (I know it looks like it on reddit, but that's not always representative). We plan to have our wonderful research team run more surveys around the globe, which will help us understand what's the right thing to make next.


Originally posted by Hamlet_271

Unrelated but any chances of getting a sovereign phantom?

No plans, but that would be cool!


Originally posted by sabernalmz

Any chance the little guy could get the riot gunbuddy for his achievement?

If I knew his IGN and tag and still had some left, then theoretically yes.


We have additional number tweaks for the Stinger and Frenzy shipping alongside these price changes. I don't want to just straight up paste patch notes in here, it'll all ship out tomorrow, just wanted to set expectations!

I will say that Frenzy is just getting the price tag moved up, though. We're keeping an eye on it after this change to see if it needs more nerfs and will follow up if need be, but just starting with the price for now.


Originally posted by henrennessy

Nitr0 is right, which really shouldn’t be surprising. I’m also not surprised to see this, since the whole point in the price change seems to be to make it so you can’t buy armor. But in pro matches most players weren’t buying frenzy + armor, they are buying frenzy + util. Some jetts and omens ran frenzy + armor but it wasn’t the dominant meta. This just makes it so your team get less utility when everyone on your team buys frenzys. You can’t get paranoia armor either, but I feel like this might just push those Jett and omen players that we’re doing frenzy + armor into just buying a sheriff.

We're still going to be keeping an eye on the Frenzy after this change, this was just the easiest change that we could ship quickly and confidently on the timelines we were working under. If the gun continues to need nerfs after this point, rest assured we'll adjust it.

That being said - those changes almost certainly will not take place during this master's tournament. We're front-loading changes here so we can step back and not be disruptive while master's is going on.


Originally posted by Few_Leadership9293

Guys please... My wallet is begging for mercy, but i must.. i must fan myself

Ohh nice one. Record that after you buy it and tweet at Swaggernau7 lol


Originally posted by OG-BREAD

any word on the glitchpop phantom and vandal tracer issue? after 3-4 bullets they dont show and its like shooting invisible bullets. im tryna cop the set before it goes away but this problem deters me from buying it

Oh hi! I just looked up the bug - "Tracers are now more visible with consecutive shots" as of last week, so it should be fixed in the next patch this week!

16 Feb


Originally posted by BefondofjohnYT

I appreciate the response, but that curve, while technically no it's not a linear curve and is a bell curve, that is still a significant amount of players in the lower tiers wouldn't you think? There's almost as many iron players as bronze, almost as many bronze as silver, around 60% of the player base are in the bottom 3 ranks out of 8.

Driving a stake in it as you say, kinda looks closer to high bronze low silver as "average" here. Wouldn't it be healthier for the game, and community for progressing purposes, be to shift that curve more to the right? That's a staggering amount of people considered the "worst rank". This to me really does look like an invitation for highly varying match integerity, and since mmr plays a pretty significant role, wouldn't this feel even worse as your mmr increases, due to the high skill disparity, it doesn't matter, you're still in the lowest ranks?

Why not drive that stake high silver/gold, right in the middle of the 8 ranks? Wou...

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That curve is before I changed distribution. I don't have an image of after unfortunately. Now the highest points are in silver, and curved down both ways from there. Instead of having an insane amount of players in iron.


Originally posted by BefondofjohnYT

First off thanks for the reply!

But is it really? Because it honestly feels a lot like beta again which was very clearly a linear distribution as you said. Bell curve was very noticeable and felt really good. If I had to compare how they feel, by my games and watching others, it feels a lot closer to beta.

So you're saying the rank distribution was changed more in favor of a bell curve this act? I thought the previous act was pretty good distribution wise, I never felt I was in an unfair game once I hit plat 2 imo.

And I'm not frustrated at all. But the skill disparity is there. With my placement being a red flag to me, and looking at 3rd party tools indicating a linear trend, since it's all I have to go off of, I don't think you guys have released any stats. Allowing me to place silver 3 yet I'm able to keep up with gold+, I see the effort when I'm being matched with higher ranks and gaining 45+ rr. But I can still play with down to bronze 3 and potential...

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Here is a great example of what the curve was like before Episode 2/December:

I can't confirm if that's the exact, correct, data from december/early Jan but it looks close. Maybe at some point I can get the okay to release what it is now vs what it was, but we are going to be making adjustments each act so I don't want people to focus on it too much.

My goal for distribution was...

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