
Valorant Dev Tracker

16 Feb


I'm not going to downplay your buddies accomplishment, it's awesome he had a good game in immortal MMR. I play against Immortal/Radiant players in our playtests everyday, but I'm only Plat. There are times I go 25+ kills, and games where I get 10. So I wouldn't write him off as an immortal god yet :)

That being said, I see a lot of talk circulating about being "Hard Stuck". I understand that lots of people want, or expect, their rank to be X. It gets frustrating if you aren't getting the rank you think you deserve, or you feel like you can blame the game for why you aren't ranking up. Unfortunately, without us investigating every upset player, there is some "Faith" we ask for in the system. Realistically we don't have the time or resources to analyze every account and break this down. I understand that in the game industry trusting the man behind the curtain has burned a ton of us in the past. But I try to be completely open about what the system is doing, and talk about as...

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Originally posted by BefondofjohnYT

Because over half the damn player base is in iron - silver. The skill disparity in those elos is all over the place. With this last change riot has gone from a pretty decent bell curve elo distribution to a terrible linear one.

Also, it seems mmr is weighted heavily this season. I was plat 2, 2 seasons ago and took a break. Came back, did placements with my friends and got silver 3. When I solo q I'm still being put into platinum and gold 3 lobbies.

I don't have a ton of time to talk about this, but I did want to correct this statement.

When I started our distribution was more linear. In December we made changes to push us towards a bell curve, which we are now at. So now it's a bell curve, it was linear, you got it backwards.

While we adjusted the rank distribution, we haven't touched match making. So even tho we did change rank distribution, that doesn't change the quality/match making of your games compared to last episode. So trying to blame ranked distribution on your match making isn't necessarily correct. All ranked distribution does is move the cut-offs on where ranking up/down occurs.

Sorry if you're frustrated, but your match making is the exact same this Act as last.


Originally posted by yfa17

On the topic of this knife and its animation, why did the team at Riot feel like it needed to be an upgrade, and not just included? And will the animation be reused at any point for future melees?

all of our features are positioned as upgrades. across the board on guns and melee's we want upgrades to be an opt in choice for players. what this allows is for a player to get a skin that they like from a thematic perspective and keep it "clean" with regard to what is different from the base game experience. The biggest example of this would be like for someone who likes the dragon skin set but doesnt like the anims for the equip and reload. we dont want to force that on people


Originally posted by iamdandyking

The melee equip animation is really good. Now I really want a Japanese fan melee skin with color variants.

These skins are much better than the anime skins imo.

This is now possible :) Like with our other melee weapons we always try and build them as templates for more things in the future so a Japanese fan makes sense :)


Originally posted by LostVengeance

I don't know if I'm reading into this too much but I'm kinda sad that they are strongly implying that they don't plan on adding any sort of sticker feature in the future. I get that the viewing angle doesn't really give justice to the artwork but I personally don't really care about the distortion honestly. I just think it's too weird that the sticker doesn't align with the gun animations but I get why some people would like them.

Stickers would be an entirely different thing. Similar to something like putting your own emblem on a gun in CoD, stickers do present a possibility of being a thing, we'd just want to be mindful of the placement of them. This becomes increasingly problematic when you try to consider placement across a similar gun-type with varying skins. For example if you have a Grid Vandal with a sticker, ez, lots of space for it, but what happens when you try to use that same spot (or something roughly similar) when you use a Glitchpop Vandal.


Originally posted by purplepower4271

Does anyone have both binds near each other?

Im glad this conversation is happening. This was one of the very specific things we tested out when making this set. Putting the keybinds aside even, we wanted to just make sure that when a player, even more specifically a Jett player, used this melee, it wasnt confused for her ult. The original execution of this melee wouldve seen the same Jett design on the base knife and we felt like that was less appealing than playing into the character for it, so we then switched full on to using Jett's actual ult knife but that had a lot of "why would we do that?" responses from folks early on. Without the final art it was hard to understand the reasoning and felt like it actually took away something that was unique to Jett. This was the happy medium. We still wanted to do the Jett inspired equip animation and had to find a suitable knife for it, and ultimately this helped in the clarity between what was Jett's ult and what was this melee.


Originally posted by Jiinsang

Riot really wants us broke. The melee is a mustcop

I think the melee inspect makes it a must-buy for me. Can't wait to clutch and hit inspect after. :D


Originally posted by ciroc__obama

For me, what affects me the most is my finicky internet. I d/c in spurts and always try to get back in as fast as I can but it doesn’t always want to cooperate. But what’s happened is I d/c and if the game ends by the time I’m back in I get to the lobby and boom, banned. Really hope the new system is improved in this regard because it sucks getting an hour and a half ban when I’m just trying to play on a Saturday night over something out of my control.

Hey there friend! Yes, there are a LOT of players who are in your same position. The internet dips, and they get back in as soon as they can...but they're penalized as if they just said "screw it" to the game. We don't believe those two are the same, and we want to treat those situations differently. I can't provide the exact details, but we're confident that players who occasionally miss a couple rounds shouldn't be penalized quite so heavily. Hope this helps :)

Kill and race the opposition through a cycle of different weapons and abilities, advancing together as a team through 12 Escalation levels. First team to finish level 12, or the furthest along in 10 minutes, wins the Escalation.

This is a team mode, but expect to do your part to complete each level. In addition to helping your team earn the points needed to complete each level, you must also get at least 1 kill with each weapon/ability to progress yourself, even if your team is already on a higher Escalation level.



  • 5v5 game mode
  • 12 Escalation levels (each level has a specific weapon or ability)
    • First team to 12, or furthest along in 10 minutes, wins
    • Team together must earn 7 points on a lev...
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Hey there friends -
There are a LOT of comments about the RR deduction for queue dodging, and I wanted to jump in to provide some clarity.

First thing's first: I want to assure you all that we're tracking this and its impact on players. This isn't something we're going to toss into the live game and leave to its own devices. If we notice a downward pull on most players RRs, or if we don't see a decrease in queue dodges, we'll know we missed the mark. And we'll fix it. I promise. It's literally my job to determine whether or not we were successful.

Now, for some clarity on why we chose to do this. We completely understand the concern here. There are very valid reasons that players choose to dodge, most notably in an attempt to avoid toxic teammates. And we don't want to take that option away from players.

That said, avoiding toxic teammates doesn't make up the majority of pre-game dodges we see (and will hopefully become even less of a ...

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