
Valorant Dev Tracker

16 Feb


Originally posted by Le_Vagabond

If you got this far, good on you, that was a ton to type and I'm assuming a ton to read.

the least I could do was read it. thanks for taking the time.

I'd like to know what you and the matchmaking system consider a fair match though, because I feel that's where our disagreement comes from. this is one of my recent matches, highlighting how unfair they can get - in my favour for once, but I've been on the receiving end of that pretty often too and usually at the hand of one single very obvious smurf whereas the match in that screenshot is 100% the matchmaking system's responsibility. note that I didn't do anything exceptionally well in that one match, the entire opposing team just had incredibly bad aim for their rank. the next two matches were 8-13 defeats at the hands of people whose aim was very obviously much much better than my entire team, who ended up with a 2+ kda. you have my riot name here...

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Our match maker is actually pretty good in match making, of course that's just data. I think part of the problem is FPS games can be very unpredictable. Having a bad match, where you are just not landing shots, can really throw the fairness of a match. So while we expect you to perform at a certain level, sometimes people have bad days. The same can be said about people having good days.

I've seen the feedback on Russian comm's, just so you know the team is aware of it. It will take time but I think we are on a good place and only will get better. Thanks again for reading and you have definitely been heard.


Originally posted by AsianNudleSoop

Not OP, but I really really appreciate you taking the time to type all this out, and explaining it so well. Coming from other games, this kind of frequent quality communication is mind-blowing. Lots of people are frustrated with ranked rn, so thanks for explaining it so well.

Thanks for reading! I don't expect a ton of people to really want, or need, to know the inner workings of ranked. But I think it's important to have discussions, because it helps find the real problems. If you are frustrated, on top of not knowing why, it creates a huge barrier between you and the dev team in finding a solution.

Thanks for the kind words!


Originally posted by replace_

i mean i keep losing most my games but still get more rank ratings than losses is that because i mainly get match mvp with a lot of first bloods or because of my last act rank?

You can say your last act rank, but really it's just your MMR. Your MMR is how the game finds your matches, and what it uses to weigh you against other players. The game will push you to your MMR, so the better you do the more you raise your MMR and the more RR you will gain per win.

You will start to catch up with your MMR, and then your win/loss amounts will even out.


Originally posted by replace_

i was plat last act and now gold for some reason idk probably because i dont devote alot of time to the game, and i get 28-35 rr on a win and lose 19ish on a loss so does that mean the game thinks i deserve a higher rank so it is trying to push me up to my real rank?

Yes! Right now you are being tested at a higher rank. So when you win a game at that rank you earn more, and if you lose you will lose less.

If you keep winning, you'll climb to that rank. If you were to lose more then you win, the system will start to test you lower and you will climb to a rank slightly below the one you are currently being tested at.

After placements your first 20-30 games will be testing you to find your true rank, after that you have to keep improving and climbing the old fashioned way :)


Originally posted by EvrMoar

You are making a lot of assumptions on how the system is working, when it's kind of working different. You have a lot of the right ideas, but I definitely want to talk about some of the things you are pointing out. This isn't meant to slam your thoughts, or to say "you're wrong" - I really want to explain how the system works. Your frustrated, the least I can do is explain why. I won't be able to solve your frustrations immediately, or maybe we won't be able to, but I think you deserve an explination.

rank is completely decorrelated from MMR. I've had to explain several times why I'm getting matched with plat players as a gold 1, since most people don't understand that visible rank has no link with your actual skill. always a fun moment, especially when you carry the match after this or when someone dodges based on that.

This is true, and not true. Mostly not true. After you play placements, we know the range where you might belong. If aft...

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why are people under diamond 3 not considered the same as those higher rated? why can't I get a solo/duo queue like them?

This is because grouping up in Valorant is EXTREMELY popular. Competitive in Valorant is a very popular queue, and so is grouping up. We are investigating other ways to create competitive experiences for players who like to team up, but that's going to be a ways off. We feel like splitting the queue would really hurt our ability to make fair matches, and reduce the enjoyment/engagement with ranked if we made it solo/duo only.

We put solo/duo on high ranks because of having a leaderboard and match queue time. At the highest level 5 stacks can be a huge problem, because they could manipulate the leaderboard and it's very hard to find a 5 stack that could play against Cloud9 or G2 for example. There just aren't enough players at that skill level queuing up.

Also, because we have more players at lower ranks, we can ...

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Originally posted by Le_Vagabond

and all that doesn't change the fact that since

  • rank is completely decorrelated from MMR. I've had to explain several times why I'm getting matched with plat players as a gold 1, since most people don't understand that visible rank has no link with your actual skill. always a fun moment, especially when you carry the match after this or when someone dodges based on that.
  • rank is entirely artificial to force a grind treadmill
  • your MMR actually gets very stuck the longer you play (you call that "system confidence in your skill estimate", I think. it's not the positive thing you think it is.)
  • matchmaking is trying to give you a 50% winrate regardless of your skill
  • matchmaking ignores your client language and willingness to communicate entirely to match you AS FAST AS POSSIBLE with who's available even if they don't speak any language you know of or just hate your guts.
  • matchmaking ignores character preferences entirely. always...
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You are making a lot of assumptions on how the system is working, when it's kind of working different. You have a lot of the right ideas, but I definitely want to talk about some of the things you are pointing out. This isn't meant to slam your thoughts, or to say "you're wrong" - I really want to explain how the system works. Your frustrated, the least I can do is explain why. I won't be able to solve your frustrations immediately, or maybe we won't be able to, but I think you deserve an explination.

rank is completely decorrelated from MMR. I've had to explain several times why I'm getting matched with plat players as a gold 1, since most people don't understand that visible rank has no link with your actual skill. always a fun moment, especially when you carry the match after this or when someone dodges based on that.

This is true, and not true. Mostly not true. After you play placements, we know the range where you might belong. If aft...

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Originally posted by RocketHops

Yeah I figured variants would have issues.

I know for me personally not being able to use variants wouldn't be a problem. The main set i want to be able to do this on is singularity, and I prefer base variant with that. But I figure if you guys shipped a feature like that you'd want it to be compatible with all variants anyway.

For singularity is this something you feel like mightve been interesting at first but then wasnt? Im curious to know for you what makes you want to go back to a previous level without the features and if maybe there wasnt enough clarity on what the features were in the beginning (we only have the videos in client for example but no way to play with it yourself)


Originally posted by jzaudi

I guaranteed that I will finally manage a clutch in like 100 games and forget to do it.

Bind inspect key to left click? jk don't do that.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I appreciate all the detail and effort you've put in to make this report! Would you be able to hop on a discord call with me to talk about the issue? I'm not 100% sure I understand what's wrong from looking at the video and reading your post; some of the info seems at odds, which is a bit confusing


Originally posted by RK-Skins

Hi! Is there a Jett charm in the 'anime' bundle?

there is! there's a charm, spray, and playercard that will be available for each of the 5 characters!


Originally posted by RocketHops

Hmm thats interesting. At the very least I wish I could "go back," to an earlier tier of upgrade, and choose which tier to equip

totally understandable. the one problem that exists there thatll let you in on is that Variants dont play well with that. so if you did unlock a variant and wanted to use it on level 1 for example, some things would break. We saw early on and didnt account for it but for example on the prime vandal we spawn vfx on your reload based off of it being on lv3 or 4. so in a dev build if you were to force a variant onto level 1 youd see a random vfx spawn when you reload and its just disconnected.
the system was built for the singular purpose of evolution which truthfully isnt the greatest so we'd have to carefully consider any sort of refactor of the system to support something new beyond what it currently does.

im sorry and i know that doesnt really solve the problem for you but we're trying to pay attention to what players are really interested in engaging with to plan on how we may or may not move forward with evolving the systems we've built


Originally posted by iiteBud

Imagine your MMR and RR are connected via a spring. When you go on a nice run and your RR goes up, does it pull MMR up with it? Or does MMR stay relatively the same and just pull your RR down even harder when you finally lose?

It most definitely feels like the latter - like the MMR weighs so massive that it matters not how you play, that your RR will be brought down by goliath when you inevitably lose. You've improved skill in order to get rewarded with absolutely nothing.

Your MMR and RR are definitely connected, and maybe a spring is a good way to think about it.

That being said, your MMR is your actual skill and performance at your rank. Due to the math, and the max cut-offs we have, there is actually a maximum amount your MMR can push your ranked rating gains. Technically you could out win your RR push downwards and climb. So technically if you were really hard stuck you could win enough to climb even if your MMR never changed. Realistically that's something like a 75% winrate and at that winrate you would be drastically increasing your MMR, because you would be winning so much.

The feeling of being hardstuck, I believe, is because players hit the rank they belong in. It's going to feel like your hardstuck because you can't consistently carry games. If you could you would be higher rank. Your MMR is purely based on your performance and win/loss; You aren't trying to perform to trick the system, your performance is being weighed ag...

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Originally posted by yfa17

Ah, so it's safe to say it won't be coming soon. Appreciate the break down though, made it easier to understand the problem even if it's more complex than that.

for sure. Yeah as of now there arent any immediate plans to change the system but we're keeping an eye on how players engage with it and what opportunities may exist to evolve things further


Originally posted by Black_Squirrel

Was there consideration to making it so the kunai is held like a dagger? I would imagine there was an attempt to implement it but to keep the aesthetics, the team decided to opt to holding the kunai as a knife.

it was mostly from a visibility perspective, as well as opportunity for animation upgrade. If we held the knife like a dagger similar to reaver or elderflame, well technically you already have a spinning equip animation on that but not quite realized in the same way as it is with the current implementation where you spin it on the finger. If we then offered that as an upgrade it would be less impactful than the difference of holding it like a tactical knife.
additionally holding it like a dagger keeps the blade off to the side and isnt really as appreciated as much given its framing. in some cases like with reaver or ruin thats ok because the blade shape is fairly unique but in this case it made more sense to keep the design front and center


Originally posted by RocketHops

I agree with this philosophy, but what about people who upgrade fully but then decide they prefer an earlier tier, maybe with some of the effects and sounds but stock animations? Having an option to go back or equip an earlier version would be really nice.

I for example would love to be able to use singularity with the effects, sounds, and kill animation, but default model and equip/reload animations

all part of the same system. thats the BIG challenge. some of those things are linked and overridden level to level so for example the way its built out, level 4 (with finishers) is from a tech perspective built off of level 3 (with the equips and reloads) so one technically requires the other. A long time ago we talked about some sort of skill tree progression where you can choose what to unlock and when but that got thrown out as an idea purely due to time. These were pre-launch conversations and at the time getting a player driven choice in upgrades was not as important as just building upgrades period, so we had to prioritize what went into each system across the board


Originally posted by ColbyT1010

I don't understand that though. If I consistently top frag in the "elo I'm supposed to be in" wouldn't I be a higher rank??

Sorry, looking back at my response I don't know what I was trying to say. Lol, the problem with responding to lots of feedback all at once.

Yes, if you are truly top fragging your MMR is going up. But, top fragging isn't the only thing effecting your MMR. You have a performance and a win/loss MMR. As you get higher rank your Win/Loss MMR starts to matter more then performance. Also your performance MMR isn't only fragging; it tracks ability usage, entry fragging, if your smoke helped take a site, if your heal let your teammate clutch, etc.

So it's tricky. You could be top fragging, but not really helping your team win. Then if you aren't winning, you also won't be raising your Win/Loss MMR. Honestly, if you are winning matches and performing effectively you will be climbing the fastest possible. If you are top fragging, but not winning matches, potentially there are better ways you could help your team to win games.

On a side note, one of the things I see Ra...

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Originally posted by libo720

riot employees are not allowed to mention CSGO their direct competitor lol

we mention CSGO all the time. I even mention them in the anime video :P from a cosmetics perspective we do a lot differently so more often than not they arent as relevant of a comparison


Originally posted by EvrMoar

I'm not going to downplay your buddies accomplishment, it's awesome he had a good game in immortal MMR. I play against Immortal/Radiant players in our playtests everyday, but I'm only Plat. There are times I go 25+ kills, and games where I get 10. So I wouldn't write him off as an immortal god yet :)

That being said, I see a lot of talk circulating about being "Hard Stuck". I understand that lots of people want, or expect, their rank to be X. It gets frustrating if you aren't getting the rank you think you deserve, or you feel like you can blame the game for why you aren't ranking up. Unfortunately, without us investigating every upset player, there is some "Faith" we ask for in the system. Realistically we don't have the time or resources to analyze every account and break this down. I understand that in the game industry trusting the man behind the curtain has burned a ton of us in the past. But I try to be completely open about what the system is doing, and talk about as...

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Originally posted by PankoKing

Hey evr, can you try this again? Our pin system is conflicting the our video trail autopin.

ty :)


Originally posted by yfa17

Thanks for the response, that makes more sense in that context. I know you guys have also said that choosing our level of upgrades would be coming soon so it also fits that system in the future I'm assuming.

We're not ready to talk about that too in depth yet. Its being talked about internally and what I can say (as much as I hate blaming tech for things, I kind of have to in this case) is that the way we build our content, features at the moment are hard-coded to exist on specific levels, so any adjustment to that system would require a full rework of how we author our content. Its not impossible, its just a large task and so any change to the system gets worse over time the more and more we make. Hopefully though we'll have a solution to this in the future