
Valorant Dev Tracker

18 Feb


Originally posted by kinofjack

Will there ever be any small team modes with small maps similar to gunfight in call of duty or aim maps in csgo?

There are a bunch of modes were excited about that would require their own maps to play well. No immediate plans, but hopefully something we can deliver in the future.

17 Feb


Originally posted by zipzapzooom

Why not just choose to phase him through enemies? Right now his ult feels kind of nerfed.

I replied to a similar comment in the main VALORANT subreddit:

Yoru coming out of Dimensional Drift inside of someone is the problem with the pass-through-stuff approach. Telefragging is a pretty extreme resolution.

But other solutions are...messy. Trying to push the two players away from each other when the Ult ends means one/both of those players is going to quickly move their position, essentially popping them from one spot to another. That makes any engagement (from any player's perspective) random and awkward.

Not to mention that popping players around in corners/against walls is an easy way to accidentally introduce issues with popping players through walls


Originally posted by Stxvey

Was reyna really an issue? Sheesh

She was particularly strong in lower elo, but was still quite strong across the board. This change was aimed to make her a bit less pubstompy and increase her decision making, so you don’t have Reyna’s just popping dismiss to move a bit faster for kicks.

This should also hopefully help keep Reyna viable in higher mmrs or more coordinated settings, as she doesn’t need to get the finishing blow, so she can play a bit better with allies.


Originally posted by Drew008

They said they would do one next patch as they are looking into some more meaningful changes to viper to make her fully viable

Next patch is master’s - we won’t be shipping many balance changes at all as to not disrupt that tournament. AFTER that we have a few open patches to go a bit more wild in without worrying about tournament play.


Originally posted by ISwearImCis

It seems you "push" Yoru instead of getting blocked. If it affects teammates, I can see people doing weird combinations of this, Sage's wall and shit like that while pushing Yoru against a corner.

It doesn't affect teammates. Yoru's teammates can't push him.

We went with this route largely because there's less risk of pushing players through walls. That said, it IS an interaction that causes players to move in a new way, and we have complicated interactions, so it's not impossible. But we can fix those issues pretty quick if they arise.


Originally posted by [deleted]


You called it, Yoru coming out of Dimensional Drift inside of someone is the problem with the pass-through-stuff approach. Telefragging is a pretty extreme resolution.

But other solutions are...messy. Trying to push the two players away from each other when the Ult ends means one/both of those players is going to quickly move their position, essentially popping them from one spot to another. That makes any engagement (from any player's perspective) random and awkward.

Not to mention that popping players around in corners/against walls is an easy way to accidentally introduce issues with popping players through walls,



This is the patch where we humble the Stinger by adding a degree of mastery to the weapon, rather than leave it potent in one too many areas. The Marshal and Frenzy also get respective price adjustments.

As forecasted in our State of the Agents, Yoru gets his first set of balance changes with the hopes of getting him closer to his intended impact and performance. Reyna’s Devour and Dismiss was running wild round-over-round, so those charges have been reduced. Don’t worry Reyna-maniacs, she’ll now get Soul Orbs from anyone she’s recently damaged, even if she didn’t land the kill shot.

Don’t forget the newest game mode, Escala...

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