
Valorant Dev Tracker

28 Oct


Originally posted by NihilHS

Unfortunately I wasn't recording at the time.

I can say that I only played DM, I don't think I ever took any damage from them, I believe they emitted sound, and I think that the only map it was occurring on was Bind. I can't say that for sure, but I know for sure that it was at least happening on Bind (which makes me wonder if it has something to do with the teleporters).

I can also say that it seemed to only ever be tracers that were coming out of walls. I don't know anything about coding, but it might be the case that the animation of the tracers were coming out of the wrong walls. If player A shoots at wall 1, I presume some code makes a visible tracer from player A's location to the wall, and then creates a second tracer on the other side of the wall (if penetrated) in the same direction. It seems like there could be a problem with the second part of this process; Either the second tracer is coming out of the wrong wall or is repeating the process on wa...

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Do you remember when this started happening? Did it seem new to patch 1.11? Another comment had mentioned seeing the random weapon tracers for the past 2 weeks which would mean it's on patch 1.10.


Originally posted by RocketHops

Holy shit. I was already super happy with Singularity, but it looks like I'm gonna grab this too.

When the game came out I asked myself what aesthetic I would be down to purchase no questions asked, and for me I knew it was purple, void/dark aether style magic or dimensional, and back to back now Riot has delivered.

Also big props to the art team, I really didn't like the original Reaver in the beta due to the gold trim, changing it to silver has made a huge difference and definitely fits the vampire hunter theme perfectly. The effects and colorways also add so much compared to beta. Great job to the intern too, seeing that finisher sealed the deal for me. Ya'll should consider bringing him back to the team if he's looking for work!

This was a sweet comment, thank you!


Originally posted by purplepower4271

Summer intern they said. Basically just job expirience but fingers crossed he joins riot at some point in the future cause that finisher is dope

He's coming back next summer for a 2nd internship!


Originally posted by eriF-

Good price on this bundle guys, I know people have been upset with prices but I think THIS one is 100% worth its salt.

Buying the second it releases.

I'm debating if I get the whole bundle or just Vandal + melee. I sometimes Sheriff but I never Op. I already have too many Guardian skins because of other bundles, especially since I don't Guardian either.


Originally posted by Victrox321

I remember loving them in beta :). They are beautiful now. I mean even more than in the past.

I'm late to the party but thank you. The team worked super hard to update Reaver but still make it feel like Reaver. Means a lot to hear that! <3


Originally posted by black-beach

Please start applying alternate colors to the knives!

we did this on the Ego line - we're talking about if we should do it on everything else going forward. no commitments but everything is a tradeoff. with our current team if we add more variant workload to them, it takes away from other things so we have to balance it out


Originally posted by elmntfire

I just did a deathmatch before the rollback happened and checked a bunch of angles cause of tracers leading nowhere. That probably explains alot.

Heyo! I'm trying to repro this bug internally. u/NihilHS and u/elmntfire, do either of you have a video of tracers appearing in parts of the map they shouldn't be on?

27 Oct


Originally posted by cornmealius

Black/Red for sure

mine too! close second is the white/green


Originally posted by Pachurick

Will turret still buzz and make noise when its on? A lurking enemy that can hear the turret will also gain info that KJ is within 40m radius.

Yup! Good call out here.


Originally posted by [deleted]


This is also not true, Sage’s winrate is the highest in immortal+ actually, it trends up as mmr gets higher

We’re working on an insights blog post that’ll have this information, so stay tuned!


Originally posted by PinkNinjaMan

- **Region:** NA

- **Type of Bug:** In Game

- **Description:** Viper's Ult (and brim smoke) are clear on the inside. They are missing their 'fog' effect to obscure vision. Does not happen for everyone every time, this is game breaking as it gives advantages to some players.

- **Video / Screenshot:**

- **Steps to reproduce:** Cast Viper Ult, walk inside

- **Expected result:** Vision is obscured by fog inside

- **Observed result:** Vision is clear allowing players to see the entire inside of the Viper ult - **Reproduction rate:** 1/2 (both in separate ranked games)

- **System specs:** Windows 10, Nvidia GPU

Thanks for the report! We're looking into it


Originally posted by Cedar_Wood_State

Love the aesthetic of this skin line. Vandal and spectre especially look amazing

same!! this is seriously my favorite set!