
Valorant Dev Tracker

16 Oct


Originally posted by Randomdudeinthecar

Is there a plan in the future to be able to play on any server no matter the region you created the account in? For example having a NA acc but playing on London servers while travelling to London.

No plans right now. Your use case makes sense, but providing that support will only impact a very small part of the player base (e.g. those currently traveling outside their shard, or players with friends across the world who want to play together and have terrible latency).


Originally posted by Remarkable-Shine7924

are we gonna see a server in Italy Milan since we have AWS there ?

I said this elsewhere:

The goal is to balance two tensions: more servers to lower latency, but fewer servers to concentrate the player base and improve matchmaking.

We don't have any plans to put servers in Milan right now, but we've got that option if we think that the player base fragmentation is worth the reduction in latency for some players.


Originally posted by MaestroLA

/u/ZealousApathy why are the 2 servers hosted by AWS? This is a big gamble but what I think is those servers usualy have the routing sorted with all ISPs and thats why you guys did that? Some ISPs dont have the best routing to riot direct. Big if but its my thoughts.

Most of our servers are hosted in AWS. In some locations, generally the "2" locations as you've noted, we chose to expose some servers via AWS Edge in addition to Riot Direct, because AWS Edge has better routing for some players. Over time, we'll improve Riot Direct's routing and deprecate the AWS Edge servers.


Originally posted by IHaveNoEyeDeer

For some reason my friends and I (all Seattle based) get better pings to the North California servers than we do to the Oregon servers. Is there a technical reason why Oregon is so much worse while being closer in distance?

Also, is there a plan to expand your server infrastructure into Seattle given the high density of cloud providers and data centers here?

Re: getting better latency to San Jose than Portland, the technical reason is usually ISPs peering in an unexpected way. Can you tell me what ISP you're on?

Re: expanding into Seattle, no plans, adding servers in Seattle would be a small incremental improvement to a relatively small player population that are mostly already being served well out of Portland. The goal is to balance two tensions: more servers to lower latency, but fewer servers to concentrate the player base and improve matchmaking.

15 Oct


I worked on the infra plan, AMA (within reason)


Originally posted by deccerzz

Hi Nu,

I have updated my drivers and the same thing occours, however its not as bad in the examples ive uploaded, not sure if thats because its haven and its the first time playing haven. I tried DM on haven and it was fine. I have tried multiple things, fullscreen bordeless, capping my frames to 144. Different graphics settings, vsync on, Nvidia reflex and it made no difference. theres a few exmaples in the video and you can see the Frame time spikes and the server tick rate drops. Anything more you want?

Thanks. Team is investigating. This helps!


Originally posted by uhwowcreative

Thank you this means a lot to me as I've been thinking about this ok so

  1. I was thinking some form of boosted economy so it still depends on how you perform but also a big boost to loss bonus so the losing team doesn't get owned

  2. so I was thinking dividing the defender spawn into 2 with solid barriers and a safe area of sorts where enemies can't enter so sort of like overwatch spawns to ensure no spawn killing I have a few ideas for how you could ensure no spawn kiling 1 make a 1 way barrier wall so those who spawned can see if enemies are camping ahead and kill them without the enemy realising they are coming or a permanent sova dart of sorts to show camping enemies outside the spawn.

I have many other ideas and I'm so glad someone from riot saw this you are some of the best Dev's keep it up :)

and about the point of it being hard to defuse I thought of this the spike respawns after the normal explosion time


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awesome answers! I really like the idea of a safe spawn zone, and I think 1 way barriers are a really clever way to prevent spawn camping.

I think a boosted economy where you have to make decisions about what you buy makes sense. If the respawn timer is long-ish (15s I'd consider fairly long), players can plan their next loadout while waiting to spawn. Giving more money to the losing team is another nice lever to help make retakes easier / more possible.

Since there are multiple rounds it might also be cool to scale the economy each round (similarly to how we scale the weapon assignments in spike rush). So first round's mainly centered around pistols & some smgs, second round smgs & some rifles, third round rifles & some op/odins.

Overally, really well thought out mode and thanks for talking about it more. Keep the suggestions coming, I love seeing posts like this! We've got stuff we're working on internally but hearing what ya'll are thinking about and loo...

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OP living up to your reddit name, this mode is creative! I really like it. I work on the modes team so I think about this kinda stuff a lot. I've got a few questions:

  1. How would weapons work? Would you buy still, or would there be some other way to acquire weapons.
  2. How are you picturing respawning looking? Is the timer static (always 15 seconds like you say) or dynamic, depending on objective state. Do you try to spawn players by their base? The tricky part here would be giving opportunities to get the plant down if your team wins a fight (so the losing team has disadvantageous spawns), but then making defusal not impossible (giving losing team advantageous spawns again). I think the 15s respawn could make the defusal feel impossible if the planting team established nice post plant site control.

I think key strengths here are that the mode has respawns so it's less stressful than standard mode, but it has clear, easy to understand objective play...

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Originally posted by RiotNu

Thanks for sharing this. What graphics driver version are you on?

Video with the following graphs on would also be useful:

Total Frame Time

CPU (Game)

CPU (Render)



Originally posted by deccerzz

Seems more of a server issue don’t you think? People are reporting the server tick rate dropping at the same time

Haven't ruled anything out yet, but this behavior is not consistent with what we would expect to see on a server performance issue.


Originally posted by deccerzz

456.55 Just realised I’m not up to date thi

Let me know if that changes anything. We are investigating. Seems to only hit some machines.


Originally posted by deccerzz

So since the update 90% of the time i get killed my game stutters and freezes for a split second, happens sometimes if i get shot or sometimes when an enemy comes onto my screen it feels very unsmooth since the update.

PC Specs:

i7 10700K

3080 FE

16GB RAM @ 3200Mhz

My frames dont drop when it happens, there no issues with voice chat in game or discord(that ive noticted), ive had my task manager performance tab open at all times and there no high usage when it happens, have tried turning off my other screen, turning graphics down to multiple variations with no luck.

The two clips shown are the only decent examples i have but can try get some more, ive only played bind split and ascent since patch and happens on all of those maps, played Reyna and Cypher with different guns and skins and no difference.

Its getting really fustrating and making the game unplayable, interested to know if anyone else has had the same issue...

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Thanks for sharing this. What graphics driver version are you on?


We are investigating. For those hitting this, it'd be helpful to have recordings if you have them as well as your CPU/GPU and graphics driver version. Thanks for reporting!


Originally posted by JoshF8

i'm expecting my bro paul for the next bp :D

What should it be? A card?