
Valorant Dev Tracker

03 Sep


I freaking love this podcast so much and am excited to hear the thoughts on the power rankings and especially the Sage changes :)


Hahaha someone just shared this to the team and I can’t stop laughing. I’ve watched this at least 4 times already


Oi, that is so gorgeous O_O


If you main Sage and like her playstyle, not much should have changed. You won't be as good on offense but most of the kit just needs a bit of time to place things optimally. Agents that are similar will definitely be Cypher and Killjoy, with both requiring a bit more capitalization.

I think Raze would be a great pick-up to try, as well, she has a lot of tools that she can be reactive with and she has a lot more punch on offense.

If you're looking for something that's a bit more of a playstyle switch, a lot of what I've read so far is spot on. I think Sova is a great pick-up with Jett being like the most aggressive option to move towards.


Originally posted by rycoux


Sage, instead of healing, now attaches rocket boots to all allies and they get thrusted forward while invulnerable. PLS PLS CAN WE DO THIS IS IT FAST ENOUGH

Actually, pretty good observation about the meta without Sage. I think duelist heavy comps are seeing a rise. This tends to mean that defending is harder given the lack of stalling. I would hope Sage could be a good counter to fast sanic comps and the changes to her kit will be tested against it once she sees a bit more play again. Our hope is that she can bring that to the table but if we've gone too far we will be looking into further changes



Sage, instead of healing, now attaches rocket boots to all allies and they get thrusted forward while invulnerable. PLS PLS CAN WE DO THIS IS IT FAST ENOUGH


Originally posted by SpicyMeiyuu

Yeah I've only noticed it on the classic, awesome to know you guys already got a fix for it though! ❤

Thank you!! And sorry again something you love and paid for isn’t working. 😭


Originally posted by HyperTF

Thanks! It's all good and is not a big deal and I am happy that you guys are gonna look into it, hopefully this issue could be fixed soon, kinda miss the laser gun ngl

Thanks for being cool about it. I’m sad something you paid for isn’t working so hope we can get it fixed soon too! We know what’s wrong, so just a matter of getting it patched in (without getting into boring details, we can’t just push a fix to the game whenever we want because it’s risky).


Originally posted by HyperTF

Yea for me I dont really hate the sound but I payed for the upgrades so I think we deserve a response from a devs soon about this issue


Originally posted by frost-zen

Hi I have the same bug. Can you please fix it?

We are! We just need to wait for another fix first then we will have it out. Really sorry about that. :(


Originally posted by LordUnsinkbar

Any Information about that skin getting vfx in the Future

It seem like kind of a bummer as well as with the hivemind's that there is so much unused potential

What also surprised me is that the kniff skin has no fitting Variants for the other Skins Would also have been a great thing to do i guess

Cool Skins anyway! :D

Thanks for caring about the skin and asking these questions. It’s honestly pretty cool that people care so much. Didn’t expect this when we made all this stuff.

So with this skin we wanted to try something different. We’ve done really out there stuff like Elderflame and Prime and such. But there are players who want something simpler that doesn’t have VFX/animation/audio but don’t just want a new paint job on their skin. So with Spline we took a really cool and abstract design and tried to keep the rest basic for someone who wants a fantasy and new gun model without all the bells and whistles, but also still wants color variants. And actually there is some “VFX” in the orbs. We used a tech that would create a really cool material that’s basically like VFX. It’s just less out there than some of the other VFX we’ve done. Once again, different type of stuff for people with different tastes. Let’s see what you all think!

As for knife variants, we would have loved to d...

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This is cute. Our team was getting a kick out of it today. It’s cool to see people liking some of the fun buddies so much. Nice work!


It’s meant to float. We were experimenting with a floating mount and thought it would be cool for this thematic that’s more abstract. The whole thematic has a bit of a floaty feel to it.


Originally posted by sh4neMontoya

Yeah me too, probably just a bug since the other prime skins don't have the same issue

Commented above but don’t want you to miss it:

It’s a bug, I’m so sorry! You’re just noticing this on the Classic, right? We have a fix and are waiting to see if we can pair it with another unrelated fix before we deploy it.


Originally posted by Diegoscartor

Probably a bug because im pretty sure there is still no setting to turn off VFX. It cost radianite so just taking it away without further notice would be pretty scummy.

I commented above but want to make sure you don’t miss it:

It’s a bug, I’m so sorry! You’re just noticing this on the Classic, right? We have a fix and are waiting to see if we can pair it with another unrelated fix before we deploy it.


It’s a bug, I’m so sorry! You’re just noticing this on the Classic, right? We have a fix and are waiting to see if we can pair it with another unrelated fix before we deploy it.