
Valorant Dev Tracker

11 Sep

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ISwearImCis

Serious question: if the reason to not be able to choose maps comes "from a competitive perspective", why does that apply to unrated as well?

It doesn't come from a competitive perspective, it comes from a queue health perspective (

10 Sep

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by csgothrowaway

That said, I don't think it's about everyone just yelling feedback everywhere

Of course. I wouldn't suggest otherwise. But I think one can track the failed competitive games versus the successful ones by whether the dev outright ignored all criticism. I don't think riot has fallen victim to this but, in any creative space, it can be easy to get too close to the product and get so accustumed to it that you tune out other perspectives outside of it's production. We see it all the time in artistic mediums where a creator is completely befuddled by their audiences reactions. Players don't sit in the dev environment for innumerable hours andarent designing the game like you guys. They only know what is in front of them. So if in an 'Ask Valorant' session, a statement about how 3D directional sound being a certain way may sound completely innocuous on your end but may sound completely insane on the players end, without the proper context of cours...

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Absolutely agree re: devs not being too precious with the product and listening to build a collaborative experience. Being honest I think there is also some... shock when you go from iterating on a game for years and years and it's wholly yours, to millions upon millions of folks pouring in with none of that context, all demanding many, many things. Takes a little bit of time to go from "this is mine I want to give to you," to, "this is a thing we build together."

RE: the perfect agent roster balance... I think /u/MorelloRiot has said at least ~50? 60? Honestly I think we'll start to understand how flexible the agent roster is as we inject more in, so I don't think we can say "100 is crazy" or "100 is great." Personally I think ~50-60 feels about right (let's say 5 per role).

DotA2 is a great ...

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    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ObsoletePixel

So I do want to ask, there are questions that I think are worth asking that get lost in the chaff regarding the scale that y'all tend to operate at -- I know how difficult it is to process tickets and questions on a bunch of different platforms, I was a former community manager myself so I get how daunting it can be, and the game I was working on was FAR smaller than Valorant. That said though, is there any intake method for questions asked at a smaller scale that aren't commonly asked questions? Like, on twitter, I saw that y'all announced that you'd be testing out new skin variants on melee weapons in a future skin set, but I'm curious if there's any plans to extend that retroactively to sets like the prime/elderflame/glitchpop sets that already have melees, but I imagine questions like those tend to get lost amongst people saying "skins are too expensive" or "do something about smurfs" or "im tired of playing on ascent"

This isn't really about my question of "will we e...

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Eh you can ask me and I can put it in. Otherwise we obviously do want to take the 'largest' questions or we get roasted (as we have before) for being too weird and specific.

I'll say I think we're open to do variants for existing weapons but... want to see if the tech is there and the demand :) Stay tuned on that.

You can ask another super specific question right now if you'd like.


Originally posted by Urlilas

Hey thanks for answering, here is a video showing my native resolution is 1680 x 1050. And 1920 x 1080 in game always default to 1680 x 1050 but not like it should. Also even 1680 x 1050 is not what should 1680 x 1050 look like.

The other vid : Just shows 1920 x 1080 is not supported.

And for some reasons 75hz doesn't always work even if the game says I am using 75hz my screen says it's 60. This is one of the most annoying thing as there is quite a diff between 60 and 75.

Oh wow this is very weird. It looks like your monitor is reporting that it supports 1080p but it really doesn't. Do you know the exact model number for your monitor? It looks like an LG. You can locate it usually on the bottom of the monitor or in the top-left. I think I can see it in one of your videos but it's too blurry for me to read it. Some kind of PLAYTRON monitor but I can't read the code.

In terms of things to try in the short term is if you have a different connector have you tried using it? For instance, you're using HDMI so try using DVI. If you have another HDMI cable you might try using that as well. I have found certain HDMI cables can cause compatibility problems with certain monitors.

The fact that windows thinks the monitor mode is supported as well makes me wonder. Have you tried using a lower resolution and seeing if that at least centers the screen?


Originally posted by ObsoletePixel

To that end, are there any plans to create variants for existing melee skins? I adore the glitchpop set and I'd love to be able to use variants of it on the melee

Not at the moment. We want to run this test first, then see if players really want melee variants (reddit isn't always a representative sample :D), and then we'll decide if/when we can support making them. And THEN we'll see which skins we can make it for and if we ever go back and add them to older melees or not.

If you want the non-developer answer, I'll tell you that too many people on the VALORANT team have been begging for these. u/pwyff keeps yelling at us in all caps with TEAL AXE. :(

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PapstJL4U

"Competitive integrity" and the air quotes are on purpose, because many other things don't follow this rule.

do you just make up stuff :|

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by RodriTama

I recently watched GMTK's video that discusses if "Should Game Designers Listen to Negative Feedback?", got me a decent point of view to understand what's happening on the other side. Gets to the same points you're bringing up.

Recommend everyone to check it too.

Ah yeah, this is pretty good. The other challenge we definitely have is how many players are coming in from a wide range of other FPSes with a range of very hard reinforced notions. VAL is intended to be its own thing, but there are definitely those who just want it to be "their thing 2.0." It's our job to filter, but it can sometimes be overwhelming.

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by synchh

I have a question-- as far as this Ask VALORANT series goes, I find it to be very useful in getting a better idea of what you guys are thinking. My question is where do these questions actually come from? The top of the page says "send us your questions", but how? Are people actually sending you guys these questions, or are they just frequently asked questions on different mediums (twitter, reddit, etc.)?

If we, for example, find problems (or what we believe to be a problem) with the game, or find a problem with the response you guys published (i.e. hit registration, sound, etc.), where do we report these?

Pretty much everywhere, we ask for questions on twitter, we see frequently asked questions on reddit, and our regional social people keep an eye out everywhere else. We thought about making an intake form but that seems a little complicated to sort through at our scale.

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by csgothrowaway

Yeah, glad to see them address this. Their wording was a little concerning in the previous 'Ask Valorant' and it's good to see they recognize there's something here to explore.

Was talking to someone in another thread and, unrelated to this issue, they suggested we should just assume Riot is generally correct and knows what's best for the game.

I just want to say it's super important for the community to push back when they see something they don't agree with. Not that I think this community has had this problem but I think it's important to stick to being critical. Don't assume Riot knows what's best for the game. With CS:GO, the community was relentless in pushing back and it made really great changes to the game. From removing the fog, to changing the bomb and round timer, to giving players 2 flashes to doing their own changes with sound, such as HRTF implementation, just to name a few. If Valve steered and the community didn't try to course correct, I can ...

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I just want to mention that yes we love feedback, and we don't want anyone to just assume we know best, especially if they're suffering or frustrated.

That said, I don't think it's about everyone just yelling feedback everywhere (I do disagree with Valve's approach because if you don't know what our goals or values are, or what challenges we have, or we can’t ask in return, how can we align ourselves together to a good future?) - what we want is a dialogue, and right now I think a lot of people are approaching our conversations like they're the final word. We just want to give context on our thinking and explain some of our limitations.

I'll admit that sometimes it can seem like we're saying we know best, but most of the time we're just trying to say "hey, that thing you have an issue with, we did a lot of testing on our end and we're not sure we can validate it." If you still disagree, help us understand where there might be a disconnect.


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We updated this post to include a question about melee variants, too!


Haha Korean casters are the best. Reminds me of one of the longest pro Dota games where the Korean casters were the undisputed MVP’s of the game.

Spectacor Gaming’s FTW: For The Women and Nerd Street Gamers have teamed up to host the FTW Summer Showdown, the largest all-women competitive VALORANT tournament featuring eight amateur, professional, and content creator VALORANT teams that have been extended an invitation, and four additional team spots filled by a qualifier event last weekend. The tournament is sponsored by T1 and G FUEL.

The VALORANT Team was inspired by the work NSG and FTW have been doing to provide a platform for competitive female VALORANT players. We were so inspired, we asked Nerd Street Gamers and FTW if we could officially make it part of the VALORANT Ignition Series and contribute $40,000 to bring the total prize pool to $50,000 to match previous Ignition Series events.

The tournament is the latest initiative of FTW: For The Women, a Spectacor Gaming-founded organization dedicated to building a welcoming and vibrant community for all women in gaming and will be streamed on

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