
Valorant Dev Tracker

02 Sep


Originally posted by Yulong

Where are the people on the mastery curve of Sage players this patch so far? What was her pickrate before the patch? Is it possible that your nerfs scared away the less-skilled Sage players?

This is our current suspicion, but we want to give it some more time to breathe before digging in this deep. But yeah, her playrate has gone down a chunk - so if I were to guess, it seems more likely that the "autofill" less experienced Sage players are picking her less on this patch due to the nerfs, and more experienced Sage players are sticking to their guns, making the nerf seem less consequential then it actually is.

We'll have to see how it plays out over the next few days and then assess the Sage population at that point. Good intuition on this!


Originally posted by RiotClearNote

Hey all -- Sorry for the confusion here. There was a bit of a delay in the schedule rollover following the delayed patch.

That has now been addressed for all regions where the latest 1.07 patch is live and will be available for all our EU friends once their patch goes out this evening. If you log in now, you should see a shiny Spline bundle.

I think we're fighting each other on this sticky here...but uhh... I'll leave that alone now.

Cheers and sorry again for the confusion!


Hey all -- Sorry for the confusion here. There was a bit of a delay in the schedule rollover following the delayed patch.

That has now been addressed for all regions where the latest 1.07 patch is live and will be available for all our EU friends once their patch goes out this evening. If you log in now, you should see a shiny Spline bundle.


Originally posted by Parrity

contains a go service

A wild gopher appears. :pikachuface:

I am curious, what ended up being the magic number settled on for game instances per server?

Once we addressed some of the hardware configuration problems we were able to scale linearly with number of cores. You can just take the number of cores on the system and multiply it by three. We use a variety of sized servers depending on regional availability and cost but they all perform the same. The largest I've seen us use is a 56 core system that hosts 168 games or 1680 players.


Originally posted by waxyslave

Hey thanks for the reply! This probably isn't your area but I was wondering if you knew when the next software engineering internship opportunities would open up at Riot? :)

Sorry that's pretty far outside my area of expertise. In general, most of the interns I've worked with have been with us over the summer. However, I don't think that's always the case. I'd say keep an eye out on for any updates!

If you're interested in the engineering aspects of reflex. I'd also recommend thinking about how frames make it to the display more and reviewing the graphs in the reflex article. We often talk about a game being CPU/GPU bound as if those are two binary options. The reality is that a game can be both CPU/GPU "bound" in a way. Simulation happens first, then render. The input latency is the sum of these two things, not the longest of the two if that makes sense. However, they can be partially parallelized!


Originally posted by DemonicPotatox

probably just getting a feel for it after the nerf, can't really do much with data when it's been less than 24 hours since the patch rolled out

We get a surprising amount of data in a 24 hour window given how international our game is - obviously we'll have to continue to see how the winrates trend, but "adjusting to nerfs" normally results in much lower winrates early on, as players learn their new limits, as opposed to overperforming.

We'll continue to monitor Sage, but as it currently stands she's still quite strong - there's no reason to believe she's gutted, people have just very consistently thought that Sage was weaker than she actually is.


Originally posted by Onimxyz

Brother I have one last question. I know particularly riot cares about their gamers a lot than other game devs out there and how they went on making better servers and anti cheat system. But having an in game setting that will only be useful to nvidia. How does that go with riot is it not like supporting one particular base where leaving another base go down a bit? Is not not unfair to let nvidia users to have little advantage over amd users??

For this, we definitely thought about the trade off. In the end though, the hardware you play on is going to give you an advantage. Players with 144hz/240hz/360hz monitors are going to have an advantage over those without. Players with better ISPs that give lower latencies and no packet loss are going to have an advantage. Players with high-end machines are going to have higher framerates. Players with gaming mice with higher poll rates and better sensors have an advantage.

In the end, our goal for VALORANT is to make the interface between you and the game as responsive and seamless as we can possibly make it. To that end we're happy to support any hardware or software features that reduce the friction that input latency causes between what your brain/body can do vs what we can represent in game.

We try to weigh the pros/cons of supporting any technology against fairness and accessibility. Honestly if this was technology only supported by the 30XX series cards we mi...

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Originally posted by Onimxyz

is this feature exclusively to 3000 series or availavable to all nvidia gpus?

This will be available to all NVIDA GPUs 900 series or better starting with the driver release slated for Sep17th.


Originally posted by waxyslave

Does it improve latency even when CPU bound? Aka anyone with a 1080 or better? The past implementations of low latency mode by Nvidia only worked if you were gpu bound.

It does not improve latency when you are CPU bound. I have a 1080 TI but I play with max graphical settings in 4K. There are still moments when my game becomes GPU bound. Good eye and understanding of though, you're right that this will mostly benefit GPU bound scenarios.


Originally posted by IZeMgg

I just want to know if it's released yet and how to enable it, I just logged into my account in Valorant but didn't find any Nvidia reflex setting as well as in Geforce experience. I have an RTX 2060S.

The setting in-game will automatically become available (and default to on) in VALORANT when you install a compatible driver! The current release day for the driver is scheduled as Sep17th. VALORANT patch 1.07 already has the code to support the features! All you need to do is make sure you keep updating your NVIDIA drivers.


Originally posted by RibbitTT2904

Does it support any monitor or should it be 360hz?

It supports any monitor. However the higher the hz of your monitor the lower your input latency can be.


Originally posted by pipebringer

I have an nvidia card (RTX 2080) and a 240hz monitor. Assuming my mouse is compatible, do I need to buy new hardware to take advantage of reflex I game? Or is it simply an ingame setting that will reduce input latency?

I am willing to buy a new monitor and GPU but I don’t care much about measuring latency, I’d just like to know that it is as efficient as possible.

Reflex works as long as you have a 900 series NVIDIA card or better (2080 is better). So you'll be able to use it!

If you want to be able to measure your total input latency, you'll need a compatible monitor and mouse. However, that's only for MEASURING it, you get the latency benefit with any mouse or monitor.


Originally posted by Miras321

As I understand, for people who just want lower latency and not actual SDK, there will be a "nvidia reflex low latency mode" switch (provided it has a compatible card of course). Can you provide any ETA when this switch will be available?

The setting in-game will automatically become available (and default to on) in VALORANT when you install a compatible driver! The current release day for the driver is scheduled as Sep17th. VALORANT patch 1.07 already has the code to support the features! All you need to do is make sure you keep updating your NVIDIA drivers.


Originally posted by T3nt4c135

I would prefer balance over being completely gutted.

What if I told you that so far, Sage is the highest pickrate and winrate agent on this patch?