
Valorant Dev Tracker

01 Sep


Originally posted by N0quip

This is honestly too much of a nerf. I don't care if she has a high winrate in Ranked. She wasn´t even used that much in recent tournaments anymore (meanwhile Cypher had a 95%+ pickrate) and that is where Riot should focus their balance philosophy.

We balance around pro play and matchmaking separately - if Sage needs some buffs on the pro side of things, we can do that.

The reality is that Sage has been substantially stronger than any other agent in the game by a wide margin since closed beta, while also having an absurdly high pick rate compared to any other agent. If she ends up being too weak after these changes, we’ll ship some buffs to get her in the right spot.


We're currently investigating this. As mentioned in thread, downloading the latest redistributable from the microsoft website will resolve. We're working on getting it fixed in the patchline for those experiencing it. !pin


Originally posted by protagonistjeep

Hi armies, Are there any ETAs on when you guys will announce the time for when bahrain and mumbai servers will go live.

None announced, but it's being actively worked on. We'll hopefully be able to give a solid ETA soon.


Originally posted by DentedOnImpact

They've had 6 patches before this where they've made minimum changes on each, most of them were before they went on their week break...

The patch right before break was massive--Killjoy, deathmatch, and act ranks


Originally posted by sno2787

I wonder how long it prevents re-scoping for? Funny they didn't mention it... also with 3 flashes + that conc buff, Breach = new meta.

You’re prevented from rescoping for the duration of the concuss

Alright, a full patch this time.

Killjoy gets her first major update, which should empower more counterplay against her Nanoswarm, as well as reduce its damage. Viper, Breach, Sova, and Sage also get some worthy changes.

All shotguns get their aimpunch and tagging tuned, you can choose to remake a match (under certain conditions), lots of tweaks to the observer tool, and you get some new features that should help keep your identity private in-game.
This patch is also part of an ongoing follow through on a promise to improve hit registration clarity, with several changes coming to the VFX of hit impact markers.

Patch_Notes_1.07_Highlights_Asset.jpg... Read more

Originally posted by rrwoods

25 ms frame times is 40 FPS; 20 ms is 50 FPS. FPS (which is a measure of performance) went up by 25%.

... That said, since the previous sentence was talking about frame time rather than frame rate, I'd guess this is a mistake.

Your FPS example is close to what I intended. If I were to make a 20ms task take 10ms I would see that as a doubling of performance (100%) not a 50% increase in performance. You can do double the amount of the work with the same resources. I can see how this is confusing the way I wrote it. Sorry and thanks for trying to explain it.


Originally posted by Pontiflakes

That was a cool read. I wonder how Riot feels about server performance since go-live. I see low server fps notification every other game. Kills take a noticeable moment to register. Playing Counter-Strike feels like playing on LAN in comparison. Do the lower tick rate servers process frames that much more quickly or is there something else?

We do monitor server tick rates on LIVE using the same data I show in this chart. For the vast majority of servers in we see a steady 128 tick rate. We do have a problem where on round transition the server takes a long time to setup the initial frame and spawn everyone in. That's usually when you'll see low server FPS show up in the top right.

You can actually see server tick rate in your game if you go to Video -> Stats -> Server Tick rate. You can see a graph of server frametime in realtime. It's generally a boring straight line. There are specific regions and specific data centers where they ran hot for periods of time and start to dip but we're constantly adding hardware as it's available and the player base grows.

The more common "server problems" tend to stem from networking outages on the route from players to our servers and complications that cause dropped packets or significant increases in network latency. The network graphs also exist in the settings me...

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Thanks for the kind words everyone!

It's been a wild ride this year but what I'll remember most from my Valorant journey is the support and enthusiasm from everyone in the community, it's made this year a really special one (good special, unlike all the other kinds of special that 2020 has).

I'm confident in the future of anti-cheat on Valorant, there's a whole team of talented people that are working on hunting cheaters, improving Vanguard and generally fighting the good fight. They're talented and hard working and I'm going to miss them a lot!


This was a bug and should no longer be occurring. You can queue up as 5 with a total disparity of 6 from highest to lowest member (IE Silver 2 -> Plat 2)


Hello! This was a bug and should no longer be occurring. You can queue up as 5 with a total disparity of 6 from highest member to lowest member (IE Silver 2 -> Plat 2)

31 Aug


Originally posted by kolibrionextasy

I actually enjoyed the amount of technical detail! I just finished my degree and I'm thinking about getting into Backend-Development/Engineering. Are there more informations available about which technology stack VALORANT is using on the backend and maybe how it influenced performance?

Glad you enjoyed it!

The servers that host games are a pretty simple tech stack. We deploy a single docker container that contains a go service that communicates back with the core game services that manage matchmaking players. The service just starts game server processes (which are written in C++ using the Unreal Engine).

You can read more about how the entire backend is developed and deployed in this series of tech blogs if you're interested.

In terms of performance, it didn't affect us much. I mention t...

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Originally posted by Clearskky

God my brain was thoroughly exhausted by the time I finished reading the article, its insane how many tweaks Riot had to perform to get the amount of juice they required from their servers. At times like this I wish I was a CS major instead of being self taught so I could better understand the concepts in the article.

I'm curious how Riot makes sure their tweaks to the Clocksource, C-states, OS Scheduler etc don't result in unusual, hard to replicate problems and what their cooling solution looks like.

Sorry if it was a bit much. I tried to ride a fine line of saying something meaningful and accurate vs being overly technical. In terms of cooling/power we don't really have many special requirements. I initially was concerned more about it but the actual power draw (and heat generation) wasn't even measurable in the test cases we looked at. I'd assume it has something to do with the way the power-supply / board draws power but I'm not certain as it's not my area of expertise.

Another thing to consider is that if we can reduce the number of hosts we even need to rack by tweaking, we can reduce overall power draw and heat generation of the data center.


Originally posted by skif91

Wow quick and prompt response, thank you for staying active and listening to the community

A group of us are talking this week about process changes to enable doing more of these smallish quality of life changes. They're not big ticket features but their values adds up fast and we want to be better at delivering more of them regularly.

I maintain a list based on feedback and analysis and it's easily 75+ line items. We want to start checking them off!


Originally posted by [deleted]

Do you have anything planned for players to be able to choose max_ping... Queue up, wait 5m to play with 90 ping vs 10 ping players it's not fair, I don't mind waiting another 5 or 10m but atleast when I dash I don't get teleported back, and when I shoot I asked my teammate if I did shoot and he says no, its kinda unfair. Im still waiting for that 35 ping promise.

I know there is some exploration being done around options for latency and data centers . I don't know the exact nature of the work or where it'll end up, but it's an active topic of discussion and effort.

Hey it’s Paul “Arkem” Chamberlain, your VALORANT anti-cheat lead here again with a quick spotlight on the importance of player reports.

One of the most powerful tools in the fight against cheaters is player reports. Reporting gives players a way to directly tell us, your faithful anti-cheat team, what suspicious activity is going on in their games. Unlike Vanguard’s automated systems (Riot Vanguard is our anti-cheat system) reports bring human insight to our anti-cheat efforts at an otherwise unobtainable scale and bring with it a direct look at everyone’s experience in game. It’s really important that players use the in-game reporting tools everytime they see something suspicious, it’s the best way to help us keep the game fair!

I promise some spicy numbers at the end.


Reports feed into many of our team’s processes both automated and manual. On the automated side, the Vanguard backend uses reports to decide whether or...

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We have a task to freeze the map until you close it. Not sure when it'll happen but it's pretty small so hoping to squeeze it in sometime soon.