
Valorant Dev Tracker

12 May


Originally posted by riotriviera

This is there because the player could have requested for 2 parties, joined the third one, and in the queue for 3 mins, then party 1 invited them. This would mean they will automatically get pulled out of their current party and instead join party 1. It definitely could be improved, but it's not very straightforward ...

well said Rivi. I agree that the fix isn't super easy, but it's definitely a QOL thing we can look at!


Originally posted by pedros430

Is it possible to allow resolution to go lower than 720p? The game is completely unplayable for me in 720 and I can't figure any way to get it to 480p, that would really help my performance

What are your hardware specs?


Originally posted by pvpproject

Hi, I've mentioned it a few times and posted bug reports about this.

Omens shrouded step says the ability makes no sound on arrival. It does make sound in arrival, can the ability description be updated to reflect this.

Forwarded this to the appropriate character experts. They're tracking it. Thanks!


Originally posted by Brianiskey

Awesome! I take it the latest patch is the one that just came out? .50

yep. .50 - the scale bit of i think came out in .49 but still was largely unnoticed, so we made the stock change sometime in the last week or so and should be live today.


Originally posted by ImmunocompromisedAwl

Have you noticed that the killfeed logo for the phantom is different to the logo in the inventory?

yep! its got the old weapon silhouette without the silencer, we're updating it ;)


Originally posted by Phantonex

So... what was the Otto?

Comments here are right :)
At one point we had more guns than are currently available in the game, and part of our balancing efforts were to get rid of redundant weapons. The Guardian has always sat in this strange space of "is it a rifle or a sniper," because technically it can function as both - its actually the only gun with a higher ADS zoom, maybe something like 1.5 compared to all other guns with like 1.25, i forget the exact numbers.

The Otto was an automatic sniper rifle ("omg noob weapon!") that we found just didn't really have a place in the game - the high price point and damage output felt like it was trying to take the best of the Operator and Guardian and combine it into one, which just didn't make sense considering we already had those.


Originally posted by Andrew0085

I get that they couldn’t make every gun look completely different but did they have to make the spectre and phantom look almost identical?

We've definitely been trying to address this - at their core the spectre and phantom are fairly different, but the addition of the silencer made it confusing for sure, especially on the ground. Additionally, we actually scale the guns up when they're dropped so that they're more noticeable, and at the time, the Spectre had a higher scale than the Phantom, making them appear similar in size.
In the latest patch, we've actually tried to address this in 2 ways.

  1. The Spectre no longer recieves a larger scale when thrown onto the ground making it appear smaller relative to the Phantom
  2. We collapsed the stock on the Spectre when on the ground, shortening the overall profile of the gun significantly - this actually makes more thematic sense considering when you pick it up and equip, you pull the stock open :P

Hopefully this combo of changes can help with the confusion of the two guns. Let us know if it does!


Originally posted by Sympai

/u/RiotStealthyJesus Hey didn't see any mention of any animation desyncs or the desync while crouching in this patch. Any information on that? You mentioned it'd be in this patch. Thanks!

Hi /u/Sympai, looks like we missed making an update in the patch notes - however, a fix did go out in 0.50. Both for crouch desync, as well as equip anim desyncs.

Let us know if you still see anything funky moving forward!

- David


Originally posted by FrequentHater

Thank You! <3

ty for not hating this time :D


Originally posted by Sxcred

Thanks for the response :)
It's hard to visualize the logistics behind games and all the people involved in making things work. It's not as simple as adding in some code to change something like a lot of us would like it do be.

0.50 seems like a great step forward, can't wait to see what you all have in store!

Love to hear this, fam :) And yeah! It's a super involved process that requires a lot of moving pieces to be aligned. I'm so happy you're happy with the patch, and we can't wait to deliver more epic sh!t =D


Originally posted by oneironautic-records

All it takes is one rogue dev to be bored/frustrated with what they're working on currently and decide to do that instead. xd

Lol! I can see how it seems that way...but checking in changes to our game is actually a super involved process! If people just went in and changed things all willy nilly, our builds would be broken like...all the time lol.


Originally posted by RiotWozzer

This is a bug that unfortunately missed the cut for this patch but is already fixed for the next patch!

I broke this :( I am a bad person, and I am sorry. But yea 100% not intended and fixed for next patch!


This is a bug that unfortunately missed the cut for this patch but is already fixed for the next patch!


Originally posted by BearsRdangerous24

another QoL change to consider is that when a player is invited to join a party AND has requested to join that same party, they should just automatically be added. It seems unnecessary to have the additional interaction when both the inviter and invitee have already agreed

Oooh yeah, I'd have to agree with you there lol


Originally posted by Sxcred

So interesting how large companies work, does the social team handle all social aspects of the game including the in-game friends list system/UI?

Currently, social is mixed in with a team that handles lots of things! I'm sure it'll shift around once we formally launch and our needs get more robust. But typically, we like to organize into teams that are focused on the player experience. For example, we have a STORE team. That team is made up of engineers, UX folks, rev strat, producers, etc., who all work in the same space (store). Members of this team can also work on other teams, depending on their responsibilities. I've found that this helps us to create one cohesive experience for players. :)


Originally posted by therealchengarang

"/Removed Spike icon from being visible on enemy player minimap icons " Please actually read. They’re giving lower tier players a handicap.

Is anybody going to talk about not seeing the bomb on the minimap on ct/defender side now? The game revolved around locating the bomb and reacting to that info, and the possibilities. Now that you just can't see it until you kill the one of the five guys who carry it or they plant it, it's like super early rotations or overreactions to pushes by even the least amount of guys because the defenders are constantly paranoid about the positioning of the bomb on a player, because they know every player they see could have it right in front of them. Thoughts please. That's one less very big option for reading plans of the attackers when your team literally STARTS OUT in pieces. It was the one piece of info you could rely on to give your site defenders a fighting chance of keeping the bomb plant at bay with a strong rotate and...

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Originally posted by Kiillerman2

Is it possible that seeing multiple people with the spike before this change was a visual bug?

Multiple times (only in one match however) me and my team could see multiple enemies who seemed to be carrying the spike.

If it was just a visual bug then no problem, not that it matters now with the feature being patched out. But it was strange and something I'd never seen before

Seeing multiple enemies as spike carriers was part of the bug. All of that should be gone now.


Originally posted by Eternalix

Hi Prog,

I sometimes have trouble locating the spike on the ground (and I have 20/20 vision), especially if there's other guns on top of it / right next to it. I agree that the spike on the ground should give off a different color / hue compared to the white that every other item has. Thank you!

Some upcoming changes add highlighting to items on the ground.