
Valorant Dev Tracker

18 May


Originally posted by Entertain_the_Sheep

yeah my bad i changed it, i initially read "apocalypse" as Balenciaga.

That exact thing though is how some of our successful ideas come about! When someone misinterprets something, its generally one of those "oh thats also something we didnt consider" moments and the new idea from that gets everyone excited :)


Originally posted by Air3s

Just wanted to say thank you for the excellent communication. Its very rare that developers in critical areas of a game communicate directly to their community about core game mechanics! Please continue to keep us updated on your progress <3

Really appreciate that, thank you :)


Originally posted by londongeeza123

hey, just wondering do you think this hit reg stuff will be in the next patch ? because for me the game is sort of unplayable , ive seen countless people post about it today also, however i would like to say the game is amazing and i understand its in beta so these problems are bound to occur, but just wondering if it will be sorted in a patch and when the patch will be roughly, Thanks for your time.

We're still digging to fully understand what's happening. I can't confirm that we'll have a fix by next patch once we confirm where the bug(s) are, but we're trying!


Originally posted by VictoriousX

hi, there a recent popular hitreg desync issues,maybe u can have a look thx

Thanks for the link! Looking into this as well.


Originally posted by Entertain_the_Sheep

Sneak peak into weapon skins on brainstorming board shown:

(does anyone know what the yellow sticky on top next to single green dot says?)

- Mecha (could be rito troll) (1 vote)

- Instrumental / DJ (3 votes)

- WWII / Alternate History (1 vote)

- Souvenir/ GI Joe (1 vote)

- Map Themed Skins

- Balenciaga?? (apocalypse / junkrat )

- prehistoric (1 vote)

- Viking

- Symbiotic/Alien Gun (4 votes)

- Underwater

- Dragon / Gothic (3 vote)

- Cosmic

- Wilderness

- Horror

- Liquid Metal / Cyberpunk (3 vote)

- Angel / Devil

- Popcorn / Food (1 vote) (Rito... what??)

- grafitti/Surreal (1 vote)

- comic book / classic animation (2 vote)

- High Class (1 vote)

- Fast and Furious

- Stuffed Animal / Hamster Powered

Not confirming or denying that any of these are happening (or if you're decoding the scribble text on those stickies correctly :D), but which of those ideas is most exciting to you?


This has been fixed, but just barely missed the 0.50 build cut - enjoy it while it lasts, next patch it'll be gone xD


Originally posted by Urlilas

Watch this, now you know it's f**king a joke to have a hitreg like that

For the video if i kill phoenix sage should die

One quick comment - the Phoenix clip, there is a network indicator in the top right.

Latency isn't displayed anywhere in the clip - but if your ping to the server is high enough (well above 100ms), you can actually be beyond the maximum hitreg rewind limit on the server (we cap it to prevent cheaters & bad feels for the victim - nobody likes getting killed after-the-fact when they duck behind cover).

^ When ping is beyond max rewind, it can cause visual desyncs with what you see on the client compared to what happens on the server.

- David


Thank you for the post (there have been several on a similar topic).

We adjusted Deadzone accuracy with the 0.50 patch (details here:

Those deadzone changes exposed some movement accuracy desync between client and server. Your shots process correctly on the server, but the feedback you get on you local client can be at times incorrect.

This issue has been in the game code for a long time, but was previously quite subtle. It took the 0.50 deadzone changes to make it super ...

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Crazy bug - thank you for the video!

We have a hunch that this is related to the gun firing off a round as you drop it - and since you a no longer an "owner" of the weapon, the bullets can deal damage to you. The one or two times we've had it happen with internal playtests it was with the Bulldog (more common of a repro because of the bursts). Hopefully we will find a fix soon :)

Hey, VALORANT! I’m Preeti Khanolkar (Producer), and I’m here to talk to you about how we bring weapon skin fantasies to life while staying within the boundaries of VALORANT’s competitive integrity. Together, Sean Marino (Art Lead) and I run the Premium Content team, which is responsible for all the cosmetics you see in the game: weapons skins, gun buddies, sprays, and more. But today, we’d like to focus just on weapon skins!

Last week, Marino outlined our principles for weapons: A gameplay-first approach with a gun for every situation. And that’s no...

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17 May


Originally posted by InLoveWithInternet

Thanks a lot for your detailed answer, and actually it would make a great ted talk yea :)

I understand your points, it’s quite logical that if you have lot of things inter-linked it’s even harder to make the whole program multi-threaded. And I’m sure it becomes complex quickly.

But I also think that the game industry in general didn’t realize how fast the speed limit would be reached and so that we would be forced to make more cores instead of more frequency. I may be completely wrong since I’m not in the game industry, but from an outside perspective it feels like the problem hasn’t been worked on early enough.

Worse, I’m not sure it’s actually a priority. I can understand people want to mitigate risks etc. but also maybe there are some people (management, business, maybe dev themselves) who don’t realize where we are. And where we are for more than a decade now.

You look at benchmarks, you see those massive power house that are the new threadri...

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You're not wrong! Sometimes it isn't a priority, some projects just don't really care about CPU performance.

Everything is a trade off so it's not too surprising that my hypothetical dating sim isn't trying out new tech to try and use all cores and get to 1000fps. Big name cinematic console games are also happy running at 30fps (though these are normally GPU bound so they're preferring higher resolutions over high frame rates).

In fact one reason we don't see more progress in multi-core computation for games is that most modern games are limited by GPU power rather than CPU power. Spreading the game work over multiple CPUs might not even help the frame rate if you're stuck waiting for the GPU to do its thing.

In most games changing your graphics settings will have a massive impact on your frame rate, this generally means that the GPU is the limiting factor. It's actually rare to have a game like VALORANT where the graphics settings don't actually do a lot ...

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Originally posted by InLoveWithInternet

Sorry I’m late in the discussion.

the limiting factor on your frame rate will be single threaded CPU performance

Why? This is a serious question. This sounds a bit crazy to me in 2020. We have multi-cores/multi-thread cpus for a long (long) time. We definitely see Intel/AMD going into more and more cores. Why do game developers still make games that rely on single thread performance and can’t benefit from the crazy horse power multi-cores cpus bring on the table?

The industry is getting there but it's hard because there's a lot of state in a video game and each object that needs to be updated is often dependent on a lot of other objects.

Modern engines are building task dependency graph systems that let subsystems updated independently from each other on different threads but for many engines these subsystems aren't first class citizens and a lot of programming effort is required to get them working.

To process a frame you generally have to read network updates from the server, read input from the player, use this information to update the state of each game object, prepare a list of things to be rendered and send that list to the graphics card.

You can add some threads here, for example you often have a input polling thread and a network packet handling thread (checking for input/messages etc). There's also often a rendering thread that is responsible for shuffling objects to the graphics card when they're ready to...

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16 May


This was just the first go-around adding Logout. The version I really want to try is a checkbox next to the Exit button that says "Log me out", and the preference would persist between sessions.

I figure you're either the type of person who needs to log out because you're on a shared machine (or similar), or you never log out. Hopefully we can get a revision done sometime soon.


Originally posted by Trebunner

u/RiotKorensky I received a reply from support. They had me use this tool but gave me different IP's to use. Here's a sample using the WinMTR tool with your IP.


| WinMTR statistics |

| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


| - 0 | 426 | 426 | 1 | 5 | 119 | 1 |

| - 0 | 426 | 426 | 10 | 20 | 157 | 13 |

| - ...

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| - 0 | 426 | 426 | 1 | 5 | 119 | 1 |

Hop 1 has a worst ping of 119 - please make sure you're wired to your router and if so, maybe try replacing your cable etc. Something in your home shouldn't be responding that slowly.


Originally posted by Trebunner

Spectrum in Florida, packet loss has been a lot better, very minimal. I am getting either 65-70 ping to what I believe is the Chicago servers, and I get about 75-80 ping to the NY servers. I have been in touch with support though I have not heard back since I replied to my ticket with all the logs and trace routes they asked for.

It's just frustrating having a poor connection to the servers in a competitive FPS. I feel at a huge disadvantage. Last resort is finding a VPN I guess. I just don't understand why this is a Valorant issue. I've always had good connection for at least a decade to various online multiplayer games. I do understand that data is routed differently. Really appreciate you responding to this thread still and I know many of these issues are out of your hands.

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 5 ms 3 ms 4 ms

2 ...

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6 19 ms 33 ms 59 ms []

This hop is sick. You can run longer type traces with pingplotter etc. They may try and blame CPU on the device or schedulers for a slower response but the honest truth is you can see 16ms is possible to this location yet you have variance up to 59ms. This could be for a lot of different reasons but more commonly, some interface is running hot and your packets are waiting in buffers.

Where VPNs may help is that they tend to have unicast addresses and your can route 'around' these spots. Unfortunately if everybody starts jumping on those same routes, they'd just end up overloaded too.

Like I suggested above, logging these issues with Spectrum does help. Their own data will show spikes in complaints about poor performance. from pockets of their user base and it may help them prioritize upgrading vs all the other engineering opportunities their teams...

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Originally posted by Thechariots

Same here. Lakeland, Florida, Spectrum internet. Constant 70-90 ping with network error and high average ping every game.

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 4 ms 4 ms 3 ms

2 17 ms 28 ms 14 ms []

3 17 ms 24 ms 18 ms []

4 31 ms 136 ms 40 ms []

5 27 ms 43 ms 30 ms [72.31.6....

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1 4 ms 4 ms 3 ms

2 17 ms 28 ms 14 ms []

3 17 ms 24 ms 18 ms []

4 31 ms 136 ms 40 ms []

5 27 ms 43 ms 30 ms []

6 51 ms 166 ms 60 ms []

7 74 ms 49 ms 61 ms []

8 81 ms 49 ms 67 ms []

9 61 ms 78 ms 69 ms []

10 44 ms 99 ms 47 ms

11 * * * Request timed out.

Hop 4 shows some huge issues before you're even out of the local area. Can you log a fault wit...

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Originally posted by imsoju

After upgrading my internet speed to 1gb down, trying a vpn, and dealing with my isp for a week, I am at a loss for what to do to get the latency that I was getting before the ranked patch.

More bandwidth wont improve your latency in most circumstances. In case I've missed it - which ISP are you with and what city are you in? If you want you can DM me your IP address as well and I will see if there's something that we can do.


Originally posted by vecter

Appreciate the update! Agree that hitreg is important--perhaps one of the most important things in this game or any FPS!

I'm concerned that there is still a genuine hitreg issue b/c if you look at this clip, the player isn't moving at all:



Originally posted by MrRise

Hey Sobey thank you so much for looking into it.

I just wanted to give some of my own personal feedback I've experienced from 0.50.

First things to go over are just my system specs and connection to the internet.

So I run a i7 6700k with a GTX 1070. I have the game max'd out in terms graphic settings + with my 144hz monitor(not that that really matters). My network connection is ethernet with a 750mb down and 750 up, 99% stable with barely any issues in all games.

There have been multiple occurrences where I have been right beside someone with the bucky and shot and had no registration on bullets hitting. We are talking about someone being afk standing still, me walking right beside them and right click into their head and having 0 feedback on any shots landing. I wish I had video evidence of that.

But going forward, I will make sure to record my valorant clips in obs at the highest FPS I can with network monitoring on the screen in hopes ...

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I'm really bad about Discord pm's- I'll try to check them more often (I'm sure other there are probably other messages in there I've missed by now). Easiest way to reach me is through DM on reddit or Twitter (mostly twitter tbh).

As for the Bucky bug, I would love to see the clip! If you're right clicking at point-blank range, you should only deal minor damage (the shell has to go a minimum set distance before exploding into the shotgun blast, like Roadhog's. But if it's dealing no damage at all that's something I'm not currently aware of!

Videos of bug reports are the best. Thank you for recording your bugs, once again recordings are hugely helpful to the team.