Nice find! We will find a solve and see if we can fix this for an upcoming patch, thank you!
Nice find! We will find a solve and see if we can fix this for an upcoming patch, thank you!
Dang it, uploaded the logs to my google drive instead.
Understood about the update. Had no problems last week pre and post vanguard update. Disconnect errors did not begin until 0.50 patch was installed. Hopefully the logs help!
Looks like a server error on our side, I'll escalate it to our infrastructure people.
ooh baby I can't ever forget this
There were about 5 files in the logs folder so I zipped them up and uploaded them. To further add to the report, I never had this bug before the 0.50 patch. Also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game and vanguard but still got disconnected with the same error.
That link 404s for me :(
Vanguard didn't update along with 0.50 (it updated last week on its own) so it's probably not a 0.50 specific issue.
Region: BR
Type of Bug: Vanguard Anti-Cheat
Description: Restarted my laptop to install Vanguard and then my laptop keyboard stopped working (Vanguard blocking kbfiltr.sys, responsible for the operation of the keyboard). Uninstalled Vanguard and now its working again.
Video / Screenshot:
Steps to reproduce: Just install Vanguard and restart the system.
Expected result: Keyboard working fine.
Observed result: Keyboard not working.
Reproduction rate: 100%
System specs: ASUS S46C - i5 3317U - 6gb RAM - GT 740M - Windows 10
Is this still happening? Vanguard shouldn't be blocking drivers since last week.
Read more• Region: EU
• Type of Bug: Vanguard Anti Cheat Error
• Description: I started to play from first week of beta and i have this issue. I cannot play a match normally because i get error all the time randomly. I tried to reinstall the game and anti cheat multiple times. Not worked. Tested with newest optional and recommended AMD driver too and crashed too. I reinstalled my computer, hoping it would work, but no, and I just installed the game and still get this error. I tried everything from the reddit and riot support and nothing works. I think it's a compatibility issue with AMD CPU or with the APU (Integrated graphics card) just a tip. I saw who has AMD A10 5800K, AMD A series CPU they have this problem too. Now i have more error than before the patch 0.50 (update). I was in ranked so after the 5x error in 5 round i didn't rejoined because like this is unplayable and not fun. #angry
Read this many people rep...
Another copy paste from above:
If you upload your Vanguard logs somewhere (they live in "C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs") and message me a link I'll take a look.
My best guess is some sort of connection issue to our anti-cheat servers?
Region: NA
Type of Bug: Vanguard kicks me out for every 20 minutes
Description: Vanguard Anti-cheat has encountered a connection error.
Reproduction rate: Happens every 20 minutes or so
Steps to reproduce: Kept trying to play
Expected result: I won't be disconnected
Observed result: Still got disconnected
System Specs: Intel i5 6600K Processor, Windows 10, Nvidia Graphics Card (980Ti)
Copy-pasted from the last person who reported this bug:
If you upload your Vanguard logs somewhere (they live in "C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs") and message me a link I'll take a look.
My best guess is some sort of connection issue to our anti-cheat servers?
I have been kicked from games as well, same error, can confirm. Never got kicked a single time pre-patch
It's probably a coincidence since nothing Vanguard related changed in this game patch (Vanguard updates on its own schedule). Let me know if it keeps happening though.
• Region: NA
• Type of Bug: Vanguard kicks me out for every 4 minutes
• Description: Vanguard Anti-cheat has encountered a connection error.
• Reproduction rate: 10/10 (happened 10 out of 10 times)
• Steps to reproduce: Try to reinstall Valorant and Vanguard
• Expected result: I won't be kicked out
• Observed result: Still got kicked out
• System Specs: Intel i9 Processor, Windows 10, Nvidia Graphics card (2080)
If you upload your Vanguard logs somewhere (they live in "C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs") and message me a link I'll take a look.
My best guess is some sort of connection issue to our anti-cheat servers?
One last thing, how come y’all got rid of some player cards a week or 2 ago? Like the yellow stained glass looking one
A lot of that stuff is just in flux right now in general - there are more player cards we’re working on that’ll come in a later patch, so might have something to do with that. I don’t work on that team so I don’t have any super specific context to give, sorry about that!
Hey do you know if we will get a fix for me being bad at the game?
I repro that issue. The team is trying hard to fix for me. I'll let you know if we make any progress.
Thanks for the response even tho everyone else didn’t like it
Reddit can be fickle, sorry about that. Your points made sense; I hope my post helps convey a bit more of our philosophy around the change!
Bhopping feels way easier after the patch dont know if that’s just me tho.
You’re just nutty at bhopping, go get em champ
Read moreNot gonna lie I’m kinda unhappy about that.
My comment about this about a week ago:
Whenever I resurrected someone, there are a bunch of ways for people to notice.
1: Distinct noise (+ animation time of vulnerability)- which can be used to sonically locate where I and my teammate are.
2: Kill feed notification- instead of red/green or green/red, it’s all red (to the enemy team).
3: Top bar, I doubt anyone would miss this- as soon as someone is resurrected their agent icon is returned to the score bar.
4: The teammate I’ve resurrected themselves- any usage of abilities, saying voice lines, or instances of getting spotted by the enemy team should be more than enough of an indication that they’re fully alive and capable of shooting back.
5: The scoreboard- Holding TAB displays the statuses of everybody’s Ultimate abilities. If you notice that all of a sudden my ult status which was READY w...
I don’t disagree with a any of the points you’re making - there are plenty of ways to notice Sage Rez outside of the VO line, it’s just more about sticking to a consistent, easily understandable paradigm for ult callouts. We want ults to feed into the tactical decision making loop for a round, and want all players to be immediately aware of that info to inform their strategy. The idea of an ult having extra power because it’s easy to miss in the moment doesn’t sit super well with us in general.
Sage Rez definitely showed players a good amount of info, it just wasn’t as clear as other ults and didn’t fit our intended paradigm, so we brought it into the fold. I can’t speak to Sage’s character on the yelling portion unfortunately, that’s not my specialty!!
Snakebite slow when?
Haha we think Viper needs some love, but as far as I know right now this isn’t something we’re considering at the moment. That tooltip is just outdated! We’re mulling over some other options for Viper in the future, though.
Looks like we made a little booboo with some of the physical pieces of the dart. We are working on a fix right now. Sorry everyone!
Thanks for the report. We have a fix for this internally. It'll be resolved in an upcoming build.
Any idea if this has been undone or still not implemented? Still a bug in my game
Yeah... My bad, I made an assumption that it would be fixed by now. It's definitely on our list of known bugs, but we're waiting on a bigger UI clean-up pass that will (hopefully) be done in the next few patches.