
Valorant Dev Tracker

28 Apr


Originally posted by DingusDong

Well you've hit the nail on the head. Not having perfect security on what essentially a backdoor to potentially hundreds of millions of computers around the world is frankly a little terrifying given who's at the top of the Valorant totem poll.

Quoting what was said in another thread:

It depends how brazen they want to be. Small scale they could gather a whole heap of data. Like where do people look for their news and information would be really handy in prioritising propaganda efforts. Between Tik Tok monitoring phones and Riot monitoring PCs they can probably get a solid sample size for young westerners. On the other end of the spectrum, they could use it for distributed attacks (credential stuffing/DDOS) or to try and hide the origin on a more sophisticated attack (i.e. using compromised user credentials to exfiltrate data). They have administrator access to the machine, they can do with it whatever you could do with it.

Going really...

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There's nothing I can say to help reduce your concerns. You've already made up your mind.

Ultimately, you get to choose what you run on your machine.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Because HWMonitor loads a driver that can be abused by third party applications to read and write physical memory, read and write MSRs, perform IO operations (privileged); all from usermode. It's unsafe to load anyways and they're blocking it because it can be potentially used by hackers to read and write memory for the game.

This is accurate.


Originally posted by tr4p

u/RiotArkem where do we report false positives in regards to vanguard? it just flagged my MSI mysic light (for GPU RGB)

Unfortunately that's not a false positive, that driver has a serious security vulnerability that's commonly used by cheat developers to load their cheats.

I recommend looking to see if there's an update available from MSI or asking them for a fix.


Originally posted by THISAINTMYJOB

How do you enable the system tray icon though?

Opened valorant to have it download the update but there's still no icon after reboot.

You can run "C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\vgtray.exe" manually but I'm not sure why it isn't starting for you :(


Originally posted by sliceoftoasr

/u/RiotArkem I'm unable to reinstall the game anymore because it says I need to install the required dependencies, but it won't let me install it. I don't know where else to go with this since I submitted a ticket a week ago and still haven't received a response. Do you have ant clue as to how I can fix this? Thanks 😊

Hopefully support gets back to you soon! (they've been really swamped this last week)

Sometimes this error is due to anti-virus blocking the new Vanguard version (because it hasn't been seen by many people yet), sometimes it's due to a software incompatibility (I know the messaging is bad, sorry). Other times it's a bug on our side.

When support gets back to you hopefully they can help you troubleshoot but if you don't hear from them let me know and if I get some time I'll try and help you out.


Originally posted by PM_UR_NSFW_ALT

While installing and uninstalling is a benign thing, it seems like a repetitive time waste as well as repeated installs not being something i'm in the habit of doing. So that would be my justification.

The use case would be that it doesn't require the install/uninstall. That's (small, but still) a burden on a user to remember to uninstall or whether they did uninstall last time and if they need to restart. The interface could (hopefully) be as simple as a right click on the system tray icon, with a list item of the checked/unchecked variety, to see the status of "[✔️] Load Vanguard on next restart" or "[ ]Load Vanguard on next restart]." That saves time from checking add/remove programs or booting Valorant up.

This would also seem to be in line with what seems to be the intent of the change you've already described - to make Vanguard feel less intrusive and to give the user control. This would further respect a user's time and attention, as well as reduce the a...

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Thanks for elaborating!


Originally posted by awera

Out of curiosity was it the pak encryption setting? UE4 dev here and would love to avoid the same issue from happening to my game.

It was from one of our custom in-house security tools (one we use for League of Legends too).

We currently do PAK encryption but only for some files. PAK encryption didn't kill performance during gameplay for us but it did dramatically increase load times and makes patching more awkward.


Originally posted by BjornHelheim

Hey there, sorry to be bothering. I'm not sure if you're the right person to be asking this but a lot of people (me included) have encountered a bug that prevents them from selecting a resolution. Whatever option the user chooses, the resolution will always bug out and the only fix is to disable the monitor driver in windows device manager. Is this issue being looked at? Can we expect this simple bug to be fixed by launch? Thanks for your time.

There are some display/resolution changes coming in the next game patch (today? tomorrow? something like that), hopefully that helps!


Originally posted by PM_UR_NSFW_ALT

Would it be possible to have a 'do not start on next reboot' option as a middle-ground choice?

This is basically what the uninstall option does. Vanguard won't run on your computer until the next time you want to play. Vanguard is relatively small (approx 16MB) so it reinstalls quickly.

We can look into a "disable for next boot" option if you'd like though. Can you give me an example of the use case so I know how to prioritize the feature request?


Originally posted by lzisded

Hi Arkem, sorry for replying to a week old comment but Vanguard blocks gdrv.sys on boot and I can't access my computer's fans anymore, which means things could get too hot. Everything was working fine up until today. Any idea how to stop this from happening?

If your worried I definitely recommend uninstalling Vanguard.

gdrv.sys is being used by cheat developers to load cheats and ransomware to take over computers which is why we block it.

The latest version of your fan control software should work without needing the gdrv.sys driver.


Originally posted by valorantdatascience

Any chance you can include a saved binary file for semi-replay data. Your timeline capability shown in client is similar to the functionality I'm talking about, just stored in a more easily indigestible format. I am a professional data scientist who happens to love this game. I will do literally all of the format and documentation for free if I know you would use it.

Let me know.

Stuff like that will hopefully exposed via our developer API. I also hope that we'll eventually build a full replay system too.


Originally posted by JoNike

I use to be a mastering tech for one of the big publishers. I do not miss it when I read stuff like this. Keep on the good fight!

Thank you!


Originally posted by JakeFote

Hello, after this recent patch vanguard is now blocking me from checking my cpu temperatures on both nxzt CAM software and HW Moniter(A highly used software for temperature monitoring). I understand you can just exit vanguard now but that requires you to restart your computer just to play the game. I don’t think the intent of this anti cheat is to block you from monitoring your cpu temps, just some feedback. It is also blocking some features on MSI dragon center as well, which is kind of annoying.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Usually this is because those drivers have security vulnerabilities that are commonly used by cheat developers to load cheats into the kernel (or by malware authors for ransomware).

I recommend that you see if there's a newer version of the software that you can use.


Originally posted by Eko1123

I know this may seem a bit minor compared to all of the other major bug fixes and patches that you guys are implementing right now, but is there any eta on when we’ll be able to disable profanity filter in chat?

It's on the list but I don't have an eta for you sorry


Originally posted by Auknight33

I've been getting a weird error whenever I boot up my computer with Vanguard on. Just, some random program will boot up for like 5 minutes and keep me from doing anything until it crashes. I found a video of someone else with the same problem. Any ideas? (BTW love you guys, you really stand head and shoulders above almost any other gaming company and I play some of your games specifically because I know and trust the company behind it <3)

I'm sorry to hear about your problem. I hope you don't give up on us, we're never going to give up on you either.


Originally posted by tr4p

So next patch is confirmed for tomorrow? Also. How long are we talking about before ranked gets turned on. Hours or days?

It's not my call but I think it'll be as soon as players confirm for us that no game breaking issues have slipped into the build.


Originally posted by OfficialChairleader

Any chance to optimize the game a bit for AMD CPUs? I'm getting anywhere from 70 to 170 fps while people on a comparable or even worse system with an intel chip are getting a steady 200+. This has been an issue for league of Legends as well, it's super well optimized for potatoes that use intel chips but becomes somewhat unplayable even with some of the more recent AMD chips. It would be a bit sad to see Valorant leaves AMD users in the dust as well.

keep up the awesome work!

Currently the game performance scales best with single core performance which might be why intel CPUs seem to be doing well.

This next game patch should improve your frame rate but we also have more optimizations planned that could help.


Originally posted by KKingler

Could there be a way to hide the system tray icon if I wish? I do not care about it running in the background but a system tray icon would be a little bit annoying. I like keeping them tidy. (also pinging u/RiotArkem if he can answer this!)

We agree so we made sure there's an option to hide the tray icon! Just click on it once and you'll see the option :)