Well you've hit the nail on the head. Not having perfect security on what essentially a backdoor to potentially hundreds of millions of computers around the world is frankly a little terrifying given who's at the top of the Valorant totem poll.
Quoting what was said in another thread:
It depends how brazen they want to be. Small scale they could gather a whole heap of data. Like where do people look for their news and information would be really handy in prioritising propaganda efforts. Between Tik Tok monitoring phones and Riot monitoring PCs they can probably get a solid sample size for young westerners. On the other end of the spectrum, they could use it for distributed attacks (credential stuffing/DDOS) or to try and hide the origin on a more sophisticated attack (i.e. using compromised user credentials to exfiltrate data). They have administrator access to the machine, they can do with it whatever you could do with it.
Going really...