
Valorant Dev Tracker

14 Apr


Originally posted by ZenoVeil

- **Region:** NA

- **Type of Bug:** Client Bug

- **Description:** We were unable to successfully install while a riot client process is already running

- **Video / Screenshot:**

- **Steps to reproduce:** Havent gotten past the install button

- **Expected result:** Unable to install

- **Observed result:** Unable to install

- **Reproduction rate:** Every time i try to install even after restarts

- **System specs:** n/a

Make sure you don't have league, LoR, or riot client services running in the task manager.


Originally posted by CompositeMist

Region: NA

Type of Bug: 6-Players in Game

Description: We had a 3-man queue where we played properly. A friend of ours logged into my friend's account, but it didn't kick him out and let him play. So our team had 6 players. He was able to move and play and we could also hear him talking in-game.

• Screenshot:

Reproduction rate: We haven't tried it again due to fear of abusing it and getting banned, but when we did this before it should just log the person out of the game which for some reason it didn't do in this scenario. When it happened our friend just said his game "freaked" out and didn't kick him out.

Steps to reproduce: The steps were really just have a...

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Thanks, we are tracking this and working on a fix.


Originally posted by BrockMister

  • Region: NA
  • Type of Bug: Client/Server
  • Description: Despite being located in NA I can only connect to EU servers and cannot play with NA friends or join their parties.
  • Video / Screenshot: n.a.
  • Steps to reproduce: idk
  • Expected result: idk
  • Observed result: idk
  • Reproduction rate: idk
  • System specs: RTX 2080, i9 9900k

You will need to put in a ticket with player support to resolve. Was your account ever from the EU and then transferred to NA?


Originally posted by IkeKap

Do you have to talk to residential ISPs to make sure they hand off Riot Game related packets directly to your POP or does your system handle that automatically?

You don't have to do anything at all. You're ISP want's to offload your traffic as fast as possible, so it will route it to one of Riot Direct's PoPs.


Originally posted by WALKERUU

The fog of War is a very good feature but it can still be improved. Right now a wallhack can still give an advantage because the server don't hold the information as long as it should when an enemy is going around a corner and it don't hold the info at all if the enemy is behind a small wall.

Also the time between the moment a cheat is detected and the cheater is banned has to be reduce.

Yeah these are good points.

The fog of war system could be improved that way, we've erred on the side of not having any gameplay artifacts but we hope that we can tighten this up over time as we have more information about the real world performance of the system.

We're always hoping to reduce the time to ban for cheaters we think we're not doing a great job here yet and will looking to improve it soon.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Nah you don’t. Rioters choose if they want to have the Riot tag at the front of their name


Originally posted by YosemiteThrowaway123

Do u plan on keeping servers where they are? Or centralizing them like u did with league. Considering taking a job at one of those cities and super low ping would motivate my decision.

MOBAs generally have a higher (though not super high) latency tolerance than shooters. We wouldn't be able to meet our goal of 35ms for most players with only a single centralized location. If anything, we'll likely need to expand (either more Riot Direct PoPs or more servers locations) to really provide the experience we think our players deserve. But for now, we're looking at the data and fixing up routing issues as we discover them.


Originally posted by domthebigbomb

Do you know if given a clock speed, do we get greatly improved fps with more cores/threads? I remember in some games, it is actually beneficial to disable HyperThreading even if the CPU is locked to the same clock speed.

It's going to vary a lot CPU to CPU. That being said I think you'll stop seeing gains from additional cores after 4. There are 4 big threaded things in VALORANT.

1 : Main Thread : Gameplay,Character,AbilityLogic,UI,etc. Usually 100% usage

2 : Render Thread: CPU side rendering things like occlusion, draw call submission. Usually 50-100% usage

3 : Audio Thread : Audio processing engine, ~25% usage

4 : Worker threads : Animation, Particles, Misc things. ~3% usage for each. There can be a lot of work threads depending on game events.

So you're really looking at really benefiting from 3 cores or maybe 4. You can reduce the latency on some things but I would expect to see diminishing returns after 4+ cores. After that, you're better cranking up clock speeds. Of course, this assumes you have no other programs running on your computer. Depending on what you're running in the background you might benefit for more cores for that.


The individual skins in the set should rotate back into your rotating store!

    /u/ on News - Thread - Direct

We’re back (and by we, we mean us, Anna & Joe) with more lessons learned from the VALORANT Closed Beta and some new thinking.

We’ll lead with the changes and then follow up with our thought process. Starting now, all VALORANT Twitch streams can drop closed beta access (as long as they are playing VALORANT).

While we’re still running closed beta drops 24/7, please note that this change doesn’t increase the number of drops, just that you can watch any VALORANT stream to be eligible.

As a reminder: drops happen at all times (even when you’re offline!), but only for players in Europe, Canada, United States, Turkey, Russia and CIS countries. This is based off of your Riot account’s home-based region, which you can check by logging into ...

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13 Apr


Originally posted by Farler

  • Region: NA
  • Type of Bug: Store Bug
  • Description: Paypal payment option doesn't work
  • Video / Screenshot: Not gonna do this b/c passwords.
  • Steps to reproduce: Try to buy points with Paypal. Enter email. Enter password. Spins for a while, goes back to the email and password screen (without saying anything about whether you entered info correctly). Enter info again. Asks you to do a captcha. Cannot click the verify button or the refresh captcha button, and you're stuck unless you hit escape to close the payment popup. Worth noting: this happens no matter what password I put in. I know my paypal password because I just signed in to paypal's website to make sure I wasn't just wrong. In the overlay, this bug happens when I put in the correct password. It also happens, in the EXACT SAME WAY, when I put in the wrong password. There is no difference. Clearly the game i...
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Thanks for reporting this -- We're working with PayPal right now to figure out why the reCAPTCHA is having problems for some users in game. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Originally posted by Sazy23

Region: EU

Type of Bug: Store

Description: Using paypal bugs and doesn't load the ctacha thingy and then when you redo it, it loads it but then you can't "submit" thus being unable to buy Valorant points with paypal.

Reproduction rate: 10/10 (happened 10 out of 10 times)

Steps to reproduce: Try to buy Valorant points with paypal method.

Expected result: Being able to use paypal.

Observed result: Having to use credit card directly.

Thanks for reporting this -- We are investigating this with PayPal to see why the reCAPTCHA is having issues for some users. Sorry for any inconvenience there!


Originally posted by Tomstephens

Been seeing a lot of people mentioning the feedback not being very easy to see when taking damage.

Here is an example of me going from 100hp to 12hp with only a small red indicator to tell me otherwise.

It would be great if we could see some additional audio & visual ques to make it more obvious that you have taken damage.

Great example. I've been reading all of the threads on this issue and am looking at some potential upgrades. Also sent it along to the sound folks.


Originally posted by MaryJason

are you planning on a northeast server eventually?

In the video I talk a bit about that: we'll extend the network where it makes sense to, given where our players are etc. The thing we need to balance though is that more game server locations fragments the playerbase a bit. All that said, assuming you mean the north-east of the USA, pings are looking pretty reasonable up that way (you should be getting matched onto the Ashburn servers).

To concretely answer your question: no current plans for NE USA servers, but not ruling it out if the situation warrants.


Originally posted by PixelWave

Is it possible to have an option so it behaves as follows: have it not load automatically on start but then if you want to play valorant you have to restart your computer?

For people who would play valorant maybe once a week or similar I think this could be fairly useful, but im not sure how viable it would be.

We don't have an official option like this yet but you can uninstall Vanguard from Add/Remove programs (look for "Riot Vanguard") and it'll work basically how you're suggesting


Originally posted by kkshinichi

As we can't guarantee that it's perfect, maybe one approach on taking on such is a bug bounty program for Vanguard?

Vanguard is in scope for our bug bounty program. You can see the details here: or you can email reports to [email protected]


Originally posted by jaime10super

Something to say about why it is not remove when you delete the game?

You can uninstall the driver at any time from Add/Remove programs (it's listed as "Riot Vanguard"). Technically Riot Vanguard is a separate product to Valorant and can be used by multiple games.