
Valorant Dev Tracker

09 Apr


Originally posted by Doootard

Yeah I get it now that this is the case, but it's a bit confusing at first, that I dealt 140 dmg and they survived, wasn't sure what was going on. Maybe it would be more clear to show how much hp loss your dmg caused (in this case 90) instead how much dmg you dealt (140) ? Or both :)

You'd like the combat report to differentiate between armor damage and hp damage taken? Maybe we can have something like that, I'll mention it to the designers.


Originally posted by Kiptus

Unrelated to OP topic, but feel like I need to voice this somewhere to stay sane.

This beta feels like an event that has pushed myself further from my friends who all have had drops, whereas I haven't after 50+ hrs of watching streams. I get it from both a marketing & general server-stress POV, but it's just really disappointing to see kind of event when we're currently in a time where we're already extremely disconnected through current world affairs.

Sorry to hear that! We're trying to get people into the beta as fast as possible but we want to make sure we don't over do it and crash the servers for everyone.

Hopefully you get a drop soon. Also, make sure you're not grinding streams to get drops, the extra view time helps but really not so much that it's worth burning yourself out watching. Feel free to take a break and do something else, you're still eligible for drops even if you're not watching at the second we do the sweep.


Originally posted by dcy

Does reporting work? I played a lot today and a few games there were names hinting of a new Riot account (coronavirus etc.) and they knew exactly where to angle without fault, even if i didn't make a sound while backing into a corner. Sure, they could've just outclassed me, but something about them seemed off. The report function gave me an error at the time.

On the same topic, i played with a friend last few hours and had a few very high kill count games and when I queued up for another, I got an anti-cheat system error which forced me to restart the game. Is this because i was potentially flagged or completely unrelated?

Please report suspected cheaters, it's a good way to get information to us to investigate and also helps us understand what everyone is experiencing in game.

If you weren't cheating the most common cause of an anti-cheat system error is a connection problem or a server problem on our end. If it happens frequently please submit a support ticket so we can figure out what's happening.


Originally posted by calorant

How effective will your hwid ban? People are saying it's easy to spoof so it won't work.

We think it'll be hard to circumvent but if we see people getting around it it we will put some more effort into improving it.


Originally posted by Doootard

When I see I deal 140 outgoing dmg and they survive is it because of the armor or a bug?

Enemies can have 150 so maybe they survived with 10hp?


To follow up on a lot of the comments I'm seeing (sorry there're too many people to respond to individually right now)

  1. Yeah it's disappointing that the first cheats appeared so quickly. Ruined my day.

  2. Cheaters gonna cheat but we're in this fight for the long haul so even if cheaters find a hole we'll be around to plug it.

  3. No magic bullets to stop hacks but we're doing a bunch of things to keep them out of your games. If you hear of one (a magic bullet) let me know, I'm listening :)

  4. Fog of War is working! Enemies that are not in line of sight or just around a corner from the player don't have up to date positions. Your hack can draw them on the screen anyway but you're just showing obsolete info. More info about Fog of War coming out next week hopefully.

  5. You are all the best judges of how we're doing, so let me (us) know if you're not happy with the state of the game so we know that we have to improve.

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Originally posted by Devilishola

Awesome, your input it's been a massive help and I've learned something new.

The reason I asked this question is because I'm trying to get started out on twitch so I've been looking for a way to stream and play at 144hz - but it looks like I'll need a dedicated streaming PC or a better graphics card for NVENC, or I'll be stuck playing at 60fps. How you've replied has given me the exact information I need.

Thanks dude, I appreciate you. Thanks for your work on the game so far too, I hope you keep it up. I moved from Top 50 in Overwatch (cree main) on Overwatch for this game, so if you're in it for the long haul, I am too. :)

Edit: Just wanna say Multithreading (like how PUBG updated to use 6+ cores instead of 2) would be huge, I think AMD are really pushing the market when it comes to more cores. Before we know it, it'll probably be normal to have 8+ cores in the next 5 years or so.

Glad to help!

Oh we're definitely in it for the long haul. I worked on LoL for 6 years and I could easily see myself doing the same for Valorant. Both teams are really strong and dedicated.

I was a McCree main in OW too! I wasn't nearly as good as you though. I was always a few points short of Diamond.

I agree multi-threading could be a huge benefit. We're definitely looking into that as one of our options.

To be clear, if you want to improve your perf, the best bet is not to buy a capture GPU. It's to increase your clock rate of your CPU. You can do this by purchasing something with a higher clock rate or if you're tech savvy (sounds like you are) you might see how much room there is to overclock single core turbo boost on AMD processors.

I gotta put this: Disclaimer: This isn't a Riot official recommendation to overclock your hardware and you do so at your own risk.


i'm crying laughing lmao


Originally posted by Devilishola

That's understandable, I get that it's a work in progress and nothing will be 100% yet - thanks for confirming it's CPU bound too. So from my understanding now, my CPU isn't getting maxed out because it's tied to a single thread instead of multi-thread and it's not GPU intensive, so general usage across both components will be low? Is that right?

I rebooted my computer and I can confirm the RiotClient issue is gone. Thanks for the quick fix, I must have missed that patch.

Exactly right, if you have 8 cores we're probably hitting ~2 full cores worth of usage. So it would end up being 2/8 or ~25% usage. Maybe more or less depending on what's happening in game.

Getting the game to be more multi-threaded can be a steep technical challenge so we're weighing our options there against just making better usage of the cores that we're already using. It's a fine balance, our end goal is just to get framerate higher. We're not necessarily focused on using 100% of all cores if that makes sense. Either way, rest assured we're working on getting more frames for all.


Originally posted by drafte_

I was able to get it through a glitch. Riot pls no ban. (patched). You can still equip the skins even if you don't have them but it wont show up in-game.

We're aware of this issue and are investigating. Thanks for the report!


Originally posted by InsaneBeagle

That one I do not. Haven't had a printer in years.

they deployed a fix for this last night. can you see if its still happening?


Originally posted by PixelHir

Hi, I have some drivers required for Android Fastboot that are unsigned (since they are old drivers for xperia lww), can I keep them or do I need to uninstall them?

they deployed a fix for this last night. can you see if its still happening?


Thanks for calling this out, fam :)

Even game developers with the most comprehensive player behavior systems aren't NEARLY as effective at shaping the community as the players themselves.

We've all gotta look out for each other <3


I don't know when it'll land, but we're definitely going to add agent-specific keybind sets.


We have a lot of upgrades planned for the crosshair customization. All in due time!


Originally posted by Marandoe

Don't listen to the people who are saying just be better. This is a great idea! Especially newer players will have an easier time understanding and it wouldn't be hard for them to implement!

Agree, it's an easy win. We're going to do it.


Originally posted by 2Chronicle

ikr shits so annoying lmao

So annoying. We're working on a fix.