This appears to be a GPU-related crash, which can usually be solved with a clean re-installation of your GPU drivers. That and more solutions can be seen here: [PC] How to Resolve GPU Crashes – Fatshark
This appears to be a GPU-related crash, which can usually be solved with a clean re-installation of your GPU drivers. That and more solutions can be seen here: [PC] How to Resolve GPU Crashes – Fatshark
Ah okay! I’ll add this information and your log to our database and we’ll take a proper looksee. It’s possible that there’s a bug lurking here.
Just queried this, and yep! End events disable vote-kicking to prevent griefing and denying players loot. I can appreciate that disbanding can cause a similar problem though.
Were you at the event stage of the level?
Also, just to correct my post above (please disregard that), you should be able to votekick with any number of players. 2-players is a special case, and a host can immediately kick the client.
I’m not too sure as to how they were able to rejoin you… I wonder if it was possible to rejoin via Recently Played With, despite being blocked ...
Sorry to hear that @OrsonMaxwell
I believe that for the vote kick option to be available, 3+ players must be in a game. Is it possible that only the two of you were present when you attempted to kick this player?
Of course, I can appreciate that this isn’t ideal for just two players when you are faced with having to disband and lose your progress. I’ve passed this feedback along for discussion.
I’d also recommend blocking this player via Steam to prevent being matched with them in future games.
Thank you very much, we’re looking in to it!
Sorry to hear this. You should see an improvement with our next patch.
When was the last time you played prior to this, @EyesOnly?
Is it possible you were playing in ‘Offline’ mode previously?
Is it the same outcome regardless of who hosts (other than himself, as I understand he has no issues then)?
Hi @MikeStyles27,
Sorry about that. So we can take a look under the hood, could you please provide your console log from this session? Thanks!
I believe I’ve recently responded to your post in the Steam Discussions. It’s my understanding this is no longer an issue for you since reinstalling to your internal SSD, which makes sense as these crashes do appear to be the result of a bad installation. Let us know if your crashes persist.
Could you help me out and tell me which cosmetics are missing exactly?
Thank you, I’ve passed it on to our Backend Engineers to have a look at. I’ll keep you posted.
It may sound irrelevant, but which other USB devices do you have plugged in?
No experience with this personally, so I’ve asked our developers if they have any input on what could be the cause. With it being late on a Friday, unfortunately it’s likely to be next week before I hear back. Perhaps somebody else has encountered this issue and can advise.
In that case, please email it to [email protected] if you can.
Could you PM me the URL to your Steam profile please?
Please try a Selective Startup and see if the issue persists:
As above, we made a recent change requiring click and hold to purchase. Could this be why?
Thanks for the report @Xanoth, we’ll look into this!
Hi @Bearwarwithbear,
It appears that your GPU is crashing. I recommend running through solutions here:
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