Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

23 Nov


@Fa-El, should be fixed for you now :slight_smile:


Hi @MoriHiroshi,

Is this still an issue that is occurring for you?

If so, does the issue persist after restarting your PC and router?


As do we, I can assure you doc! Software is different to the human body in many ways. We can’t tell you when we’ll be able to hot fix this, but rest assured when we have a fix, we will shout about it, but in the mean time, contributing to the troubleshooting is valuable.


Can you add a ticket here and include your psn name?


As a doctor, if you ask your patient for information on their history, and they just provide a portion of their history (such as the symptoms, and not relevent information from their past), do you just prescribe whatever might work for them, even though they might have allergies? I know the analogy doesn’t entirely translate, but to be able to make the most of these reports we need as much information as possible as described in the megathread you’ve contributed to.

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As above, this should now be resolved! :smiley: Still having this issue? Please let us know with as much detail as possible.


It’s a top priority, as it is far and away the most common cause of client instability right now. We have had numerous devs experience it too, and numerous who haven’t – even with identical hardware. It’s insidious and frustrating, and not low priority or ‘acceptable’ either.


We are flogging the codegryns as hard as we can. Design-work is being done in parrallel since you guys really don’t want me to fiddle with the engine code.

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As an aside your username is simultaneously amusing and endlessly annoying when reading log files… Johnny Drop Tables would be proud.


Ill enquire tomorrow/later (its 02:36 atm!)

22 Nov


You realise in many communities this is why developers just nope out of forums, right?

Cool. Cool.


I can’t talk to the autogun, feedback noted though!

This I can’t agree with though. It’s wrong, and a bit of a meme at this point.


Ratherdone has clocked out, it’s 00:30 where he is! :smiley:

He’s a combat guy exclusively, not UI or systems, but I can speak very lightly to some of it.

The Barber Chirurgeon doesn’t let you change everything right now, some by design, and some due to tech limitations (such as height, name and voice to name 3). It wont be a high priority to update those things, there’s way more tech issues that need to be looked in to before we find the time for more QOL stuff on the Chirurgeon front.

As for the explanations of ‘stuff’, there’s an entire interface not far from being ready which really blew my mind when I saw it, and made me appreciate how complex stuff is behind the scenes, and why it took us three games to figure out how to present it in a meaningful way through an in-game interface.


It’s a differnet process on the Microsoft side, allowing us less iteration time for fixes like these. I’ll ask where we’re at with it.

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Regarding stats, weapon presentation and bars. Yes. We know. We want to clarify that. There are things in the works. Otherwise I have been looking at writing some dev blogs, it’s mainly a time thing on that front.

But to answer shortly: Stats are unique per weapon, it’s basically the result of “if you combat guys would pick 5 thing that are relevant to scale on a weapon, what would that be?”. We then bunch up any tweak-values required to make it balanced and interesting into different stats. Thus, for very armor-piercy single-target melee weapons we’ll create a different stat profile focusing on raw base damage, armor penetration, stagger-capacity, first target in sweep bonuses etc. While a cleaving horde-clearing weapon includes scales on different values and have stats focused on unarmored damage, cleaving more enemies, improved damage vs subsequent targets hit etc.

The intent is to create weapons that scale in interesting ways but don’t overstep their role and blend...

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So melee attacks currently have a minimum 10% damage bleed-through at max toughness and otherwise scales with your toughness %.

So at 50% toughness you take half damage
Between 90-100% toughness you take 10% damage
at no toughness you take 100% damage.

The intent here is to make toughness valuable on a granular scale - but it’s a mechanic we’re watching and collecting info on during the Beta, we’ll see where we’ll end up.


on the ranged enemy tweaks:

It’s difficult to give exact numbers on integrated mechanics of the AI and behaviours since they are all complex and code-relative and usually just leads down a rabbit hole of data-blurting weighted behaviour conditions. But we’ll be looking over how we communicate these things.

In my experience, when it comes to the less straightfoward tweaks like this, the best loop we can get it explaining what the overarching intent of the change is and then observe both feedback and check data on how it changes the pacing and experience. The current changes are quite mild but is a step on the way of tuning the experience.


interesting - the damage of the bull rush is quite straightforward, it hits things and does its damage to it. Will keep this in mind if we make a pass at making the damage calculations a bit more dynamic and complex, which I have a tendancy to do anyway…


That would be me. Hi!

Melee damage bleeds through based on you current % of toughness - so if you’re at 100% you shouldn’t be taking any damage (edit: There is a min 10% damage even at max toughness, sorry - it’s late over here) . Combined with the toughness gained on melee kills and toughness gained on ability use we hope to reach a balanced yet challenging experience.

Thank you for your feedback.