Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

19 Oct

    [Fatshark] Hedge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It's not unusual for laptops to run at such temps when running games, even gaming ones, to my knowledge (which is fair, but not overly extensive)

Originally posted by Exanta

That would be up to Fatshark. The contest is just run by volunteers. Maybe u/fatshark_hedge?

We love the idea of using fan works for in-game presentation!

But there's a fair few hoops to go through to make it work, and certain rights would be forfeit by the artists... which would be sad. So we haven't pursued it much further. As cool as it would be, the erosion of ownership just puts us off making it a reality.


YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS this is the best contest in all of the contests ever.


Please PM me the URL to your Steam profile, we’ll check it out.


Hi Koffe,

Just a thought, are you using the SteelSeries Engine?


When I had this problem, I switched to DX11. That at least stops the screen stutters and freezes. But you will still drop down to 30-40fps during hordes. No idea why…


Hi, are you using Avast, AVG, SpyBot or 360 Total Security?

18 Oct

16 Oct


I’ve moved your post to the correct category. :wink:

Please let us know if the issue persists after having tried SirKruber’s recommendation above.

15 Oct


On PC we divided it into only the character and a another dlc for the cosmetics. That wasn't possible on consoles so we combined them and lowered the price

    OenKrad on Forums - Thread - Direct

Do correct me if I’m wrong Hedge, but if memory serves…

Aside from the post in this thread that Hedge made, Versus was also stated by the Fatshark CEO that progress was slowed down and delayed because they took manpower from Versus to work on fixing up the base game. This was something players questioned before, but was answered directly by the CEO.

Reorx is correct. Balancing for PvP and PvE will be completely separate so there is no need to worry about balance in that specific regard.

I believe (I could probably find it later) that Versus was intended to be a separate mode entirely from the base game. That way players could buy it, the base game, or both, but would not be forced to get one or the other through a sort of “complete package”. It’s likely that was done to make it so players didn’t feel forced to buy something they didn’t want as some people only want to play PvE or only play PvP.

I could find articles and stuff but I just can’t do that at t...

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Steam went down, we should be back up now.


Originally posted by MortisProbati

I would like the option to have my controls set up as such below:

RT: unchanged

LT: unchanged

RB: Alt Fire (add lots of Alt fires to the game)

LB: Dodge (feel free to swap the bumpers)

LT + RB/LB: (New) add in new block into dodges and block into alt fire attacks

RB + LB: Ult (used in plenty of games)

A/B/X/Y: unchanged

D-pad: down directional call outs wheel or tagging (otherwise unchanged)

Stick clicks:

Right click to call outs wheel or tagging

Left click to ... ??? Profit?

Edit: mobile formatting issues RIP

Edit 2: D-pad stuff because who needs 2 weapon swap buttons?

Using RB+LB for Ult was actually the original implementation but we changed it after feedback. I might add this as an option to free up some more buttons


Hi mathias,
It seems that Steam had a bit of a blip over the last 15-20 minutes. Reports are coming in of that issue seeming to be resolved now - so I suspect this may be why.


Thanks for all the feedback. I'll try to narrow it down to what most people want and will try to come up with some alternate layouts


Originally posted by isorun

On PC, Ranger Veteran has a level 20 talent that makes an ale drop on special kill. I'm not sure if console versions are up to date with the BBB changes, but if so, that is probably what you are seeing.

Drunken Brawler Killing a Special grants 50% chance to drop a bottle of ale. Ale grants 3.0% attack speed and reduces damage taken by 4.0% for 5 minutes when consumed. Can stack 3 times.

Yes, both consoles should be on roughly the same revision as the PC build