Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

08 Aug


Please include the crash report produced.


Is a crash report (containing a long ‘GUID’ string) produced when this occurs? The error from Easy Anti-Cheat is displayed as a result of the service ending abruptly and can be disregarded.


To play Dark Omen, you need to finish Helmgart. To access Weaves you need to beat Dark Omen. Sounds like the onboarding was interrupted by inviting your friend to play Dark Omen directly.

I’ll pass this to the team, thanks :slight_smile:


We have a fix coming, usually it’s related to the Minotaur, so on some difficulties you wont face him and as such wont crash.


Smoker is correct. Most of the challenges weren’t retroactive when they were introduced back in June '18. Sorry for this.


Oh, they do. It didn’t count progress before they were introduced.


Thanks for the report! I had fixed a similar issue that didn’t have time to get merged for the release.
The fix should be included in a patch soon.


Could you all share your PC’s specifications with me please, including your GPU driver version?


Ya stream away!


Yea, myself and my premade are getting them as well. Strangely enough, they don’t disconnect you from the game. So the person who gets it, if they are host, you just let them die and clear the map. When you enter the bubble, everyone still gets a clear and the person with the error will end up back in the keep with the error gone…

07 Aug


Looks to be all good. Will keep tabs until I fall asleep. Thanks for the heads up!


Looks like it could have been a small hiccup. I’m keeping tabs.



FS is looking into it now.


Sweden here. Servers are probably down.


Seems to be worldwide. Server are down I guess.



Constantly, can’t load into the game.


What exactly do you mean? Are you talking about these?


It will record anytime you clear the map with that character class, at whatever difficulty you did it at. Having lvl 30 doesn’t mean you have cleared all the maps with that character class, as you could have done it on another class. For example, I was Kerillian lvl 200+ before I finally got around to clearing all maps on Legend with Shade. As I mostly played Waystalker.


Are you sure it’s not beastmen with spears hitting you from behind other bigger mobs. They have a long reach and are very annoying to fight.

As for flying enemies and so on. That’s normally caused by hosts with a bad CPU or a CPU that can’t keep up. Tell the host to lower his GFX settings.

It sounds like the “Player List Plus” mod and “Smaller network Packets” in network settings in game. That’s a well known bug that also produces the same problems that you are describing.


This is an issue with the Kill Counter mod. Please disable it and let the mod author know via the Steam Workshop page.


I appreciate your ideas, but unfortunately we simply do not have the resource available to us, to be able to revisit reports made here and update accordingly. We’ve stated in our pinned posts that acknowledgement does not necessarily promise change, and at current it’s not something we’re intending to change.