War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

19 Dec


We will certainly be following the feedback on these new voices and how they are received. But it's too soon to talk about anything further than that right now.


U wot m8? You don't like Bri'ish??!

In all seriousness though it's the first major rework of crew voices since Navy was first introduced. We fully appreciate it can't cover ever base from the get go, but we will work to improve it where possible. US voices will come in a future patch.

    OrsonES on Forums - Thread - Direct

Post-war uniforms, a total rehashing of crew voice-overs, as well as a new pack of WWII AI aircraft carriers for air battle modes! Only good news is coming from the sea in the Apex Predators update!

Fall in!

We are pleased to announce new post-war uniforms for the naval crews in all gaming nations. The crews of the later ships and boats in open gun mounts, decks and bridges, as well as those in the rangefinder stations will now have authentic Cold war era uniforms and differs from WWII ships crews.

Tide of emotions

The loudest improvement in the Apex Predators update is the completely reworked voices of fleet officers and crews during a battle. Orders from the captain, reporting of gun crews and ship damage reports are now...

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Post-war uniforms, a total rehashing of crew voice-overs, as well as a new pack of WWII AI aircraft carriers for air battle modes! Only good news is coming from the sea in the Apex Predators update!

Fall in! We are pleased to announce new post-war uniforms for the naval crews in all gaming nations. The crews of the later ships and boats in open gun mounts, decks and bridges, as well as those in the rangefinder stations will now have authentic Cold war era uniforms and differs from WWII ships crews.

Tide of emotions... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

Yes, which is also not a confirmation one is coming. The point was, please don't go round telling people I said something was for sure coming. Otherwise a year later I find myself having to answer 10 pings a day asking where the "XYZ" was that I "promised" a year ago

    OrsonES on Forums - Thread - Direct

War Thunder Screenshot Competition

December week 3 winners

rn_s25 and Taxi (


waon0326k and "The fastrest fighter's Spads;(



Gladem and "Flame of victory" (



LanceLynxx and The Greatest Generation(


VonRichthofen555 and Ghost(

Straights screenshot )

Rewards should be allocated within 2 working weeks from date winners were announced.

Well done and keep up the good job guys!

You can find more interesting content from our players on...

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No it wasn't. All we said is no TT version is coming this patch. We haven't promised another version at all.


Unfortunately it's a technical one. There isn't a system in game yet that allows two seperate types of countermeasures currently to be mounted, controlled and deployed. The Devs were/are trying to find a shorter term solution too, but it's not a quick fix. 1000+ flares would be equally incorrect in the same way. So for the time being the capacity per pod has been increased to 28.


It's not possible to give 28 of each currently without also allowing for a mix load of that value combined. As I said there is currently no way two have two seperate values of differing types inside the same container. So the 28 value will be used until such a time when a mechanic or system can be introduced that allows a mix like this.

If you want to report something or re-raise a report. Feel free to PM me or ask in the appropriate topic. This is however a Tornado topic and nothing to do with the AJ-37. So I'm not sure what your approach is here.


Passed it onto the devs thanks. But it seems they were aware of the chaff element.

Regarding the pods, the number of charges will be increased to 28 per pod for the time being. The devs actually had the info on the 540 chaff, however this would be the first pod that has two differing compartments of size and two differing types inside the same pod. All other launchers we have in game have interchangeable charge compartments.

So until a system is developed that allows for two differing types (flare + chaff) and of two different compartments, the aircraft will use the 28 charge compartment. Its not possible for the pod to take 540 flares, so it cant be that way for the time being. The system will be investigated.