War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

20 Feb


When its on the dev server to test please. Reporting of of the dev streams it no use at all really.


The "outdated and irrelevant" factor was assigned to the Mirage IIIC before it even came. Yet when it finally did, it was and still is one of the most dominant jets in game even without some of the key features of other nations current top jets. At the same time, consider that even the USSR went 1 year between MiG-21SMT and MiG-21Bis. Meanwhile for nations like Germany, their air tree does not reflect the same situation as their ground tree, because its not an area they have much to come in.

Similarly with France, whilst their are still some options remaining for the future and/or


Previously, I and others have spent a lot of time and effort doing just that on many areas. We do everything we can in that area and will always aim to do so when its clearly having an impact.

However as today has shown very clearly, it all becomes rather meaningless when those who you aim to help, do not really want to even have a reasonable discussion. Instead it turns to pointless accusations by some about my nationality (a totally meaningless and inconsequential point, since im not a developer have have 0 control over content) or the same preconceived opinions that wont ever be


In response to, "this year"

Its not as easy as that im afraid.


I dont believe anyone teased anything for the ground tree specifically for this patch? Mike simply said something French.

And no its not an EBR, but considering you yourself were one of the people asking for other version of the EBR to go into the tree. It goes to show that even if we did exactly as you say, it would still be wrong

FYI, it also doesn't take only 30 mins to make another variant. A lot more time.


Indeed there will be things for the French GF tree too. But as I explained in the other thread, we cannot release what they are ahead of time when they are complete and ready to show.


When we are ready to announce it we will. We do not spoil something ahead of time, epically when its not ready yet.


Both domestically designed and tested. There is no reason not to have them in game when they are interesting and well used machines in game.


The devs are. There is something very significant in progress for France, but not ready right now. Its planned for this update and we hope to share more news on it soon.

We already said no new Draken some time ago.


Because its not French. France will have its own vehicles. Austrian domestic vehicles will go into the German tree.


Argentina is not in game. Therefor Germany is most relevant.

The nations linked to that, except the UK who also tested it themselves are not in game. Therefor Britain is most relevant.


Both of the nations of those vehicles do not have a tree in game. Therefor they go in the most relevant tree applicable.

MEXAS was German designed, German produced and is a Leopard in full. Therefor it goes into the German tree.

Class 3P was German designed, German produced and not adopted by South Africa. Therefor it goes into the German tree.

F-5A was designed by America specifically for export to allied nations and one of those nations is in game, used it in large numbers and is entirely historical. The USA will get the F-5 variants it actually used in


There is no Rooikat in the German tree. Only the class 3 which was German designed, produced and never adopted by South Africa.


They designed it, then sold it under licence to Austria who produced it all themselves.


American made solely for export. The only A models the USA had were for training those pilots from nations who purchased the A. Other than that, they were the modified C version used in combat.

US will have its own more meaningful variants it used for itself in the future.


Its the most logical tree for Austrian vehicles to join. They have no relation to France other than the parts that were licence built in Austria anyway.


Except its an entirely German made vehicle with a German armour package.

SK 105 is domestically Austrian.


Austria has a deep historical allied connection to Germany. Just like Finland with Sweden.


Austria is closest in game to Germany. Thus Austrian native vehicles will go into the German tree. The vehicle isn't French. The parts that were of French origin were licence built in Austria.