War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

20 Feb


They have their historical monocolour camo too. These are just extra camos.


S.2 was the first major version after the troublesome S.1. We generally always start with the most significant variant when we plan to expand further later.

We started with that as it coincided with the new HMS Ark Royal:


Its Austrian. Austria is and generally always has been closest to Germany more than anyone else.

The hull and the power unit are Austrian. It also has Israeli parts, the gun is manufactured in Austria under license. Ammunition is also a similar situation. The turret visually is the FL-12 tower, however It is assembled in Austria and completely independently from domestic materials. Austria, is tied closer to Germany than to France in every sense.


The same reason Finland is with Sweden.


If we were to have Austrian vehicles, their closest tree would be Germany.


Except no it cant because thats a technology demonstrator with basically no public information right now


Thank you, but as Ive said before the devs are aware of the aircraft. S.2 is simply the first variant for now.


France has its own domestic vehicles to look forward too in the future.

We have also not shown the whole contents of the patch yet.



Simply explaining how its not automatically French property because it uses a French turret.


The Buccaneer in game never carried Martels. It was later models.


I have no idea why my nationality is relevant here.

I am a Community Manager explaining the facts from the developers to you.

The South African tree is being added. So there is no reason at all to remove vehicles from it and take it away from the tree itself.


Eland is South African and thus going into the South African sub tree where it belongs.

SK-105 is Austrian who are closest to Germany. Only the turret is French. The chassis is Austrian.


Germany already has the Canadian Leopard MEXAS


A German origin Leopard 2 developed by Germany and Poland for use by Poland has no place in the US tree.


Stay tuned to the news next week.


Its the test server. Not final. Things like stat cards / flags are always bugged.


The dev stream is to show some of the major things in the patch. Not everything.

Some things are also not ready to show yet.