War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

08 Nov


And it still remains true what I said. There is nothing more for the British this patch.


Allow me to crush your dreams


Its not. No idea where you got that from but ive already said no German F-4 this patch.


I dont think that matters to them ))


Likely this is the c*ckpit model artists and consultants had access to to take photographs and base it on.


Guys, final warning. Take it to PM, the correct area or the topic gets a cooldown lock and warnings start getting issued.

Dont just carry on an off topic debate after I asked for it to be stopped and moved.


AV-8s currently have AIM-9G just like Harrier GR.3.


Guys, can we please take the off topic "X nation suffers" discussions to the correct place: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/494-ground-forces-discussion/

We are not getting a new US MBT and as I have already said, new shells for both the British and America are not currently planned but may be considered by the developers once a clearer picture is present.

Right now, none of this is on topic.

07 Nov


No new Abrams or MBT. We would have said something already.


We already said this is not happening with the S2 for now. Leclerc is strong enough as it is for the time being.


Maybe just because its the weekend and this may come as a shock, but im not just sat in this topic 24/7


No dev today at least as far as im aware.


As Mustang has already said, we already have and the current presented materials are insufficent for a change.


Please submit a report with your evidence here: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/1957-weapons-and-ordnance/

This isnt the place to report an issue.

06 Nov


If its updates to your model, here is the best place: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/164-videos-screenshots-fan-art/