War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

03 Nov

    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

With the release of the War Thunder: ‘New Power’ update, we are adding new types of AI aircraft carriers to the game that serve as naval bases for aircraft.

More good news for War Thunder pilots is that in the upcoming ‘New Power’ update, several new types of AI aircraft carriers will appear in the game that serve as naval aviation bases in missions with sea and ocean. For these aircraft carriers, we have made fully fledged, highly detailed models that are not inferior in quality to the in-game military fleet.

HMS Ark Royal

The Royal Navy aircraft carrier, one of the first to use an angled landing deck. The ship was laid down as Irresistible, but was renamed in honour of the famous WW2 aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal, from the deck of which Swordfish aircraft took off that inflicted critical da...

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To Dev or not to Dev, that is the question.

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

That's really strange, 42 is good ping. Dunno why you have such problems with sync between what you see, and server.

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

That means you have a huge lag - most probably your ping is too big.

Try to check on what servers you play and maybe try to limit it to one, where your big is lowest?

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you want other players to judge the situation and give you some advice, it's always best to provide server replay - so there will be no lag/pl involved.

You can find them here https://warthunder.com/en/tournament/replay/


SMS Westfalen was one of the first four German dreadnought-type battleships of the Nassau class, built for the Imperial Navy in the late 1900’s. Soon, seasoned captains in War Thunder will have the chance to take the helm of SMS Westfalen as it arrives to the game as one of the first German battleships with the incoming update “New Power”!

In War Thunder, SMS Westfalen will be among the first battleships to join the ranks of the German naval tree in the game after the release of the major update. Being a true lumbering teutonic beast, SMS Westfalen possesses characteristics much akin to other nation’s dreadnoughts, best described as ‘slow, but very deadly’. Let’s take a closer look!

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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/2919981985075825492]here[/url].

02 Nov


Captured, not the same. Harrier was just a gift for the Beijing museum.


China never operated the Harrier at all. XZ965 is the aircrafts serial number. It was given to China as a museum piece.

Germany never operated Harriers. RAF Harriers operated in Germany.


Never built at all. It was cancelled.


Generally never really armed at all. It was more a testbed and demonstration aircraft for what would become Harrier GR.1. So again, no real reason to shoehorn it in when there are plenty of more viable Harrier variants.


Different periods in the games history under different criteria and also different situations.

We are not going to shoehorn in VTOLs for all nations when some nations quite honestly didn't want them, didn't use them and didn't have them. Germany and France are two of those nations.


Pretty sure Mike has already confirmed its not today, but If I really need to say it too:


How many times have you asked this already and how many times have I said be patient?


Actually Harrier was developed from Hawkers P.1127 / Kestrel which began development in the late 1950s and flew in 1960, preceding all of the German projects.

Kestrel was operated by a special squadron made up of British, German and American pilots whos experience and feedback on Kestrel went on to be implemented in Harrier GR.1.


Not the Naval line thats for sure as they are not the Sea Harrier models. They are the RAF GR.1 and GR.3 models.


Germany, Japan and France dont have armed VTOLs. Just testbeds and experimental aircraft they were not armed.

Dont except to see them.

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct


As far as I remember, if you play with friend in squad, you will face someone else in similar squad (so friend squad, not random squad) in enemy team. That's all. No different BR pool etc. And of course higher BR in squad counts, so if your friend got vehicle with, for example BR 0.3 higher than your max, MM will search battle with his BR, not yours.