War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

30 Oct


We have never transferred a premium from one tree to another for those that own it. When you purchase a premium it stays with that nation forever.

If you own the UK one it will stay a UK one. But you can buy a Swedish one now if you want to for GE.


All of the ones not being removed will remain and work just as they do now in their respective trees. So if it's a costal ship, it will be a premium in the Costal Fleet tree.


Yes. It will be a GE premium in the Swedish tree now. So anyone who has it already in the British tree keeps it there as a UK premium, but there is now an option for everyone to purchase it as a GE premium for Sweden.


We already provided a discount for everyone that got the pre-beta PT boat packs for destroyers. They vehicles are not "obsolete". You couldn't research cruisers effectively with them anyways, so nothing has changed in that regard at all. They will be both collectables and still function just the same for the costal Fleet trees.

We are not releasing any new store packs for ships this patch anyway.


In the War Thunder “New Power” update you will meet new hangars for all vehicle types.
Let us take a closer look at them!

Ground vehicle hangar
War Thunder ground vehicles have moved from a tight repair workshop to a spacious military base located in a mountain valley. There is a lot of life here - mechanics have just finished work on preparing the vehicle for the battle, army trucks rush around elsewhere, free crews participate in training honing their shooting skills, overhead aircraft fly over. In closed hangars vehicles from your collection wait their turn. On the flatbed of a military transporter an armoured vehicle that has just arrived at the location waits for you to click on it to learn more about the novelty.

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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/2919981985061912971]here[/url].

Where was this said? We were talking about research and trees, not battles.


Yes, as the video shows, they are now two entirely separate trees.

So most nations will have a tree tab like:

Army / Aviation / Helicopters / Costal Fleet / Blue-water Fleet


Those boats were removed from sale before we even had most Cruisers and Rank V. They also didn't work on above Rank III for effective research.

The two different type of fleets will be two separate trees. So just like you can't research a helicopter with a plane, you won't be able to research a Battleship with a PT boat.

They will now be able to research the new tiers in the costal Fleet tree as well as be collectors items.

29 Oct


HMS Dreadnought was a British battleship from the early 1900’s that revolutionized warship design with its many innovations, setting a standard for a whole generation of warships to come. Soon, this naval legend will be joining the ranks of the British naval tree as one of the first battleships to come to War Thunder as part of the “New Power” major update!

HMS Dreadnought will not just be one of the first battleships to join the ranks of the Royal Navy, but also among the first vessels of this type to arrive in War Thunder. With its powerful guns, heavy armour and steadfast mobility, HMS Dreadnought represents everything battleships are known and respected for and, just like its real-world counterpart, signals the start of a new era for War Thunder’s naval forces!

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Or maybe you keep missing the fact how I and others have said we are not going to start confirming or denying things at this stage. The only things we are commenting on is off topic denials or things relevant to already revealed things.

Please have some patience and stop jumping to conclusions every 5 seconds.


@[email protected]@[email protected]@Smin1080p

Is all I see in my notifications too ))


The PT boats will still be effective in research for the Costal Fleet branches and this change actually comes with some reductions for larger ships as well.

Those ships couldn't research cruisers or any of the higher tier ships effectively their since their research boost only worked up to tier III


Yes, but I think it will be fairly obvious.


We have updated the system requirements on the main website: https://warthunder.com/en/game/about/