World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Dev Tracker

19 Aug

Sixteen of the best Arena World Championship (AWC) teams from North America and Europe will compete in the very last stage of the AWC Battle for Azeroth season. Watch the AWC Battle for Azeroth Circuit live every weekend for four weeks beginning August 22 at 10 a.m. PDT only on YouTube Gaming to see who will compete at the AWC Regional Finals.

Enter the Arena

The top Arena teams in North America and Europe have emerged after a grueling four week-long season of open bracket AWC Cups. They have proven themselves worthy, and now face their biggest challenge. The eight best teams from each region will...

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The Horde and the Alliance face a new challenge within the Shadowlands, but even the most dedicated champions can’t be at their computer all of the time. To stay on top the latest events in Azeroth, you’ll be able to download the free mobile app that lets players take World of Warcraft with you anywhere you go with multiple expansion support—including the new Adventures feature in Shadowlands.

With the updated WoW Companion App, you’ll be able to choose from the Legion, Battle for Azeroth, and Shadowlands expansion to access the content you want on the go, view the latest World of Warcraft news, and set your favorite characters for quick access.

Note: To access each expansion’s content within the app, you’ll need to have first unlocked it within the game.

Plan and Manage Your Shadowlands Adventures

With the updated WoW Companion App, you’ll be able to delve into your role ...

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Get swept away on an auditory journey through the music of the Tides of Vengeance, Rise of Azshara, and Visions of N’Zoth content updates.

Music from Battle for Azeroth: Tides of Vengeance

0:00:00 - Boralus Intro by Sam Cardon, Leo Kaliski
0:00:24 - Kul Tiran Human Allied Race by Sam Cardon
0:17:39 - Kul Tiran Battle by Sam Cardon, Glenn Stafford
0:37:14 – Zandalar Forever by Sam Cardon
0:56:31 – Zandalari Troll Allied Race by Sam Cardon
1:19:43 – Forsaken Flame by Adam Burgess
1:37:17 – Night Warrior by Jason Hayes, Leo Kaliski
1:55:34 – Islands Dark Forest by Glenn Stafford
2:10:59 - Islands Vrykul Longboat by Glenn Stafford
2:22:42 – Crucible Of Storms by Neal Acree, Leo Kaliski
2:29:44 – Windrunner by Sam Cardon
2:39:36 – Warsong Gulch by Glenn Stafford
2:43:13 – Arathi Basin by Glenn Stafford
2:48:44 – A B...

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13 Aug

Prepare to put your tactical skills to the test. In the expansion’s new Adventures feature, you’ll send your allies into the Shadowlands to tackle unique challenges for your chosen Covenant. You’ll need to be strategic about how you take on these combat puzzles, including who you’ll send to face them and how you’ll use their skills to claim victory.

You’ll also be able to check in on and continue your Adventures offline with the WoW Companion App.

A New Way to Adventure

Once you’ve joined your chosen Covenant, you’ll be able to begin undertaking Adventures from the dedicated table within your Sanctum. Through the interface, you’ll be able to view available Adventures, the associated rewards, the cost to undertake them, the state of your units, and how challenging the enemies are within that Adventure. You’ll want to choose a solid mix from your Adventurers, Soulbinds, and troops to create a party o...

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04 Aug

With the completion of the War Effort and the ringing of the gong, the 20-player Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj and 40-player Temple of Ahn’Qiraj become available, luring adventurers into their depths to face the Qiraji—and ultimately, the Old God C’Thun.

The Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj is an outdoor 20-player raid dungeon located in Silithus, and players can traverse much of it while mounted.

Raid Bosses: 6
Level: 60
Location: Kalimdor – Silithus

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03 Aug

The Alliance and the Horde continue to heed the call to arms and soon the Scarab Lords will rise at the ringing of the gong on realms who have completed the war effort and hearken the way into The Temple of Ahn’Qiraj and ruins of Ahn’Qiraj.

The great desert fortress of Ahn'Qiraj, long sealed behind the Scarab Wall, is home to the insectoid qiraji, a savage race set to mount an assault to devastate the continent of Kalimdor. But something far more sinister lurks behind Ahn'Qiraj's walls: the Old God C'Thun, an ancient entity whose pervasive evil had suffused Azeroth since time immemorial.

Join the War Effort

Supplies are needed to fuel the war effort against the sinister forces of Ahn’Qiraj. You’ll need to work alongside other members of your faction to contribute the resources needed open the ancient citadel’s gates ...

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23 Jul

Updated Aug. 18: The achievement Phenomenal Cosmic Power will no longer be obtainable once pre-patch goes live. This is due to certain Rank 4 Essences no longer being available to earn after pre-patch (e.g. Vision of Perfection).

Updated July 24: Added The Hertz Locker achievement to the list of unobtainables (and how to earn it) in the pre-patch tab.

The Mighty Caravan Brutosaur section has been revised to reflect that the accompanying Feat of Strength—Conspicuous Consumption—will be earned if you purchase it from either Battle for Azeroth vendors prior to pre-patch or from the Black Market Auction House afterward.

When Sylvanas Windrunner shatters the veil between worlds, you’ll be leaving Azeroth behind—at least for a time. But before you journey to the Shadowlands, you may want to spend your remaining moments in the mortal realms seeking out a few rewards that will no longer ...

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14 Jul

An all-new official prequel novel to the upcoming Shadowlands expansion penned by New York Times bestselling author Madeleine Roux, Shadows Rising is the next epic tale in our novel series. Shadows Rising is available to purchase on Penguin Random House now.

Read on for a summary of things to come followed by an excerpt straight from the heart of the upcoming expansion prequel novel.

Book summary:

“The Horde is nothing...

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10 Jul

The Shadowlands beta test is right around the corner. To help keep you informed, we’ve rounded up our latest preview articles.

Shadowlands Preview: Soulbinds

Form a Soulbind with key members of your Covenant to gain beneficial traits so you can effectively combat all who stand in your way. [LEARN MORE]

Covenant Systems... Read more

To be cast into the Maw is to be doomed to a bleak eternity. In this tumultuous, hopeless land, the vilest souls in the cosmos are imprisoned and tormented forever. Should the ancient evil chained here break free, all of reality will be consumed.

Return to the Abyss

The Maw is where you’ll begin your journey in the Shadowlands—and after you’ve traveled through the realms of Death, you will once again be called upon to return and face its horrors. Here, you will engage in an ongoing conflict with the Jailer to restore balance to the Shadowlands. Your ventures and accomplishments in this dreadful place will help you better understand your enemy and gain power to withstand his relentless assaults. However, every triumph draws the watchful eye of the Jailer, who will send his forces to assail you until you succumb to darkness.

Before the emergence of mortals who could walk the Maw, the Mawsworn knew their enemies had no hope...
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The venthyr are aristocratic overseers of souls burdened with excessive pride and wickedness. They guide troubled souls upon the rigorous path to atonement, harvesting anima to keep their realm strong.

If you’re seeking a bit of grace wrapped in a bit of sin, then look no further than the aristocratic and elegant Venthyr Covenant. Every day among them brings punishment and reward—though telling the two apart can get a bit fuzzy. But beneath the polish and refinement, the seeds of rebellion against the master of the realm, Sire Denathrius, lie planted. . . .

If you’re a master of discretion and keen on intrigue, then the Venthyr Covenant is waiting for you to join them.


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In the realm of Ardenweald, where spirits of nature are reborn, you will help shape the fate of the night fae by protecting their sacred groves against the vile Drust.

If you choose to return to this twilit realm as an ally of the Night Fae Covenant, the friendships you cultivated during your time in Ardenweald will be ready to take the next step.

The cycle of rebirth in Ardenweald is teetering on the precipice of no return. Every grove that dies to the anima drought and is left to rot has been twisted by the Drust into a thorned gateway to Ardenweald, and its pestilence fuels their wicked magic. If you are to save these umbral wilds from a doomed afterlife under the Drusts’ blackened thumbs, you’ll need to ...

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Among the necrolords, strength is rewarded and weakness cast aside. The souls of the ambitious and contentious are forged into an immortal army charged with the defense of the Shadowlands.

In the birthplace of necromantic magic, those who master the powers of death turn legions of ambitious souls into relentless armies. Should you join the Necrolords, you will take on the role of protector of the Shadowlands and carry the weight of a divided house upon your shoulders. But are you the one that prophecy has foretold?

If you’re a believer in the power of might? Then the Necrolords Covenant just may be where you place your loyalties within the Shadowlands.

The Necr...

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As you journey through the Shadowlands, you will find yourself swept up in the dark tides of the war between the kyrian and Forsworn of Bastion—and your place in kyrian history will not be forgotten.

If you choose to walk in the path of service and pledge yourself to the Kyrian Covenant, the friendships you forged during your time in Bastion will be ready to take the next step.

The battle for Bastion has come to a head. With many of the kyrian left dead in their fight against the Forsworn, the Archon has authorized the use of the last bits of anima to ascend some Aspirants—their final hope in the last stand against the darkness. You will come to their aid by traveling across the realms of Death,...

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In Shadowlands, players will be able to quest through four new zones ruled by ancient and powerful Covenants. Upon reaching the max level of 60, players will be able to join one of these Covenants as they continue to explore the Warcraft universe’s afterlife and the many mysteries and adventures that it holds.

While Covenants have many facets that make them unique, they all share a few key systems.

Choosing a Covenant

As you progress through Shadowlands, you’ll play through each of the four new zones where the Covenants hold dominion, learning about what each Covenant stands for and experiencing some the powers that they offer. Once you’ve completed the narrative campaign and have reached max level, you’ll receive a quest in Oribos allowing you to choose which Covenant you’d like to belong to and begin your new journey as a member.

  • Kyrian: The kyrian are steadfast guardians ...
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During your travels in the Shadowlands, you’ll meet key members from each Covenant—Kyrian, Necrolord, Night Fae, and Venthyr—and, if you choose to walk in their path, you’ll be able to Soulbind with them. Soulbinding allows you to gain access to traits that provide bonuses or enhance your skills so you can effectively combat all who stand in your way.

After hitting max level, you’ll be able to choose to pledge yourself to a Covenant and forge a deep bond with some of their key members, who’ll lend their powers to use as your own. In practice, each Covenant will allow you to form this link with one of three Soulbinds. The first two Soulbinds are available as soon as you join a Covenant and do a little bit of questing—no other activity or currency required. The third Soulbind is unlocked when you complete the Covenant Campaign quest line.

Soulbind UI
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09 Jul

Introducing the new Steamscale Incinerator* mount—now available to add to your collection! This new steam-powered flying behemoth can be purchased in-game or from the Blizzard Shop; you can also get it free for a limited time**, when you purchase a 6-month subscription to World of Warcraft.

Full Steam Ahead!

The fearsome Steamscale Incinerator is a spark-breathing robo-terror that rules the skies wherever it flies. Legends say a mad gnomish inventor had a deranged dream to ride a dragon, so he built this metal monstrosity powered with a trapped demon in order to create "an authentic dragon soul."

Once you’ve purchased the 6 Month subscription from the Blizzard Shop, the Steamscale Incinerator mount will automatically be added to your in-game collection. Welc...

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08 Jul

If you missed the Shadowlands Update live stream, don’t worry—we have you covered. Watch the VoD below to catch up on the latest news for the upcoming expansion.

06 Jul

The Mythic Dungeon International (MDI) is back on YouTube starting July 10th with the MDI Battle for Azeroth Global Finals! Here’s everything you need to know to watch as the best dungeon racing teams in the world compete for their share of the $300,000 prize pool and title of World Champions!


Following the culmination of six incredible weeks of MDI Cup competition the top four teams from Americas and top four from Europe & Asia will be facing off at the Global Finals, July 10-12. Teams will compete in a series of Best of 3, double-elim...

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04 Jul

As a part of our ongoing series of articles featuring many of the collectibles in World of Warcraft, we've set our sights on Mists of Pandaria. The many riches of this expansion are just waiting for you to claim them. There are a variety of ways to lay claim to these mounts, pets, and toys, whether it's from defeating a rare boss, collecting specific currencies, or becoming friends with the natives, you're sure to expand your stash of treasures.


There are a variety of currencies used in Mists of Pandaria. Here are some of the primary types that you'll want to make sure you have at hand.

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