World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Dev Tracker

03 Jan

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Right now that’s an issue with the perception of Shamans. numbers wise shamans can put them up, both Elemental and Enhancement, however the perception of Shamans in 8.0 has led to you guys into having a harder time when in reality you’re perfectly viable. I wish I had a solution to this right now ...

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    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Zandaladins will rise soon™

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

As most pointed out already, you’re talking what I said about a specific thing out of context, while there is some merit of it that can be applied to Mythic+ it was mainly for static difficult content like the Mage Tower that is supposed to be difficult.

There is some merit to the weekly affixes not providing equal weeks of difficulty, this is something hard overall to combat, no matter how you tune them there are going to be easier weeks than others just with the nature of how M+ works. We try our best to tune them though and its a constant iterative process.

It sounds like most of your issues are not from difficulty of content but rather social, players leaving or mad about dps over mechanics so I don’t get the point of quoting the original post or my quote.

As for your Shaman bit at the end, the recent 8.1 tuning has made Shamans more than viable in Mythic+ in all specs. I mean Ele cleave for M+ is quite strong and Resto seems to have a fairly decent represen...

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    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Got to HoA 38 on the main, established my role as a flex healer in my new guild, worked on M Ghuun (we’re almost entering phase 3), did almost the entire +10 FoS(just need Motherlode), Finished up some reps so I’m now 3 away from 100 Exalted reps, made like 300k gold…

I could keep going… but I was only talking about an alt I didn’t put any effort into originally.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

This thread didn’t go the way you thought it was going to did it OP?

You could’ve still laughed about it and poked at the GM a little in a respectful way. It happens.

The Alliance strikes at the heart of the Zandalari empire in the Battle of Dazar’alor, a new raid that provides both Horde and Alliance players with unique encounters for their faction—along with the opportunity to play through events from the opposite faction’s viewpoint. 

Battle of Dazar’alor

For ages untold, Dazar’alor has stood at the center of the great and powerful Zandalari empire. Its guards have thwarted numerous attempts on King Rastakhan’s life, and it has endured trials both ancient and new. But as war reaches the shores of Zuldazar, the Alliance embarks on a daring gambit to besiege the golden pyramid and sever the Zandalari’s bond to the Horde.

Raid bosses: 9
Difficulties: Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic, Mythic
Level: 120
Raid Finder Minimum Item Level: 350

Raid Unlock Schedule
January 22 –...

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02 Jan

    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all –

There were a number of changes to Island Expeditions in the Tides of Vengeance content update. Now that they have been live for several weeks, we wanted to take a moment and get your thoughts on them. It can be about anything you have experienced but here are some questions to open things up: How have the changes felt? Have things improved? Has anything gotten worse? What rewards have you been getting?

If you haven’t tried Islands out at all since the latest content update, before commenting please go ahead and try out a few and let us know what you experienced.

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and Happy New Year!

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

A huge...

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    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ion already spoke at length about this in the last Q&A but we admit it doesn’t feel good. The lack of reduction really only negatively affects very high end players pushing for absurdly high Azerite levels, we’re talking 40-44 (looking at you Myppoo you insane person you). For anything under that the levels are still within reasonable amounts to gain another level, plus 37-38 is all that you need to get ring 3 on even Mythic Dazar’alor gear.

We know it doesn’t feel good to put in more work to unlock the exact same traits you just had, and we sa...

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    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

The weekly reduction makes a huge difference on alts. I was able to get my DK to 120 and HoA lvl 17 over the Christmas break with no actual grinding. The account wide Champions of Azeroth credit is great but the weekly reduction is more than enough for alts.

01 Jan

31 Dec

30 Dec

29 Dec

28 Dec