World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Dev Tracker

08 Jan

    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

The blog was the focus for the discussion:

If you post it here though I’ll pass it on too!


07 Jan

    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

We didn’t make a thread here because it’s meant to be more of a discuss...

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    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Happy New Year everyone!

Just wanted to pop in here to give everyone a heads up to some fixes to Isle of Conquest which we’re deploying momentarily. This is mainly to fix the issue where players can deal significant damage to the Generals with the Glaive Thrower, but we also wanted to throw in some other tuning changes while we were at it.

• Fixed a bug where the Generals were taking too much damage from the Glaive Thrower’s “Blade Salvo” ability.
• The General’s “Dagger Throw” ability will now be a bit less lethal.
• The Generals will no longer reset their health to full when leashed.
• Repairing a Keep Cannon can no longer be interrupted from damage.
• Glaive Throwers health increased by 30%, and their damage done to players has been increased.

Thanks for your continued discussion and feedback, and we’re glad everyone is enjoying Epic Battlegrounds! We look forward to everyone being able to experience the return of Wintergrasp soon, as well...

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    Bornakk on Forums - Thread - Direct

I want to thank everybody who took the time to put together their thoughts on the feature and especially so for those who focused on the changes in Tides of Vengeance.

I’ll be locking this thread as I have compiled and passed on the feedback at this point. It is valuable to see where opinions align so I truly appreciate it.

05 Jan

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

The hole must go deeper… I have a manager, so I have a Manager of Community(the team) but I’m a Community Manager.

(repeat joke for each step above)

04 Jan

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

You’ll get to have combo sword spec, which is an experience.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

Probably tanks or healers, the usual.

Definitely not Warriors or Rogues though… there won’t be a shortage in that department. :joy:

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

The discussion on Game Masters during the original launch versus what is done in the modern support structure is interesting. There were a lot of things learned on the fly during the original launch because of how fast everything had to expand to keep up with the player demand. These processes were heavily refined over the years as well.

I don’t have anything to share on this subject at the moment, but I just wanted to weigh in that I think it is an interesting discussion, considering how much changed in this specific aspect over the past 14 years.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s definitely doable if you start working on it.

I picked up Unholy over the break and managed to get to 1800 without ever playing Unholy before. Helps to have some knowledge though of course.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct

You managed to sneak this by me and my guild made fun of me for it.

    Ythisens on Forums - Thread - Direct


Classic is coming. That’s all I got to share right now. <3

03 Jan